i that situation i did not why i get warn and did not did anything wrong all the thing is that my friend call me saying that the person with id 58717 provoking my friend because my friend give him fine because he was puting his heli in place illegal and in that place that he was park on it allways administartion com and explose the heli however when i go to my friend to see whats hapening this person start provoking me and i was trying to tell him to let me talk but he didi not and he still provoking me and didnt say anything bad to him just was talking about situation i just explain to him why he get the fine and you can see the way he was speaking with it that is was not respectful in the way he speaking and you can check the pov that he put it on me there is nothin to get warning for it plz guys help me with that because iam oppressed in that
i need my Right
i need my Right