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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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Safwan Khan
Administrators nickname
Feb 5, 2025

Habibi Safwan

Jun 5, 2023
Hello Dear. Adham

I got banned because of Mass rule violatiaon and clearly I see that there is no reason for this ban.
I will explain to you all the violations that I have committed on the server since I started on it

1- Approved - Gen Rule 3.1, Provoking, Ear Rape I ID 40306
2- Reviewed - RDM | 40306
3- Reviewed - RDM | 40306
4- Approved - RDM | ID 81607 | 82200
5- Approved - Mentioning religon | ID 37335
6- Approved - maas rule berak | lspd ID | 49277

7- Approved - Gr 3.1 ID | 41429
8- Approved - Deceiving Admins I 40306
9- Approved - CL | 40306,105425
These are all the formats that I was punished for on website, the formas against breaking the rules.

Let me talk about myself first, I have been playing in this city since approximately 2/2/2024 and it has been a year since I have been in this city. I am known in the city as a good person and I like to help people and I do not like problems and if something came from me or anything, there is definitely a reason for this thing.

The second thing I will talk about is this punishment which is (Mass rule violatiaon). First I got banned because of er 1.7 and I had a photo and I had everything and I uploaded the first form and it was rejected by Mr Floki ( Rejected - Ban for Er 1.7 (fam war) | Kevin Balenciga ) .

After that I uploaded another forum because there was a misunderstanding I think in the first form and in the second forum it gave me this response (Punishment changed to mass rule violation.) and I don't know why really ( Rejected - Ban for Er 1.7 (fam war) | Kevin Balenciga ) .

I will explain to you and I want you to read the whole form from beginning to end
First of all, I love this city because all my friends are in it and I know that I might have made a mistake, but I love this city and I have many friends and memories. This is certain and I hope that you give me a chance, even if only one. I have not broken any rules and I really do not do that, but I will be careful not to do anything that breaks or violates the rules of the city. All I want from you, Mr. Adam, is one chance. I do not want to leave my friends and leave the memories and leave all the beautiful months
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