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Sienna Kensington

Stealing yo muhfuking Lawn Mower!
Aug 1, 2022
Name: Jose Esquella
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: Spanish
Place of Birth: San Felipe, Mexico
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black
Left arm sleeve -
A reminder of Jose's past life in crime

Right arm sleeve -
Two in-complete Catholic pieces as a reminder to those whom he was brought up with
Great driving skills
Excellent pilot
Quick headed
Untrustworthy at times

Life Story:
José Esquella, born on June 15, 1992, San Felipe, Mexico. Where he grew up in a small fishing town just south of the border.
Raised by a single mother and had endured multiple injustices and hardships.

During his teen years, he was smuggled across into the state of California and ended up residing in Los Santos in attempts to run from
his current life in the search for a better and more rewarding life.

Once Jose settled, he enrolled onto a Bachelor's degree in Criminology and Law Enforcement from the University of San Andreas.
Throughout his education he exhibited exceptional analytical skills with a deep understanding of criminal psychology which led to gaining
a degree in Criminal Justice.

Career Story:
Throughout his career, José had gained extensive experience in handling high-pressure situations and confronting high-level criminal
threats, participated in numerous joint operations with other agencies. His proficiency in firearms and tactical operations, combined with his ability to remain calm under extreme stress, has earned him a certain reputation as a skilled officer and detective.

However, throughout his career he became entangled in a web of corruption within the department. Overtime he became disillusioned with
the justice system. Because of this is José started to engage in illegal activities, accepting bribes up to abusing his power within the office.

As his activities progressed José started manipulating evidence, fabricating alibis and even disclosing sensitive information for his
beneficial gain or to evade any violations within the justice system.

Although with all this experience he had gained, it however did not stop the Department of Justice and the assistance of other
agencies obtain evidence of capital crimes being committed. However no such evidence would be able to be held within a courtroom.


1 - José can lie about requesting an attorney, or deny one.
2 - José can loot/take weapons from gang members and other criminals to use them to his advantage even if they are illegal.
3 - José can buy/sell weapons on the black market.
4 - José can rob/kill criminals in the ghetto, or kidnap and rob them in a quiet place.
5 - José can abuse his status and power to help his family members escape the prison or remove them from the wanted list.
6 - José can accept bribes of up to $100,000 maximum or illegal items.
7 - José can leak classified information to friends, family or gangs for money.
8 - José can destroy people's bodycams with /try. (2x per situation)
9 - José can detain anyone that he does not like with fake charges.
10 - José can rob/kill with his family members while off-duty.
Last edited:

Spike Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Oct 5, 2022
On Consideration

Adjustment Required, Fix the outcome below, Failure todo will result Rejection.

Outcome 9: to extended, split into 2 outcomes

Spike Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Oct 5, 2022

Fix the outcome and apply for bio again in 7 days.
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