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Approved Stealing car from GZ, exploiting bugs, Running to Gang HQ within 5 minutes of chase | ID 56266, ID 50881

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Players nickname
Hank Crawford
Suspect ID
56266, 50881
Date of violation
Aug 30, 2021
Time of violation


Jun 23, 2021
In these clips you can see the green gang kids ram my car out from the GZ steal it and run into the gang HQ, for some reason the clip gets cut abruptly in the end as i used medal to record and my game crashed but several people with me can vouch that he stayed in the hq.

I want to know that will i get my 280k taken for the car to take out from towing, back? because i had no fault at all in parking my car and then these kids ruin the rp experience for everyone and all they get is a warning or demorgan. At the the end of the day they get to keep their money and i lose my money how is this fair? and what is stopping them from doing this again and again? If any admin/god could help with this it would really be helpful. Thanks for reviewing my report !! :) :)


Arthur Mack

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
May 16, 2021
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report.

• ID 56266 will recieve a punishment for evading server script to rob a vehicle.

• Since ID 21007 was heard disrespecting server rules, the player will get severe punishment for Metagaming which will include 3.5 hours of demorgan followed by a 3 hour mute. Please do not repeat this in future or there will be worse punishment.
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