Hello Admins,
I got banned for GR 1.9, Where i sold my apartment on government value to one of my friend that is 550k around and today unknowingly we exchange valentine gift and then he gave me 2 gifts ,as i am opening ,Now unknowingly we did tax evade as he gave me gift and yesterday he gave me RP ticket . I know its a mistake from our side and we r sorry for that we didn't want to do any tax evade ,and we respect each and every rule of the server as well as the administrator.
As told by Admins I am aggreging to money wipe in my account. And i make sure not to do any kind of mistake which will lead to ban me or which would harm any server rules
Best Regards
Flex Baby
I got banned for GR 1.9, Where i sold my apartment on government value to one of my friend that is 550k around and today unknowingly we exchange valentine gift and then he gave me 2 gifts ,as i am opening ,Now unknowingly we did tax evade as he gave me gift and yesterday he gave me RP ticket . I know its a mistake from our side and we r sorry for that we didn't want to do any tax evade ,and we respect each and every rule of the server as well as the administrator.
As told by Admins I am aggreging to money wipe in my account. And i make sure not to do any kind of mistake which will lead to ban me or which would harm any server rules
Best Regards
Flex Baby