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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Gizem Redania
Administrators nickname
Floki Vilgeroarson
Feb 27, 2025

Gizem Redania

Jan 5, 2024
Hello, dear chief admins, curators
I hope you are doing well.
I have been an active player on the platform for a long time and serve as a family founder and i have put so much effort in this game and spent so much money. I got blacklisted for helping ban evader by bobby but i cannot help anybody while i was already banned so it is obivious that i got banned for something that i didint do this is not fair i agree to have all my money wiped and my only request is that my account be unbanned. i havent done anything wrong you can pc check me or log check i havent done anything wrong i kindly request my ban to be lifted. I will follow the server rules more carefully. I respect your decision but this is unfair! theres so much proof that i can show i just need to know the rewiewing admin and then i can send him in mails
Thank you for your time.
Best regards from
Gizem Redania.

Gizem Redania

Jan 5, 2024
I have been an active player on the platform for a long time and as a family founder, I have contributed both time and financially to the game. I have enjoyed playing the game and plan to invest more. However, I have been blacklisted by Bobby for allegedly assisting in a kidnapping.

This is completely unfair because I cannot help anyone when I am already banned from the game. So, it is clear that I have been penalized for something I did not do. I believe that I acted in accordance with the server rules and I certainly did not do anything wrong.

My request

1. I request that my account be reinstated.
2. I agree to reset all my in-game funds to zero.
3. I want my computer and game logs to be analyzed.
4. I demand that the IP address of the person who caused me to be banned be checked and that my IP address be checked as well.
5. If a banned player can log into the game, it should be investigated how this is possible.

I would also like to know which administrator assessed my punishment. I have evidence I can provide and would like to email it to the relevant administrator. I was not warned in any way during this process and my punishment may be the result of deliberate entrapment.

Gizem Redania

Jan 5, 2024
Proof :

The blacklisted guy sended me some proofs and it is obivious that he has been blacklisted and entered the game somehow but he talks with diana and tells him that he already has been banned what will happen if he joins my family, redania family. Diana stern tells him you will get caught and the person used voice chancing program and asked diana did my voice chance diana said yes. But diana stern made a huge mistake and told him you will get caught but diana had to ban him right there but diana didint ban him?


Adulthood caught up to mee qweqweqweq
Sep 11, 2023
Gizem Sad how you dont understand anything about admin work. The person might be fooling around, Diana does not even have proofs he is blacklisted or ban evading. Admin needs strict proof to process these things. He was just playing through the act as he thought it was a joke. Well you want this server to work like someone says he is blacklisted and the admin should agree to it? You dont know a penny about the work of admins. It is well mentioned that every proof should be checken before professing a ban or punishment and FYI your punishment is non appealable and why does he wants to join your family? maybe he is the one you helped and why specifically deputy also? you are just digging your grave deeper and deeper. Quit the act. why do u even have contact with a blacklisted player? Still means you are not innocent
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