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Hako Smoke

Nov 14, 2024
Family Name : SMOKE
Family Owner : Hako Smoke | 183221
Family House Number : 435
Family Owners Discord : hakancevik97
Leader Forum Name : hakosmokefam

Hako Smoke from the Antalya Cartel decides to flee to Los Santos because he can no longer find shelter in Turkey. Not wanting to go to Los Santos alone, Hako Smoke arrives in Los Santos illegally on a freighter with his best friend and right-hand man Furi Narko.
Meanwhile, they realize that gangs and families are flourishing in Los Santos.
They see that these gangs and families have become very rich in the city through illegitimate means. Hako, who is new to Los Santos, decides to use these illegitimate ways to earn his money and gain power and authority in the city. Later, while looking for more friends along the way, he meets 3 of his friends who are drug dealers in the ghettos of the city and together they form the SMOKE family to grow even bigger.So the SMOKE family, who have a certain amount of money and status by trading weapons and drugs, are looking for a house big enough for them, they meet “Joseph Lotus” who has a certain status in the city and has experience in illegitimate business, so they buy the house they want. There are no more obstacles for the SMOKE family, who want to take over the business and the city in Los Santos, and their adventures will continue in this way.

Family Goals:
1- Participate in all family events.
2- To reach on the top 10 Family Ranking.
3- Holding profitable businesses
4- Helping members who are new in the city.

Family Rules:
1. Follow server rules
2. Provide a non-toxic environment both inside and outside the family.
3. Respect all players and managers
4. Family attire should be worn at family events or raids.
5. We will not tolerate racism of any kind

Ranking System:
- Founder of the family.
(9)Leader - Co-Founder of the Family and has the power of deputy.
(8)Deputy - The person who helps the boss the most and has power over other members of the family
(7)Under Deputy - Who serves as an adviser to the deputy.
(6)Turfer - Extremely Skilled Shooters.
(5)Master - Members with decent shooting skills
(4)Gangster -Members who have more knowledge than the shooter and have more experience then shooter.
(3)Shooter - Who have Proper knowledge of the city rules and actively participate in family events.
(2)Soldier - Those who have basic knowledge of the city rules.
(1)Newbie - Newcomer,Who are new in the city and learning the city rules.

Family Logo:

Family Clothes:


berkay miller

Feb 17, 2025
Soyadı : SMOKE
Aile Sahibi : Hako Smoke | 183221
Aile Ev Numarası : 435
Aile Sahipleri Discord : hakancevik97
Lider Forum Adı : hakosmokefam

Antalya Karteli'nden Hako Smoke, artık Türkiye'de barınak bulamadığı için Los Santos'a kaçmaya karar verir. Los Santos'a tek başına gitmek istemeyen Hako Smoke, en yakın arkadaşı ve sağ kolu Furi Narko ile birlikte bir yük gemisinde yasadışı olarak Los Santos'a gelir.
Bu arada Los Santos'ta çetelerin ve ailelerin çoğaldığını fark ederler.
Şehirde bu çetelerin ve ailelerin gayri meşru yollarla çok zengin olduklarını görürler. Los Santos'a yeni gelen Hako, parasını kazanmak ve şehirde güç ve otorite kazanmak için bu gayri meşru yolları kullanmaya karar verir. Daha sonra, yol boyunca daha fazla arkadaş ararken şehrin gettolarında uyuşturucu satıcısı olan 3 arkadaşıyla tanışır ve birlikte daha da büyümek için SMOKE ailesini oluştururlar. Böylece silah ve uyuşturucu ticareti yaparak belli bir miktarda para ve statüye sahip olan SMOKE ailesi, kendilerine yetecek büyüklükte bir ev ararken, şehirde belli bir statüye sahip ve gayri meşru işlerde deneyimli olan "Joseph Lotus" ile tanışırlar ve istedikleri evi satın alırlar. Los Santos'ta işi ve şehri ele geçirmek isteyen SMOKE ailesi için artık hiçbir engel kalmamıştır ve maceraları bu şekilde devam edecektir.

Aile Hedefleri:
1- Ailenizle birlikte yapacağınız tüm etkinliklere katılın.
2- Aile Sıralamasında ilk 10'a girmek.
3- Karlı işletmeler tutmak
4- Şehre yeni gelen üyelere yardımcı olmak.

Aile Kuralları:
1. Sunucu kurallarına uyun
2. Ailenin hem içinde hem dışında toksik olmayan bir ortam sağlayın.
3. Tüm oyunculara ve yöneticilere saygı gösterin
4. Aile etkinliklerinde veya baskınlarında aile kıyafetleri giyilmelidir.
5. Hiçbir tür ırkçılığa müsamaha göstermeyeceğiz.

Sıralama Sistemi:
- Ailenin kurucusu.
(9)Lider - Ailenin kurucu ortağıdır ve vekalet yetkisine sahiptir.
(8)Vekil - Patrona en çok yardım eden ve ailenin diğer üyeleri üzerinde gücü olan kişi
(7)Vekil Altında - Vekilin danışmanı olarak görev yapan kişi.
(6)Turfer - Son derece yetenekli atıcılar.
(5)Usta - İyi atış becerilerine sahip üyeler
(4)Gangster - Nişancıdan daha fazla bilgiye ve daha fazla deneyime sahip olan üyeler.
(3)Nişancı - Şehrin kuralları hakkında yeterli bilgiye sahip olan ve aile etkinliklerine aktif olarak katılan.
(2)Asker - Şehrin kuralları hakkında temel bilgiye sahip olanlar.
(1)Yeni Başlayanlar - Şehre yeni gelenler ve şehir kurallarını öğrenenler.

Aile Logosu:

Aile Giysileri:


Mar 5, 2025
Family Name : SMOKE
Family Owner : Hako Smoke | 183221
Family House Number : 435
Family Owners Discord : hakancevik97
Leader Forum Name : hakosmokefam

Hako Smoke from the Antalya Cartel decides to flee to Los Santos because he can no longer find shelter in Turkey. Not wanting to go to Los Santos alone, Hako Smoke arrives in Los Santos illegally on a freighter with his best friend and right-hand man Furi Narko.
Meanwhile, they realize that gangs and families are flourishing in Los Santos.
They see that these gangs and families have become very rich in the city through illegitimate means. Hako, who is new to Los Santos, decides to use these illegitimate ways to earn his money and gain power and authority in the city. Later, while looking for more friends along the way, he meets 3 of his friends who are drug dealers in the ghettos of the city and together they form the SMOKE family to grow even bigger.So the SMOKE family, who have a certain amount of money and status by trading weapons and drugs, are looking for a house big enough for them, they meet “Joseph Lotus” who has a certain status in the city and has experience in illegitimate business, so they buy the house they want. There are no more obstacles for the SMOKE family, who want to take over the business and the city in Los Santos, and their adventures will continue in this way.

Family Goals:
1- Participate in all family events.
2- To reach on the top 10 Family Ranking.
3- Holding profitable businesses
4- Helping members who are new in the city.

Family Rules:
1. Follow server rules
2. Provide a non-toxic environment both inside and outside the family.
3. Respect all players and managers
4. Family attire should be worn at family events or raids.
5. We will not tolerate racism of any kind

Ranking System:
- Founder of the family.
(9)Leader - Co-Founder of the Family and has the power of deputy.
(8)Deputy - The person who helps the boss the most and has power over other members of the family
(7)Under Deputy - Who serves as an adviser to the deputy.
(6)Turfer - Extremely Skilled Shooters.
(5)Master - Members with decent shooting skills
(4)Gangster -Members who have more knowledge than the shooter and have more experience then shooter.
(3)Shooter - Who have Proper knowledge of the city rules and actively participate in family events.
(2)Soldier - Those who have basic knowledge of the city rules.
(1)Newbie - Newcomer,Who are new in the city and learning the city rules.

Family Logo:

Family Clothes:
Best FAM.
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