We had just finished the gang raid on Ballas, and I was about to join the Sphere of Influence when 116630 (a Ballas member) killed me as I was trying to run to the other side. After that, they patched me up only to kill me again, seemingly to extend the time needed to rob me. i think it was PG
Later, during the robbery, 116630 searched me again even though my hands were not in the air. Toward the end, 95715 started ear-raping.
Note: The POV is not laggy—it's my game. Also, I've used 0000 as the suspect ID since the form cannot accommodate too many.
Thank you.
Later, during the robbery, 116630 searched me again even though my hands were not in the air. Toward the end, 95715 started ear-raping.
Note: The POV is not laggy—it's my game. Also, I've used 0000 as the suspect ID since the form cannot accommodate too many.
Thank you.