your friend boxing in gun fight u got block engine and demand also u start shooting. and mk when u kill someone, and someone FINISH him to escape from rp situation and that fully different they must post the MK not u
Family Information
Family Name: Power Family
Family House Number: N.658
Leader IN Game Name and ID: Karrar Power|195
Leader's Forum Account:Karrar Altaqi
Leader Discord Tag: K678
Family Rules
1-You should know the rules of the city and you should follow them literally. And in case of violation...
Hello Dear admins
I got warning for RDM.
first of all, the police taking my family member after that we stop their Engine and kill them. As you can see in the officer POV.
BTW the officer using personal car for 10-15 and when we stop the engine he stays in car while we shoot that's not fear...
---- Dear Mrs. bobby, Floki ----
I was Ban due to the reason of me not having Pov of harbor event, Due to electric shutdown. I was recording for the event and due to the electricity shutting off it turned off my whole house connection it caused it to turn off my PC. I live in Iraq and sometime...
Hello Dear Floki
I got ban for GR 1.9 for buying car for 1k for family usage then I passed all the cars to the next fam leader which all the cars are in the family still none of them have been taken out of the fam. All the cars are being used for family purposes only.
Thanks For Your Time!!
Hello dear administrators,
I got ban for gen 1.9 I think because I sold cars for 1k but I'm selling them to the family leader to put them at family and we ask an admin he said it allows to sell for 1k as a donation for family.
thank you for your services.
Bro, I don't have the Pov for this exact time because its electricity cut so I couldn't save it Couse I'm living in Iraq, and u can search that's our electricity not good it's not my fault. but to make sure I'm not cheating that's Pov after I open my pc again ( ).
BTW that not the first time...
Hello dear admin,
I got warn for CL I haven't been in city for long time I forgot that my internet is restarting in subs game time.
Here is my POV.
Thanks for your help.
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