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IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

Can Vurdurur

Dec 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL :Can
2. Your age : 24
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 5-6
5. Your Discord: Cann_you
6. Your Nickname: Can Vurdururr
7. Your ID: 79722

  1. There are several reasons why I want to become an admin and transition from RP life. Firstly, I believe I can contribute more to the community as an administrator. With my moderation and management skills, I feel I can help create a safer, more sustainable, and enjoyable environment for everyone. Additionally, I want to have a broader impact and contribute to the growth of the community as an admin.
  2. My strengths include strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and a knack for teamwork. I can also maintain composure and act calmly even in challenging situations.
  3. Among my weaknesses, I sometimes tend to get caught up in details and may struggle with time management. However, I'm aware of these weaknesses and constantly strive to improve upon them.
  4. Skills I can bring to the admin team include effective communication, problem-solving, leadership, and empathy. Additionally, I have technical skills and experience in community management.
  5. Yes, I would be ready to sell my business.
  6. There are no real-life issues or situations currently or in the near future that would prevent me from being active.
  7. There's nothing specific you need to consider for my application, but I want to emphasize my dedication and commitment to the community. I am fully prepared to take on the responsibilities of an administrator and contribute to the development of the community.

kakuza bolo

May 9, 2024
Your name IRL-Prabhnoor
Your age (OOC):17
Time zone + country:GMT+5:30
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (12:00 to 16:30
Average online per day(hours): 4-6 hrs
Your Discord ID:.naruto_sasuke12
Your characters' name (IC):Kakuza bolo
Your in game ID:139383
Your in game level:10
Languages spoken:English,hindi
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): state

Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
I want to become admin because many times I have been in troubles and I call admins they don't answer me and don't help me. One time one player reported without reason and the didn't ask anything to or he asked for my POV I don't want people get in troubles without reason by whenever I will be active i will always help those type of people who are new in rp and don't know rules and I have very good experience in legal orgs as well as in illegal orgs
What are your strengths
I don't fear if there's any highcommand if there is his mistake I will say him or complaint about him and I always learn from my mistakes
What are your weaknesses?
Cars,bikes are my love
What skills can you bring to the admin team?
I can say them to don't forgive their friends or their relative if he is doing something wrong doesn't matter if his friend is any admin we have to punish them
Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)-yes
Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
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Daddy Sharma

Mar 27, 2024
Your name IRL: Akshaj Sharma
Your age (OOC): 16years
Time zone + country: GMT+5:30
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 12:00 to 17:00
Average online per day(hours): 5-6hours
Your Discord ID: itsopzolo
Your characters' name (IC): Daddy Sharma
Your in game ID: 87949
Your in game level: 18years
Languages spoken: English and Hindi
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State

Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
1.Becoming an admin provides a high level of control over the game environment and other players, allowing for the enforcement of rules and making impactful decisions.
2.Admins often have access to exclusive powers or abilities that regular players do not possess, which can make the gameplay have many experiences, like in legal organizations like SAHP i started from start to Cheif
3.Becoming an administrator would provide me with the opportunity for career growth and advancement within an organization. Admins are responsible for managing resources, time, and people. 4.i enjoy the server like i'm SAHP officer for last 4- 5 terms, 2X chief of HR 1X chief of STAFF and currently Cheif of HR.
What are your strengths?
1.Always heed orders from above Recognize my errors and don't make the same ones again.
2.Ability to multitask and manage multiple projects simultaneously, and i take time to watch the problem from both sides to make a perfect decision
What are your weaknesses?
1.I know everything very well, I understand but i found that My greatest weakness is that sometimes i become very emotional toward people..
What skills can you bring to the admin team?
1.I can learn new things easily. I know how to solve situation . I have good experience in the server.
Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Yes but i don't have any so no problem
Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
No not soon
Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
No i am a fare player and everything even good records

.Lazy Pluxury

May 9, 2024
  1. Your name IRL
  2. Your age (OOC):
  3. Time zone + country:
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):
  5. Average online per day(hours):
  6. Your Discord ID:
  7. Your characters' name (IC):
  8. Your in game ID:
  9. Your in game level:
  10. Languages spoken:
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime):
Additional information
  1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
  2. What are your strengths?
  3. What are your weaknesses?
  4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
  5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
  6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
  7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
The administrator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

  1. Your name IRL: Raghav
  2. Your age (OOC): 19
  3. Time zone + country: IST+5 , India
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 6:00 to 12:00
  5. Average online per day(hours): 6hours
  6. Your Discord ID: lazypluxury
  7. Your characters' name (IC): Lazy Pluxury
  8. Your in game ID: 105360
  9. Your in game level: 15
  10. Languages spoken: English/Hindi
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime
Additional information
  1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
After spending a lot of time playing various RP projects, I've gained a ton of experience. Now, I feel ready to move from being just a citizen in our beloved Grand city to taking on a role as an admin. My goal is to ensure that everyone has a fair and enjoyable RP experience. I want to be able to judge situations fairly and make sure everyone feels heard and respected and I want to stop people who breaks rules of server and i want to stop them and i can only make it possible by be an admin and i try to help my best to make this Project most successful.

2. What are your strengths?

I'm mostly calm and know how to handle situations
I can speak multiple languages and I got solid speaking skills.

3. What are your weaknesses?

I can get angry sometimes.
Being kind to people who don't deserve it sometimes.

4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?

I'm good at talking with others, solving problems, and adjusting to changes. These skills help me work well with my team, find solutions to problems, and handle different situations smoothly.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Yes But I Don’t Have any

6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

No issues

7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

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Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Senior Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Congratulations to all these people, you have been selected for admin assistant interviews

1- Tulika Singh - 117816 - aryanwick

Contact me on discord regarding interviews​

Nathan son

Apr 1, 2024
1.Your name IRL: piyush
Your age (OOC):16
Time zone GMT+5:30 country: India
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):8:00 to 18:30
Average online per day(hours):10 hours
Your Discord ID: piyush19200
Your characters' name (IC): Nathan son
Your in game ID:102103
Your in game level:15
Languages spoken: Hindi, English
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime):State
Additional information
Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
As I have the experience of many legal organisation I thought let's try something new and as experience something as Leo
I have seen that many people break many rules so I want to change that and I want increase some members so I want to join admin and left RP life because I have so much fun playing here and I want to contribute to the server I will put hours doing my jobs and I think I could change many thing and it's my dream to contribute towards the server

What are your strengths?
I can treat players well
I can put many hours in work
I can learn things easily

What are your weaknesses?
Can be too nervous at the starting of the job

What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Communication skills
Polite behaviour
A good work attitude
And some good suggestion

Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
I have some temporary issue so I will be not in game but it will be fix soon

Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your
Not that much but I will let you tell that I know my IC age could low if you guys like please select me or if you guys see any other good guys get them I have no problem if they are good than me but I will be keep trying till I achieve my goal
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sergei pasa

Jan 7, 2023
I've been following brother Anil for a while and I'm hanging out with him really quietly, a man who doesn't mess with anyone, a well-intentioned person

may Luck Be on Your Side, Mr. .Anil❤️❤️❤️

berk snowflake

May 8, 2024
Your name IRL: Berk
Your age (OOC): 17years
Time zone + country:
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 7=24
Average online per day(hours): 8/10 hours
Your Discord ID: tcGediz
Your characters' name (IC): tcGediz Snowflake
Your in game ID: 146016
Your in game level: 10
Languages spoken: English and turkish Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
  1. There are several reasons why I want to become an admin and transition from RP life. Firstly, I believe I can contribute more to the community as an administrator. With my moderation and management skills, I feel I can help create a safer, more sustainable, and enjoyable environment for everyone. Additionally, I want to have a broader impact and contribute to the growth of the community as an admin.
What are your strengths? 1= I adhere to orders and rules with my life 2= I use powerful weapons and I will teach a lesson to those who oppose me with weapon power. What are your weaknesses? 1= I get angry very quickly 2= I can't stand insults What skills can you bring to the admin team? 1= I learn everything fast 2= I adapt very quickly to my comrades. Will you be ready to sell your business? I don't have a business but I'm always ready to sell it. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon? no not soon Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
no no need


Akif Deadly

Sep 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Akif
2. Your age (OOC): 18
3. Time zone + country: GMT+5 Pakistan
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format): 04:30 to 6:00, 16:00 to 19:00
5. Average online per day(hours): 4 to 5 hours
6. Your Discord ID: akif6994
7. Your characters' name (IC): Akif Cassanoo
8. Your in game ID: 79140
9. Your in game level: 24
10. Languages spoken: English, Hindi
11. What section would you prefer to be curator of (State or Crime): Crime

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

Ans: I spend a lot of time in the city and I am familiar with many of the rules in Grand RP. I have enough experience to become an admin and help players in need, while also ensuring that no one breaks any server rules. I have held high-ranking positions in Both Legal and Illegal organizations, which has given me a good level of experience in this area. I view the admin role as a responsibility and I believe that I am capable of handling this responsibility.

2. What are your strengths?
- I am very Friendly.
- Quick Learner

3. What are your weaknesses?
- Overthinking
- easily trust on everyone

4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?

Ans: Dedication, Teamwork,

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Ans: Yes

6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

Ans: I have an Exam after 20 days I will be inactive for 1 week

7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
Ans: No at the moment!

Thank you for reading my application
Kind Regards,
Akif Cassanoo

Moon Zodiac

Not a Fighter
Jun 26, 2023

1. Your IRL Name : Afnan Hossain
2.You Age OOC : 18+
3.Time Zone : GMT+6 , Bangladesh
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM Server Time
5.Average online per day(hours): 6-8 Hours
6.Your Discord ID: moonsenpai.rp
7.Your characters' name (IC): Captain Afnan
8.Your in game ID:56580
9.Your in game level : 20+
10.Languages You Spoken : English , Hindi , Bangla
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State and crime both are good for me

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

ans: i have been giving my all efforts and time in grp for 2 years now , joined every org legal-illegal . gained high ranked meet my homies in the orgs . it was a great time with them . when i was new i was having issue in rp , but admins helped me . so its my time to help the newbies and stop the rule breaking and maintain a good level of rp in the city !!

2.What are your strengths?
#1 Quick Learner
#2 Fluent in english
#3 Calm in difficult situations
#4 Professional about everything
#5 want to learn new things everyday
#6 friendly to everyone

3.What are your weaknesses?

#1 Trust Everyone Easily
#2 Sometime i get mad over people who are rulebreaking !

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?

answer : i am a quick learner and hard worker . when i have given a task i give my all to complete the task . have much exp on state and crime both so i can do all the work easily . i maintain all the rules it would be easy for me to take quick decision . i am loyal towards the project .

5.Will you be ready to sell your business?

answer: yes i am ready . dont have any !

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

answer : no

7.Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

answer : i had pc issue so i wasnt active in en02 for a while , i will be active 4-8 hours daily now


Ruler Of Gangster World
Sep 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Waleed Malik

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT+5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hours

5. Your Discord: .notturbo

6. Your Nickname: Harry NoMercyKnight

7. Your ID: 69662

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

  • Having part of Grand Rp from more then 1 year i learn all the rules and experience to be an admin and also i want to help admin team and give administration service with honesty and best performance as expected from Grand Rp players. Help Grand Rp players if they need any type of help in RP or Rules.

2. What are your strengths?

  • I am mature and understand every situation. Didn’t get panic in hard situations and i have good communication skills in English/Urdu

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

  • Anger issues. Can’t control on my self when i am angry specially when someone lie about something about me or others

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

  • Yes, I am Ready

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

  • Yes. But i dont have business

Thank You,

Best Regards

Harry Knight

Ali Parker

Wrong Punishment! Really?
Aug 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone + country: UTC+5 / Pakistan
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): I am available at 4.00 onwards on weekends. 10.00 - 17.00 on weekdays
5. Average online per day: 3-4 hours (sometimes more)
6. Your Discord: kingali47
7. Your characters' name (IC): Ali NoMercy
8. Your ID: 82091
9. Your in game level:
10. Languages spoken: English (very fluent), Hindi/Urdu (Native), Pashto
11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime (I have been crime leader so would prefer crime)

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

I want to become an admin to help out the new players out there and mostly to extend my experience as an admin that i had 3-4 months back. I just want to contribute into the project and for that i would like to become an admin on the server once again. I mostly see people around the server breaking the server rules and playing on it as it is meant to be, and due to that reason, most of the new players who join the server and are in their starting, they just quit.

2. What are your strengths?
Stay Calm in any situation.
I learn things very fast, but also learn from my mistakes. (And wont do the mistakes again)
Interest in my work.
good problem-solving skills.

3. What are your weaknesses?
Sometimes i trust on people who are not trustworthy.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
YES, i am ready to leave Rp Life.

5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Administration is the crucial part of any project and i would love to be a part of it. But the main part is friendliness where you help everyone out there in a friendly way, and teamwork, where you and your team have a proper understanding and work in very beautiful atmosphere,

6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I dont have any business, but if i had i would be ready to sell it.

7. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
No, i dont have any issues at the time being.

8. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
That i was an ex-admin, and would love to be part of this wonderful team once again.


May 10, 2024
Your name IRL: Abdullah
Your age (OOC): 21
Time zone + country: GMT+5 (Pakistan
Online Time: 3pm to 10pm(Pakistani Time)
Average online per day(hours): 6 to 7 hours
Your Discord ID: itz_abdullah_yitz_abdullah_yt87348
Your characters' name (IC): Surviver_Gamers(asked from admin to use this name!)
Your in game ID: 149906
Your in game level: 6(very near to 7)
Languages spoken: English,Hindi,Urdu,Arabic
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime):Crime(because it is little bit more dangerous)

AnsAdditional information

Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
Ans: Because I want to see grand rp people more cooperative and just help peoples (it will give rest to my soul)

What are your strengths?
Ans: I can do work continuously without break

What are your weaknesses?
Ans: I can't do anything while eating

What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Ans: To be more active and work hard (Motivation 💪)

Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Ans: Y, always because nothing is important to me other than helping peoples

Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
Ans: No, except if there is any technical issues
Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

Jaden Daku

I Can't Fix You
Nov 8, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Aditya

2. Your age:18

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day:4to6 hours

5. Your Discord: jadendaku66891

6. Your Nickname:Jaden

7. Your ID:66891

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
i have worked in legal state organitations like SAHP, FIB,LSPD for a long time now so i know all rules. and understanding of the game mechanics and the rules of the GTA 5 RP server is crucial. Server administrators are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the game and ensuring that all players are following the rules. As such, a good server administrator should have an in-depth knowledge of the game and the server's policies.And i also like to help people and guide them if they are facing any issues and if did something wrong i would not be sorry to give a warn or punish them

2. What are your strengths?
my strengths are communication skills,handling situations ,helping people,

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
kinedness i very much belive everyone if they are crying or say somwthing imotional

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
yes i am ready to leave rp life to become an admin because i had all the experience to get by doing rp and now i would like to get ghe experience of admin

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I dont own a business nor i have that much money to buy one

I have been in admin team earlier so i know how it works and the ruls needed for it

Jaden Daku

Ex-LSPD Assistant Chief



Feb 2, 2024
Information :

1: Your name IRL: Rifat Bin Hamid Rafi
2: Your age (OOC): 18
3:Time zone + country: Time zone : GMT 6:00 + Country : Bangladesh
4: Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 06:00 to 20:00 {including small brakes}
5: Average online per day(hours): (4to 6) hours
6: Your Discord ID: rifat_rafi
7: Your characters' name (IC): Rifat Federal
8: Your in game ID: 115013
9: Your in game level: 23
10: Languages spoken: English, Hindi and Bangla
11: What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State ( hva much past exp in legal org)

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
I have been playing this roleplay for a very long time and after playing for a long time I've got a lot of experience which has today made me to apply for Admin.As an Admin I would make Roleplay experience fun and fair for everyone.My ultimate wish is to contribute to a server that stands out for its excellent roleplaying standards and a welcoming atmosphere. Yes, I am ready to leave the RP life to become an admin as an Administrator cannot do RP.
I was in EN2 and also
I have enjoyed the server I have been a GOV officer, LSPD officer,NG officer , and SAHP officer for the last 5-7terms in these terms I Have Achieved positions like Ex ACP , Ex Chief commander,
ex chief of HR and Deputy [SAHP], Ex chief of STAFF [LSPD], DHOD of Department [ LSPD],Ex USSS operation Lead [GOV USSS] and Ex
NG Colonel.
2. What are your strengths?
1. Easily Trust anyone.
2.Think a lot before making any decision

3. What are your weaknesses?
Ans: nothing
4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Ans: Great Communication Skills.Ability to remain cool, calm, composed, and calculative in tough situations. I can easily and quickly learn anything.I know how to lead a situation and find a good solution.I know how to politely communicate with everyone
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Ans: Yes
6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
Ans: never
7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
Ans: I have much exp in City .

Jhony Davids

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Apr 13, 2022
  1. Your name IRL
  2. Your age (OOC):
  3. Time zone + country:
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):
  5. Average online per day(hours):
  6. Your Discord ID:
  7. Your characters' name (IC):
  8. Your in game ID:
  9. Your in game level:
  10. Languages spoken:
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime):
Additional information
  1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
  2. What are your strengths?
  3. What are your weaknesses?
  4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
  5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
  6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
  7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
The administrator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted​
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.
  1. Your name IRL Gaurav
  2. Your age (OOC): 27
  3. Time zone + country: India (GMT+5:30)
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 18:30 TO 24:00
  5. Average online per day(hours): 5-6 Hrs
  6. Your Discord ID: jhonydavids
  7. Your characters' name (IC): Jhony Davids
  8. Your in game ID: 316
  9. Your in game level: 30
  10. Languages spoken: Hindi, English
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
Ans : I have been in the server for a long time and have learnt a quiet a lot of things. I have a good experience from EN1 server and after that in EN2 and know all the rules and regulation. It was a responsibility of an administrator to ensure that all players are following the rules. As such, I want to be a good server administrator to help people and guide them if they are facing any issues. Also if someone breaks server rules or did something wrong i would punish them and like to maintain integrity of server and admins.

2. What are your strengths?
Ans : Stay calm , self motivated and passionate about work.

3. What are your weaknesses?
Ans : Possessive and sometime become louder.

4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Ans : I would like to bring some skills like
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Good communication skills
  • Good working environment
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Ans : Yes

6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
Ans: Sometimes i have to work late in Office in IRL but it was in very rare case and I can complete my task of admin.

7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
Ans : I was in admin team before for around 1.3 years and knows the working of administrator.


Apr 25, 2024

1.Your name IRL : Kabir Singh
2.Your age (OOC): 18
3.Time zone + country:GMT+5:30
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):10:00 to 16:00
5.Average online per day(hours):8-10
6.Your Discord ID:kabir_singh6969
7.Your characters' name (IC):Fufa badmash
8.Your in game ID:149507
9.Your in game level:8
10.Languages spoken:English and HINDI
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime):Crime

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

I want to become an administrator because I believe I can have a significant impact on our city. I like giving advice and doing my best to help others, and I believe that in my new role as administrator, I'll be able to help even more people. I've been using this server for some time, and I've gained a lot of knowledge from it. Making sure that everyone who joins feels as loved and happy as I do is something I want to ensure.

2.What are your strengths?

Two of my strong points are that I pick things up quickly and that I always report players who violate server rules.

3.What are your weaknesses?

I think my biggest flaw is that I'm probably too honest, which sometimes works against me since players get angry when you tell them the truth instead of what they want to hear and may act out as a consequence.

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?

My typing is not too bad. Additionally, I get along well with others, which can contribute to our administrative team's positive work atmosphere.

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

I do not own any businesses

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

No, BUT is there any i will apply for LOA

7.Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

I have lived in the city for so long that I am now acquainted with all organization rules as well as all city rules. I'm going to put in a lot of effort on the admin team and keep trying to assist as many individuals as I can.
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