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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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Alan Pluxury

Ballas on TOP (Leader)
May 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ankit
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day:- 4-5hr
5. Your Discord: ankit_.09
6. Your Nickname: Alan Pluxury
7. Your ID : 155854
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • When I first Came to the City Gang (Vagos) Was the first Organistaion of mine Then after Taking some Experience i came to know that there are less activity for Low Rank People so I will try to add function to low rank also so they also engage in rp

  • I love The Work of Gangs and love to Harm and kidnap Leo's i Enjoy doing fz raid and store robberies

  • If i get Leadership of ballas i will try to make it the most Working Crime and will do FZ and store On Daily Basis
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will hire Good Hc and would not be Biased Towards my member

I will be Try to Do 100% Turf and will be most Active as we see Gangs are not Highly active

I will Try to Provide every New players good Experience in gangs so they can also go for Leadership in Future

My Ranking System

Under Deputy

Alan Pluxury

Assassin Arnab

Jun 1, 2024

Title :-

Leader of Ballas | Assassin Arnab


1. Your name IRL: Arnab.

2. Your age IRL: 16.

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30.

4. Average online per day: 2 to 7 Hours.

5. Your Discord: assassin_arnab_04369

6. Your Nickname: Assassin Arnab

7. Your ID : 145619

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1 : I want to be the leader of the Ballas because I just like this gang and the purple is one of my favourite color and I had many memories and relation with this gang because it is the gang where I had done many crimes and more activities.​

Reason 2 : The second reason of why I want to be the leader of Ballas because I will try my best to find best deputies and gang members and also I will give my best in making my gang members feel fun so that they will start getting more active in gang that will make the Ballas on top in crimes in the city and I also had experience of being an high Command in All gangs like I had experience of all gang.​

Reason 3 : I will be very strict about rules I will be against breaking rules if I saw any member of this gang is breaking the rules first I will tell them that what they had done and I will teach them the rule and after that they will get punishment so that they dont do it again and I will not allow any of my high Command to accept any player in the gang without taking his/her interview and if I saw any High Command doing that he/she will get demotion directly and the the players can get rank up when I saw the member is active and participating in events and the minimum level requiretment to join the gang will be 6 or more can join the gang after the interview and I will try my best to participate in all events with my gang members specially Clandestine, Battleship, Fort Zancudo and other robbries like gun store robbery, 24/7 store robbery, and highway robbries etc....​

I would like to mention my rank system of gang members:​

16. Leader

15. Deputy Leader

14. Under Deputy

13. AK-47

12. OGs Balla

======High Command======

11. Events Leader

10. Warlord

9. Turfer

8. Clapper

7. Drug Dealer

6. Shooter

5. Gangster

4. Graffitist

3. Drug Dealer

2. Newbie

1. Freeze

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice for improving RolePlay level in Organization is For breaking the Rules for First time will lead to get blacklisted for 5 days and breaking the rule Second time will lead to get kicked from the ORG.

And it is necessary for the ORGS because some members dont take rules seriously.

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Royal Mafia

May 1, 2024
1. Your name IRL: tajbir singh
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: UMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 12 - 13
5. Your Discord: tajbosspro
6. Your Nickname: Royal mafia
7. Your ID: 148868
Additional information:
1. Leader of
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).
i. i have experienced every organization i was deputy and some more higher ranks i have collected ideas from everyone and i think i have that leadership quality i am not the best but i am better i think becaming a leader is not enough we should bring up some intrest for the people who have joined my gang and they trust me i think i have been through the things which we need to run a gang.
i will make sure to make my members of gang to give their own contribution running a event is not a big thing to make sure everything goes in correct way is more important to make sure your gang members dosent break any rule of RP and keep the gang on top is more important.
3. Your Advices for improving roleplay level in organisation.
i want to make sure to bring the criminal side of gangs like there is a image that gang are not that worth it than other organization so bring up that side it most important i have seen many leaders many terms be unsucessful but i think that this time ballas will glow and i will teach every new the ghetto rules in which they all do mistakes i will teach them all the things they are suppose to do in that particular situation.
Ranking System
16 ) Leader
15 ) Deputy
14 ) OG Balla
13 ) Under Deputy
12 ) Event Handler
11 ) Turfer
==High Command==
10 )
9 ) Drug Lord
8 ) Warlord
7 ) Gangster
6 ) Graffitist
5 ) murderer
4 ) Clapper
3 ) Shooter
2 ) Newbie
1 ) Freeze

best regards,
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Adnan BroX

Pending Leader
Apr 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL Adnan Shabih
2. Your age IRL 16
3. Time zone GMT +5 (pakistan)
4. Average online per day 3-5 hours more on weekends
5. Your Discord unkown_743
6. Your Nickname Adnan NoMercy
7. Your ID 130291
Additional information
1. Leader of... BALLAS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I Want to become leader because i have been in gangs from last 2-3 months and i have gained so much experience
2. I Want to Become leader because i saw gangs are active and do HS SR GSR etc BS CLANDS and many more i think i can lead the ORG very much
3. I Wanna become leader as i saw many leader who getting disband with warnings i will try not to get any and try to make the term One Of the best
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. To Complete my term with No Possible Warnings
2.Friendly Environment to Everyone
3. Will invite with Interview
4.Good Bonus for Events

Ranking System
5. Leader
14. Deputy
13. Under Deputy
12. Events Leader
--------HIGH COMMANDS--------
11. Turfer
10. Smoker
9. warlord
8. Murderer
7. Graffiti lord
6. Madman
5. Clapper
4. Shooter
3. Young ballas
2. Newbie

1. Freeze
(Note: I didnt Copied from anyone just copied pasted my last Application)
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Scout | Pluxury

Jan 7, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age IRL
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.​
1. Your name IRL: Ali Qureshi
2. Your age IRL: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: 834ivanjack1
6. Your Nickname: Scout Verlicee
7. Your ID: 95159
Additional information

1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I have good experience in general, but especially in gangs. I've been high command in gang before, so I know how to handle all situations that might come up. My past experience has taught me a lot about how gang work. I know what it takes to lead a gang and I'm confident that I can face every challenge to make Ballas be on top.

- I love gang RP, and I'm all about crime, so being the leader of a gang would be a good role for me because if I like doing something, I'll do it well. My passion for this type of roleplay means I'm always putting in the effort. I enjoy ghetto clapping and doing robberies.

- I have a lot of family members and friends who would join the gang under my leadership, so the organization will be active almost all the time. We’ll attend events, do ghetto claps, do hostage situations, and a lot of RP. I will also have a good team of high commands who will help newer members.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

-Keep good deputies who have knowledge about rules and also know how to manage in my absence.

-Fixed rule that listen to HC

-HC will only be given if they almost know all ghetto rules

-Try to keep 0 warns and verbals during term

-Keep a good rank system

Thanks For Reading
Warm Regards
Scout Verlicee
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bright Tyler

Feb 3, 2024

1. Your name IRL: Abhinav Singh
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 12-13 hours
5. Your Discord: .x1kz
6. Your Nickname: bright tyler
7. Your ID: 126090

Additional information

1.Leader of Ballas

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I wanted to become a leader of Ballas because i had many past experience in both legal and illegal organization and i was highcommand of ballas. I know how to deal with gangs stuffs properly because i have past experience of every gang. Not promoting any other server but i also haved been the leader of Ballas gang in two different gta v roleplay servers So, i wanted to give my best and become a leader in Grand RP .If I will be the leader of this organization, I think that my leadership and organizational skills would enable effective leadership and the achievement of our goals.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Since i had played Grand RP i saw some of the gang members breaking the rules which may lead to gang warn . I will try my best to solve that things. I will only recruit the peoples's who know every gang rules and are eligible for gangs. I would have a proper test upon joining to make sure my members are in good standard of knowledge of rules. I will bring interesting in game events related to gangs which my members can enjoy. We will take parts in different events and make a different teams for the various events.More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events. I will be sure that my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary. I will make my organization to participate in events to makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.

My ranking system:-

15 leader
14 Boss
13 OG ballas
12 underboss
11 Events Leader
======High Command======
10 turfer
9 king
8 clapper
7 Graffitist
6 Shooter
5 mafia
4 Gangster
3 kingpin
2 Newbie
1 Freeze
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Jun 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Mustafa
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: {UTC +03} Bulgaria
4. Average online per day: 10-14
5. Your Discord: mustafa.chimaev
6. Your Nickname: Mustafa Chimaev
7. Your ID: 70658

Additional information
1. Leader of The Front Yard Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a. It is my dream to roleplay in this particular this Gang to the fullest. In order to do that, if i get the opportunity to lead this gang, it will be my end goal to promote maximum roleplay scenario to the best of my abilities. In my term, the Ballas Gang will feel super realistic and dangerous like the city has seen never before.

b. Under my leadership, i will not only ensure that events like Clandestine, Battleship, Subs, Turf, etc. are attended in max numbers but also events like hostage situation, Store robberies etc. are carried out with maximum level of roleplay and that it is fun for both the parties involved.

c. I can assure you if i get the term it will be one of the finest that the city has ever seen because my fellow deputies and supporters who are ready to join have already been very active in city and are super professional as they have been deputies and leaders in the city in the past. So i can assure you that when it comes to roleplay and following the rules you won't face any issues from our end.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My honest opinion the above question would be that surely this server encourages and teaches roleplaying in a very good way compared to others servers so me advising improvements would be unjust however if i have to suggest something which can help in improving the quality of the roleplay in this server is the fact that when talking about gangs in particular, the Gang members when performing tasks that involve third party should always roleplay correctly in the sense that they should try sounding more dangerous, ruthless and borderline maniac which will reflect and portray the real life story of a gangster. I assure you that this will be observed by the respected administrative team if i get to lead the term.

Thank You For Giving in your Time and Effort to Read My Application. Hope You have a Great Week Ahead.

Mustafa Chimaev

my ranking system:-
15 ) Leader
14 ) Deputy
13 ) Under Deputy
12 ) Turfer
11 ) Event Leader
10 ) Recruiter
==High Command==
9 ) Villian
8 ) Graffiti Leader
7 ) Enforcer
6 ) Gangster
5 ) Kingpin
4 ) Striker
3 ) Clapper
2 ) Fresher
1) Suspended (Freeze)
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AKA:- LT. General of NG
Apr 14, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sam
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: ( GMT+5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 3 to 4 hours
5. Your Discord: mister_ammo
6. Your Nickname: Sam Federal
7. Your ID: 64174
$Additional information$

1. Leader of... Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I have been working in legal orgs I am AKA- LT. General but I too worked for gangs Like I have been OG Ballas, OG Bunta, OG Bloods, and Killa in Familes.

- I would Like to be the leader of Ballas Because I have been in every situation from Gang and State orgs I would try to make the Term good and very Active.

- If I get the Ballas term I will try to make it very active Gang by my holy experience.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will set up a best Bonus system.

- I will completely remove the toxicity from the org.

- this will be my bonus system for my Gang:- 10k for store, 15k for clands, 20k for Sub, 15k for FZ raid.

- I will try to be more active and I will be there for my Gang every time.

my ranking system:-

15 Boss
14 Killa
13 Mafia
12 Villain
11 Events Leader

======High Command======
10 Warlord
9 Turfer
8 Clapper
7 Drug Dealer
6 Shooter
5 Gangster
4 Graffitist
3 Drug Dealer
2 Newbie

1 Freeze
Best Regard
Sam Federal.

AKA- LT. General.

Ex. COS in FIB
Ex. CC in SAHP



Jun 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Abhishek
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: UTC+5:45
4. Average online per day: 5-7 Hours
5. Your Discord: abhishek_sharma009
6. Your Nickname: Abhishek Sharma
7. Your ID: 157995

Additional information:
1. Leader of...Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

1. Leading the organization would provide me with opportunities to learn new strategies and hard challanges and effective leadership practices. it will be my chance to develop abilities.

2. In my gang, it will be required to respect the rank structure. i will assign roles based on skills to strengthen my gang. members will get bonus for their contributions which will inspire them.

3. i want to create a supportive enviroment within the organization. becoming the leader i will motivate my gang members to perform their best and ensuring that toxicity will not be tolerated.

3. Your Advices for improving roleplay level in organisation.

1.Encourage everyone to talk openly and listen well. Make sure everyone understands each other.
2.Help others get better by giving kind advice. Appericate when someone does something good. This makes everyone want to do their best.
3.Becoming a well-known gang that is active and deadly to law enforcement officers.

Ranking System

16. Leader
15. Deputy Leader
14. OG Ballas
13. Under Deputy
12. Event Handler
11. Warlord
10. Turfer
9. Kingpin
8. Enforcer
7. Graffiti Leader
6. Graffitist
5. Murderer
4. Shooter
3. Clapper
2. Newbie
1. Freeze

Best Regards,


Jun 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL: DGGAMEON
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: dggrandmaster_85012
6. Your Nickname: Grand_Raavan
7. Your ID: 154817

Additional information:
1. Leader of...Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

1. Leading the organization would provide me with opportunities to learn new strategies and hard challanges and effective leadership practices. it will be my chance to develop abilities.

2. In my gang, it will be required to respect the rank structure. i will assign roles based on skills to strengthen my gang. members will get bonus for their contributions which will inspire them.

3. i want to create a supportive enviroment within the organization. becoming the leader i will motivate my gang members to perform their best and ensuring that toxicity will not be tolerated.

3. Your Advices for improving roleplay level in organisation.

1.Encourage everyone to talk openly and listen well. Make sure everyone understands each other.
2.Help others get better by giving kind advice. Appericate when someone does something good. This makes everyone want to do their best.
3.Becoming a well-known gang that is active and deadly to law enforcement officers.
4.Stop using other reps or people who are on the same learning level as observers and coaches. When possible, have expert coaches who are well-versed in the content attend the role plays. Peer-to-peer feedback is great, but having someone watch the role play who can effectively articulate changes the rep needs to make or tactics that he/she should try can be invaluable. Also consider using actors or other employees who can be prepped well in advance to represent a realistic customer. Hiring actors won’t always be feasible but may be worth the cost and effort for high-value simulations or especially for certifications.

Ranking System

16. Leader
15. Deputy Leader
14. OG Ballas
13. Under Deputy
12. Event Handler
11. Warlord
10. Turfer
9. Kingpin
8. Enforcer
7. Graffiti Leader
6. Graffitist
5. Murderer
4. Shooter
3. Clapper
2. Newbie
1. Freeze

Best Regards,

Select for moderation


Jun 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL: DGGAMEON
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: dggrandmaster_85012
6. Your Nickname: Grand_Raavan
7. Your ID: 154817

Additional information:
1. Leader of...Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

1. Leading the organization would provide me with opportunities to learn new strategies and hard challanges and effective leadership practices. it will be my chance to develop abilities.

2. In my gang, it will be required to respect the rank structure. i will assign roles based on skills to strengthen my gang. members will get bonus for their contributions which will inspire them.

3. i want to create a supportive enviroment within the organization. becoming the leader i will motivate my gang members to perform their best and ensuring that toxicity will not be tolerated.

3. Your Advices for improving roleplay level in organisation.

1.Encourage everyone to talk openly and listen well. Make sure everyone understands each other.
2.Help others get better by giving kind advice. Appericate when someone does something good. This makes everyone want to do their best.
3.Becoming a well-known gang that is active and deadly to law enforcement officers.
4.Stop using other reps or people who are on the same learning level as observers and coaches. When possible, have expert coaches who are well-versed in the content attend the role plays. Peer-to-peer feedback is great, but having someone watch the role play who can effectively articulate changes the rep needs to make or tactics that he/she should try can be invaluable. Also consider using actors or other employees who can be prepped well in advance to represent a realistic customer. Hiring actors won’t always be feasible but may be worth the cost and effort for high-value simulations or especially for certifications.

Ranking System

16. Leader
15. Deputy Leader
14. OG Ballas
13. Under Deputy
12. Event Handler
11. Warlord
10. Turfer
9. Kingpin
8. Enforcer
7. Graffiti Leader
6. Graffitist
5. Murderer
4. Shooter
3. Clapper
2. Newbie
1. Freeze

Best Regards,


Jun 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sam
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: ( GMT+5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 3 to 4 hours
5. Your Discord: mister_ammo
6. Your Nickname: Sam Federal
7. Your ID:
Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I have been working in legal orgs I am AKA- LT. General but I too worked for gangs Like I have been OG Ballas, OG Bunta, OG Bloods, and Killa in Familes.

- I would Like to be the leader of Ballas Because I have been in every situation from Gang and State orgs I would try to make the Term good and very Active.

- If I get the Ballas term I will try to make it very active Gang by my holy experience.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will set up a best Bonus system.

- I will completely remove the toxicity from the org.

- This will be my bonus system for my Gang:- 10k for store, 15k for clands, 20k for Sub, 15k for FZ raid.

- I will try to be more active and I will be there for my Gang every time.

My ranking system:-

15 Boss

14 Killa
13 Mafia
12 Villain
11 Events Leader
======High Command======
10 Warlord
9 Turfer
8 Clapper
7 Drug Dealer
6 Shooter
5 Gangster
4 Graffitist
3 Drug Dealer
2 Newbie
1 Freeze

Best Regards

Past experience,

Ex Vagos gang member
Ex Black market seller
Ex Trade market seller
Ex Assassian family memver


Jun 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL: DGGAMEON
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 5 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord: dggrandmaster_85012
6. Your Nickname: Grand Raavan
7. Your ID: 154817
Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I have been working in legal orgs I am AKA- LT. General but I too worked for gangs Like I have been OG Ballas, OG Bunta, OG Bloods, and Killa in Familes.

- I would Like to be the leader of Ballas Because I have been in every situation from Gang and State orgs I would try to make the Term good and very Active.

- If I get the Ballas term I will try to make it very active Gang by my holy experience.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will set up a best Bonus system.

- I will completely remove the toxicity from the org.

- This will be my bonus system for my Gang:- 10k for store, 15k for clands, 20k for Sub, 15k for FZ raid.

- I will try to be more active and I will be there for my Gang every time.

My ranking system:-

15 Boss

14 Killa
13 Mafia
12 Villain
11 Events Leader
======High Command======
10 Warlord
9 Turfer
8 Clapper
7 Drug Dealer
6 Shooter
5 Gangster
4 Graffitist
3 Drug Dealer
2 Newbie
1 Freeze

Best Regards

Past experience,

Ex Vagos gang member
Ex Black market seller
Ex Trade market seller
Ex Assassian family memver


Jun 9, 2024
stop spamming
1. Your name IRL: DGGAMEON
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30) India
4. Average online per day: 5 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord: dggrandmaster_85012
6. Your Nickname: Grand Raavan
7. Your ID: 154817
Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I have been working in legal orgs I am AKA- LT. General but I too worked for gangs Like I have been OG Ballas, OG Bunta, OG Bloods, and Killa in Familes.

- I would Like to be the leader of Ballas Because I have been in every situation from Gang and State orgs I would try to make the Term good and very Active.

- If I get the Ballas term I will try to make it very active Gang by my holy experience.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will set up a best Bonus system.

- I will completely remove the toxicity from the org.

- This will be my bonus system for my Gang:- 10k for store, 15k for clands, 20k for Sub, 15k for FZ raid.

- I will try to be more active and I will be there for my Gang every time.

My ranking system:-

15 Boss

14 Killa
13 Mafia
12 Villain
11 Events Leader
======High Command======
10 Warlord
9 Turfer
8 Clapper
7 Drug Dealer
6 Shooter
5 Gangster
4 Graffitist
3 Drug Dealer
2 Newbie
1 Freeze

Best Regards

Past experience,

Ex Vagos gang member
Ex Black market seller
Ex Trade market seller
Ex Assassian family memver
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