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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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Kushal Patil

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
May 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Kushal Patil
2. Your age IRL:18
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord: kushal2007
6. Your Nickname: Kushal Patil
7. Your ID: 89654
Additional information
1. Leader of

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

The day when I came in city my first goal was to be an leader of an gang. As for me its very fascinating and as well as it give me the feeling of bravery and power. But I thought first to get to know about the functioning of a gang so for months I trained myself very well for being an leader of a gang.

- With my all experience and knowledge I want to make my gang the most active among the city. I know the feeling of being a newbie to a deputy of gang which has taught me every single aspect about the gang. And I want to share this feeling to every single member of my gang and will try to make most of outcome from it.

- As I have great communication skill which would help me to maintain transparency between my each and every member. And will try to participate in each and every event and would lead and guide them towards the victory. As a leader I will personally look into each and every gang matter and will try to solve it with my knowledge and maturity and won't do any favoritism among my gang.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- Will not accept any kind of toxicity in my gang
- 100% turf
- Successful term and will try to not receive any warns
- Max ghetto activity
- Max graffiti profit
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Raiky Broddy

Crime Curator
Dec 18, 2023
Following Players have been selected for Ballas Interview at 15:30 Server Time 23-06-2024 Sunday
Kushal Patil - 89654 - kushal2007
Royal mafia - 148868 - tajbosspro
The Applications for Ballas are closed now!​

Tomi Meller

Senior Crime Curator ✨ EN2 PC Checker 🤩
Senior Administrator
Jun 16, 2022
Hi Everyone , for your attentions
Copied Applications/AI built Applications will be rejected directly.

Adnan BroX

Pending Leader
Apr 24, 2024

1. Your name IRL Adnan Shabih
2. Your age IRL 16
3. Time zone GMT +5 (pakistan)
4. Average online per day 3-5 hours more on weekends
5. Your Discord unkown_743
6. Your Nickname Jack NoMercyKnight
7. Your ID 130291

Additional information
1. Leader of... BALLAS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I Want to become leader because i have been in gangs from last 2-3 months and i have gained so much experience
2. I Want to Become leader because i saw gangs are active and do HS SR GSR etc BS CLANDS and many more i think i can lead the ORG very much
3. I Wanna become leader as i saw many leader who getting disband with warnings i will try not to get any and try to make the term One Of the best
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. To Complete my term with No Possible Warnings
2.Friendly Environment to Everyone
3. Will invite with Interview
4.Good Bonus for Events

Ranking System
. Leader
15. Deputy

14. OG Bloods
13. Under Deputy
12. Events Leader
--------HIGH COMMANDS--------
11. Turfer
10. Smoker
9. warlord
8. Murderer
7. Graffiti lord
6. Madman
5. Clapper
4. Shooter
3. Young ballas
2. Newbie
1. Freeze


Alexa Bros

Feb 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL-Abhinav Singh
2. Your age IRL-21
3. Time zone-GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day-5-10 Hours
5. Your Discord- alexa_bros
6. Your Nickname- Alexa Bros
7. Your ID- 136988

Additional information

1. Leader of East Side Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(A) I have a vast experience in city about legal orgs like SAHP,EMS and illegal orgs like Bloods,Vagos and also i was previously a deputy in Ballas, also i was a leader in Vagos for half time which make me capable of handling a gang.

(B) Because of Ballas good Area and location we will do daily ghetto robbery and make it the most active gang of the city with daily store robbery, highway robbery and gun store, also will take good shooter in gang so we win the event

(C) I want to make Ballas go on Top and be the best and active gang in city. i will make most of the graffiti each hour and do frequent gang raids. i will make HC who can handle comp[lex situation and can teach people. Being in Unoff fam i can bring experienced player to Gang so we do minimal mistake

(D) When i was previous in Vagos i learnt many thing and i will apply same to make Ballas active as well as i will give daily bonuses to Gang member so they contribute there most of the time in gang and do event well

3. Your advice for improving Role-Play level in organization.
(A) I will make sure that everybody in Gang complies with Server rules, also i somebody make mistake, I will teach them so they dont make the mistake again. I will try to create good communication and handling skills

(B) I will give fair bonuses and promotion to gang member so they contribute their 100 percent and will make HC to those who can help the lower ranks

(C) I will make deputy to the person who knows all rules as well as after checking his experience and ensure that there will be no favouritism and will make HC after taking uniquue

(D) I will encourage people to do more event and so will make the Ballas active gang of the city. also i will make family like atmosphere in gang
1)100% Turf and daily Gang Raids
2)Making Graffiti profit over 7k Every hour
3)Attending most of the event
4)Making Ghetto near Ballas most active by daily ghetto robberies
5)By making proper RP situation during highway robberies ,store robberies and hostage situation.
F)Making Experienced HC
6)Following Rules and regulation and maintaining proper RP
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading my application, Best regards, Alexa Bros


4-Graffiti Team
5-Graffiti Leader
10-Event Leader
12-Under deputy
13-OG Bloods


James Volkov

Jul 7, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Skarsh
2. Your age IRL : 18
3. Time zone : (GMT+4)
4. Average online per day : 5-6
5. Your Discord : jamesvol.
6. Your Nickname : James Volkov
7. Your ID : 120836

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I want to become leader because i have been in gang from en 1 and 3 and i was recently been the deputy of vagos so i think i have gained enough experience
2.i want to become leader of ballas because i want to do 100% Turf and make ballas the best gang of Los Santos like Mr. Usama Volkov Did Few Months Ago
3.The last Reason Why I want to become Leader of Ballas is
I want to introduce a special level of RolePlay so that all members of my organization will have fun being in a crime organization.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I want my term to be the best term in los santos

2. Will attend all events if possible

3. We will make every RP situation different, so that it is not he same situation at every event to keep the members happy and and not bored of events.


Jun 21, 2024
1. Name: Vansh
2. Age: 17 1/2
3. Time zone: IST + 5
4. 5-10 hours
5. kezal_eso
6. Sexa Punisher
7. 159454
Additional information
1. Leader of- Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Experience: I have been in many legal orgs and gangs when i was in city 1. I had achieved High command ranks in legal orgs such as LSPD, FIB, SAHP and NG. In terms of gang i have achieved ranks of 13 in marabunta and families in my city 1 journey. After getting pretty much experience of all legal orgs and gangs I decided to apply for a leadership of an gang because there is too much hassle in legal orgs and I would Like to be an leader of an gang because its a post where you can enjoy doing illegal activities and chill with gang members, whereas in legal orgs you have to be serious every time.

2. Events: Attending events in orgs always have been my favorite part wether it be legal orgs or gangs, but the thing is that some members of gang are scared to attend events like clands, submarine and etc as they feel that if they will break a rule they will get punished and i will not let that happen, also there are lack of members in events, i will make sure each gang member is well educated about rules.

3. Training : the thing I have noticed in gangs is there is no specific training regarding gang rules, ghetto rules and event rules, because of that some members break rule without knowing and get punished, so my plan is to create an rank to help the new members and tell them basic rules and regulation of the gang, ghetto and events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will insure that there no kind of racism or discrimination in the gang and will insure equality for all in the gang.
2. The gang members will be taught each and every rule by an high command to insure there will be no breakage in the rules
3. I will encourage gang members to follow a good level of rp to maintain the gangs reputation.
4. Each members will be treated as an respected person to insure there will be not discrimination in the gang.
5. I will insure that my gang members will not break any rule and will maintain a good behaviour.
6. I will insure there are maximum members in the events and that they will follow rules.

Select for moderation

Assassin Alex

Jul 12, 2024
Time zone:5:00 GMT
Average online: 5-6 hours
Discord: usman928
Nickname:Assassin Alex

Additional information:
1) Leader of" Ballas "Gang

2) why do you want to become leader of this specific organistation?

i) I have been playing on this server since march 2022 and I have earned a lot of experience in legal orgs and also too much in illegal orgs! When I came to city I first join the criminal activities in gang and my interest in gang was develop from that day to now! About 2 months ago I was the deputy of Bloods and In last term of vagos I was Ak47(14) of Vagos and i earned a enough experience to become a leader and manage the org with negligible mistakes and no Warns!

ii)Ballas HQ is my favourite Area and from Ballas HQ there is so many choices of doing activities like there are to many stores around the Ballas HQ and also we do a ghetto robberies to make a ghetto active with Ballas activities! and make fear in other gangs and Leos about Ballas!

iii) I observed that there is so many toxicity in gangs! But in legal orgs the environment is as family (no toxicity and as friendly environment)So,I want to become leader so that i will remove the toxicity as possible and develop a friendly environment by motivate members and appreciate the members on their work!

Advices for improving Roleplay Level in Organisation:

Some times gang is unactive because a lot of people left the gang because a lack of money or booringness!So,I try to do more events as mush as possible so that gang members enjoy with us and also I will create a great system of bonus In this way everyone who come to events will earn a money.

Also I will give a high roleplay level by doing events at least one store Rob and FZ Raid in a day so that my gang are active!

My past Experience

Ex deputy of Bloods,Ex underdeputy of Ballas,Ex Ak47(14) of vagos,Ex state HC(LSPD),Ex Og of Marabunta and Ex creative team of Life invader!

My Aim:
-I am not gonna tolerate toxicity in my gang.
-Will try to have at least $10.000 graffiti's profit every hour.
-Will try to do 100% turf as I have a good turf team in my known.
-I will teach rules and regulations to every new Ballas.

I contribute that my term wil 100% successfull

Thanks for reading my application❤️
Best regards,Assassin Alex!
Have a nice day!
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Jun 17, 2024
1. Your name IRL-Vikram Singh Brar
2. Your age IRL-20
3. Time zone-GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day-5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord- brar_101
6. Your Nickname- Jatt Punisher
7. Your ID- 156679

Additional information

1. Leader of East Side Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(A) I have a vast experience in city about legal orgs like SAHP,EMS and illegal orgs like Bloods,Vagos and also i was previously a deputy in Ballas, also i was a leader in Vagos for half time which make me capable of handling a gang.

(B) Because of Ballas good Area and location we will do daily ghetto robbery and make it the most active gang of the city with daily store robbery, highway robbery and gun store, also will take good shooter in gang so we win the event

(C) I want to make Ballas go on Top and be the best and active gang in city. i will make most of the graffiti each hour and do frequent gang raids. i will make HC who can handle comp[lex situation and can teach people. Being in Unoff fam i can bring experienced player to Gang so we do minimal mistake

(D) When i was previous in Vagos i learnt many thing and i will apply same to make Ballas active as well as i will give daily bonuses to Gang member so they contribute there most of the time in gang and do event well
3. Your advice for improving Role-Play level in organization.
(A) I will make sure that everybody in Gang complies with Server rules, also i somebody make mistake, I will teach them so they dont make the mistake again. I will try to create good communication and handling skills

(B) I will give fair bonuses and promotion to gang member so they contribute their 100 percent and will make HC to those who can help the lower ranks

(C) I will make deputy to the person who knows all rules as well as after checking his experience and ensure that there will be no favouritism and will make HC after taking uniquue

(D) I will encourage people to do more event and so will make the Ballas active gang of the city. also i will make family like atmosphere in gang
1)100% Turf and daily Gang Raids
2)Making Graffiti profit over 7k Every hour
3)Attending most of the event
4)Making Ghetto near Ballas most active by daily ghetto robberies
5)By making proper RP situation during highway robberies ,store robberies and hostage situation.
F)Making Experienced HC
6)Following Rules and regulation and maintaining proper RP

Frank BoomBoom

Dec 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Dhruv
2. Your age IRL : 19
3. Time zone : +5
4. Average online per day : 4 hours
5. Your Discord : deathdealer334
6. Your Nickname : Frank BoomBoom
7. Your ID : 126589
Additional information
1. Leader of... Ballas

2. 1) i want to become leaderof ballas because i love the hq of ballas and also i hve also tried in ballas for the turf season so i think i can complete that in this term and the other thing is see many gangs are disband and not active anymore so i want to take the term of Ballas to make it active .... and wanted to make ghetto and highway active as well by doing ghetto claps and highway robery ..

2) i want to make the ghetto and highway more active by engaging my gang into ghetto fights and highway robbery etc and gonna take some good people with better expereice to avoid rule breaks and stuff... thus will make the ghetto and highway more active than the past and just gonna hit as much store rob and hostage situation i can do .. etc

3) i hve got into many gangs and seen they not performing good as a leader so i wanted to take the leadership and make it run smoothly in city and ghetto for better experience and im gonna make a different event team so by that i can make sure that my gang is attending almost every event and with a good number of peoples . thus want to make ballas the most active gang in the city

3. 1)not gonna take toxic people and promote toxicity
2) members will be treated equally
3) will try to do max grafitti per hour
4) will make ghetto active
5) will try for a turf season
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Lezen BoomBoom

Nov 2, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Aman
2. Your age IRL : 17+
3. Time zone : GMT+ 5:30
4. Average online per day : 4 to 8
5. Your Discord Lezen977
6. Your Nickname : Lezen BoomBoom
7. Your ID : 121594
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have gain much Experience from admin and state Org and I was in a gang so I know how to do and what to do so I can run ballas smoothly
I want to make Ballas best ORG and best illegal ORG we will do turf and raid etc
I Have support from my friend and also my Family Side They will help in This Term also

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I have a good bonus system which will attract to players
will attract new Players and fair ranking system which will prevent trying discriminations
I will try to 100% Sprays
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Tomi Meller

Senior Crime Curator ✨ EN2 PC Checker 🤩
Senior Administrator
Jun 16, 2022
The following player have been selected for Ballas interview at server time 11:00 on 28-07-2024 sunday
Sexa Punisher - kezal_eso - 159454
Frank BoomBoom - deathdealer334 - 126589
The Applications For Ballas Leader Is Closed Now
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