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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Gagzo Matic

Jun 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Gagan

2. Your IRL age: 23

3. Time zone: Gmt 5:30+

4. Average online per day: 5-6 Hours a day

5. Your Discord: gagzomatic

6. Your Nickname: Gagz Matic

7. Your ID: 104199

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1: I want to be the leader of SAHP because I want to prove that I can lead org again I've seen I've been in SAHP and seen a lot of stuff that made me want to be a leader there are a lot of things I want to change in SAHP I've been in city for a long time with my experience I can lead SAHP and make it one of the best org.

2: Due to my past experience, I can handle every expectation of SAHP I've been in Government as a governor and I know how the internal thing for funding, charter, and internal things work I've been in other organizations as well like LSPD, FIB, NG and I've been high command in every org and with my experience, I can lead SAHP best as I can

3: I believe SAHP is a very Important org and we need a good leader to lead and maintain it. I believe I can easily do it. I will make sure my all units will attend every possible event and cover the lobby and I will make sure we don't have any rule breaks make sure I hire good units and make sure to give them professional training and I will not do any favoritism in promotion

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: Bonus System:- I will have a good bonus system that will attract more people to join SAHP and do more work for a good bonus.

2: No favoritism:- I will not allow any favoritism in my term and make sure promotions are given to those who deserve them there is no internal files

3: Friendly work environment:- I will make sure my org has a friendly work environment and everyone will be treated fairly we will work as a group of friends so if there's any doubt units can ask us anytime.

Kaiuz Gangster

Dec 23, 2024

1.Your Name IRL - Bedaprakash Majumdar
2.Your IRL age - 18
3.Time zone- +5:30 GMT
4.Average online per day- 6 hours ( more on weekend )
5.Your Discord- kaiuz99
6.Your Nickname- Kaiuz Gangster
7.Your ID- 173088

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) I want to become the leader of SAHP because I believe I have enough skills to operate an organisation on my own. I have good experience in FIB as COS of Spec Ops and HOD in LSPD.
b) I have good deputies with a lot of experience in the city and a team that will help me in every action.
c) Finally, if given the opportunity, I am confident that I will make this term successful.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

a)There would be no favoritism during my term.Everyone will be treated equally and given a fair chance to prove themselves.
b)Joint training with other legal organizations will help improve teamwork, cooperation, and build stronger connections.
c)And I'll personally talk to all my officers to address weaknesses and create a better work environment.

Chain of Commands

[30] Sheriff
[29] Undersheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] Chief of Department
[25] Deputy Chief of Department
[24] District Attorney
[23] Colonel
[22] Lt. Colonel
[21] Captain
[20] Lieutenant
---------------------------------------------------------High Command--------------------------------------------------------
[19] F.T.O
[18] Internal Affairs
[17] S.W.A.T
[16] Highway Patrol
[15] Detective
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Seargent
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

I----------Department -----------I

FTO- They will provide training and recruit a new officer.

I.A- They will review the logs and keep an eye on the officer.

SWAT - They will respond to global asap and provide protection to the leader.

HWP - They will patrol the highway to keep civilians safe from thieves.

Kaiuz Gangster
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jeethender reddy

Sep 1, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ayan
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: ( GMT+5:00 )
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: mundia_
6. Your Nickname: Pikka Pluxury
7. Your ID: 156335
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol ( SAHP )
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1: I want to become SAHP leader because when i join SAHP as a Trooper rank i have gain many experience about law enforcement officer ( LEO ) and after spending to much time in SAHP, NG, LSPD, FIB, and GOV. So i believe that i can become a leader of SAHP.

2.2: I have many goals and method that will help in my term and it can help to get less crime rates and i will make the law system stronger and i want to make SAHP most active then the other organization by attending each and every events.

2.3: Last but not the least i will be personally look into each and every matter of SAHP to make the organization the best legal organization in city. We will provide best environment in the organization so that our units can work smoothly without any problem.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

3.1: In my term i will provide good bonus system so that my officer can get motivated to their work.

3.2: We we will provide weekly base promotions so that it can help them work even harder and can maintain a good role play in the organization.

3.3: I will not tolerate favouritism in my term, ranks will be given to them who are really capable.

3.4: I will make my units more active on highways so that no one breaks speed limit.

3.5: As a sheriff i will make good connections with the citizens as well so that it can maintain a good role play.

Chain Of Commands ( COC ):
[30] Sheriff
[29] Under Sheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] District Attorney
[25] Chief ( Head Of Department )
[24] Deputy Chief ( Deputy Head Of Department )
[23] Colonel
[22] Lt. Colonel
[21] Captain
[20] Lieutenant
High Command and Departments Rank

[19] FTO
[18] Internal Affairs
[17] S.W.A.T
[16] Highway Patrol
[15] Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Traniee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended


HR/FTO: They will hire and give training to new recruit.

IA: They will handle internal matters in SAHP.

HWP: They will do Highway patrol every day to protect city.

S.W.A.T: They Will attend every event/global weither its day or night.

Thanks For Reading My Application.
Warm and Best Regards,

Pikka Pluxury.
We have seen how you work for org in the last term I wish you to be a leader of the nxt term wishing you all the best sir


Jul 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Rajbir Singh
2. Your IRL age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day - 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord - lucifer_pluxury
6. Your Nickname - Lucifer_Pluxuryy
7. Your ID - 151945

Additional information
1. Leader of
San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a. I have been playing this server from past year or so, I have had a great experience in State orgs, from SAHP till NG on the way covering all the legal organizations on the way.
b. I have always loved the adventure of patrolling the highways with my friends or colleagues taking them as brother in arms totally indulging in the concept of RP and as this is the only org which gives me freedom to do so that's why I want to be leader of SAHP.
c. I want to make SAHP active, so we respond to globals faster than org completing our weekly target of events as well as being one the most active org at the time.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
a. I have had great experience on this RP project and want to take it forward as taking some responsibilities and helping to improve RP.
b. I will try to come to an agreement with the Chief of Police and the Governor of the time to increase my jurisdiction as allowing SAHP more area to patrol and will also try to remove many of the IC bindings to allow my units/officers/troopers to experience freer RP.
c. I will distribute heavy bonuses encouraging them to work harder increasing the officer's unit and suppressing crime ICly.
d. I will try to help Governor to schedule meetings ICly with the state orgs to oppress crime in the state

My Ranking System
[30] Sheriff
[29] Undersheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] Chief of Department
[25] Deputy Chief of Department
[24] District Attorney
[23] Colonel
[22] Lt. Colonel
[21] Captain
[20] Lieutenant
---------------------------------------------------------High Command--------------------------------------------------------
[19] F.T.O
[18] Internal Affairs
[17] S.W.A.T
[16] Highway Patrol
[15] Detective
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Seargent
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

My experiences -
2x Asst. General (28 NG)
3x Chief Commander (28 SAHP)
1x Advisory Board (28 LSPD)
3x Chief of Staff (27 SAHP)
1x Commanding General (27 NG)
2x Chief of Department (25 SAHP)

Warm & Best Regards,


Jan 23, 2025
1. Your name- Chirag Arora
2. Your age-21
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day- 4 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord- tashibadmash11
6. Your Nickname-Tashi Badmash
7. Your ID- 179988
Additional information
1. Leader of... SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i have past experience in LSPD, SAHP,GOV,EMS, so now i wants to be leade of any ORG i do my best in my term. I feel as if I can make SAHP great and involved with the workings of the city

ii. I know how to lead and can ensure that people are trained and always available to help with the insurance and licence plates. I will also aim to have more people patrolling the highways.

iii. SAHP is usually overlooked due to its location, I aim to change that and have the ORG interact with the other orgs, performing joint operations with NG on the highways, LSPD and FIB in the city and ghetto with ghetto raids/patrols.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Real Training ( like training all the stuff because they only teach from handbook at the time of events in which we get messed up and SAHP get lost and some time taken hostage so to train them with everything so that SAHP will be on top forever)

For improving the RolePlay level in the organization, I will offer players polite, adequate, and tight RP.

The most interesting thing, that I will do if I will be the leader, is that I will have events inside organizations and giveaways prizes to my co-workers if they will meet their needs. This way, they will not get bored and they will stay motivated.

Chain of Commands
[30] Sheriff
[29] Under Sheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] District Attorney
[25] Division Chief
[24] Deputy Division Chief
[23] Division Supervisor
[22] Division Inspector
[21] Senior Inspector
[20] Inspector
[19] Colonel
[18] Captain
[17] Lieutenant
[16] Major
[15] Chief Sergeant
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

thanks for reading my application.
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Donald Johns

Dec 27, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Erik
2. Your age: 48 (IC 39)
3. Time zone: United States (EST-5:00)
4. Average online per day: 8+ hours daily
5. Your Discord: erikp3606
6. Your Nickname: Ron Jeremy
7. Your ID: 155398

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- I have 2 terms experience as SAHP Chief Commander, FIB Assistant Director, LSPD as a Chief of Staff and began my time in city working my way up through Government until reaching Minister of State. I believe that I possess the knowledge and leadership attributes gained from all of these experiences that would bring SAHP back to what it once was in the city.

- For me, this isn't about power, its about being in a position to further help people. I don't think you will find anyone in the city who would honestly say I didn't try my best to help them when they were in need, and being Leader would help me to help more people.

- I am a natural leader, even when I don't have the title. People look to me to lead them and guide them. I want to see everyone in the organization achieve greatness and hopefully if I become leader, the next leader after me will be someone from my terms who has put in all the hours of hard work and proven themselves trustworthy and dependable, much like I have.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- I will impose a weekly bonus system. However, not everyone will receive a bonus. only those who have put in the work to make SAHP a better place for their colleagues as well as the citizens of the State.

-I will be very strict, but fair, across the board. There will be no playing of favorites or certain people get no punishments. Easiest way to say it is I would not hesitate to fire my best friend if the situation warranted it.

-My vision for SAHP is one that has a fantastic working relationship with all orgs. There is no SAHP ON TOP. Don't get me wrong, I want SAHP to be great and respected but I will do everything in my power to see to it that SAHP works hand in hand with every organization and we don't speak negatively about any other organization. We are all in this together to keep the city and its citizens safe.

- I want to hold daily briefing and debriefings to discuss what is going right and what is going wrong. I want us to have a very detailed plan for the handling of store robberies, hostage situations etc. most of which goes to my previous point of always involving other organizations in our plans as we all work much more effectively when it is performed as a team rather than an individual organization.

- I would also like for SAHP to have more community interactions. Most residents of the city are under the impression that the only thing Leo's do is arrest people. In my time at SAHP, LSPD and FIB, while on patrol I have always made it a point to simply stop and talk to people, ask them how their day is. and listen to their concerns. I would like for SAHP to sponsor a once per week, car show or bike show or anything else we can do to engage with the public and show them that we are real people, not just a badge and gun.

- Lastly I will say that it would be a great honor to serve our city and its citizens. I want to restore faith that SAHP is a fair and honest organization that people can trust and depend upon.

The following ranking system will be put in place:

Chain of Commands
[30] Sheriff
[29] Under Sheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] Chief of Staff
[26] District Attorney
[25] Division Chief
[24] Deputy Division Chief
[23] Division Supervisor
[22] Division Inspector
[21] Senior Inspector
[20] Inspector
[19] Colonel
[18] Captain
[17] Lieutenant
[16] Major
[15] Chief Sergeant
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Thank You for your time and consideration of me being the next Sheriff of San Andreas Highway Patrol.
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Pulkit Jatt

Legal God
Sep 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL:
Pulkit Chopra
2. Your IRL age: 18 (IC AGE: 12)
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: pulkit_legal
6. Your Nickname: Pulkit Jatt
7. Your ID: 165038

Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1> I began working for SAHP around eight or nine months ago, and during the four terms I served there, I was able to pick up a lot of knowledge from my High Commands. I've always appreciated how my High Commands handled everyone and provided explanations for everything. Additionally, I held the position of HIGH COMMAND in SAHP for two periods in a row. Since then, my goal has been to lead an organization and mentor all of its members. Therefore, I'm here to seize this chance and take the lead.

2> Working multiple terms as an High Command of SAHP and Other Legal orgs, i have developed good leadership skillset which is mandatory and necessary to manage a organization, because you have to guide everyone as a leader what to do and not to. That's why i think i am capable for becoming leader of SAHP.

3> In past terms, I served as the Deputy Chief of HR/HWP for the remainder of the term after beginning a few weeks as the Lieutenant. During my two terms as Deputy Chief (both of Mickey Uchiha), I mentored numerous individuals on how to operate effectively inside SAHP. I now have management experience at a state organization. I think I can handle this duty as the sheriff because I am aware of the requirements and demands placed on an individual in managing an organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1> Bonus System: In order to encourage more individuals to join SAHP and put in more effort in order to receive a good bonus, I will create a fantastic bonus system.

2> No favoritism: I will ensure that promotions are granted to deserving candidates and forbid any favoritism throughout my tenure. No internal files are present.

3> Friendly workplace: I'll make sure my organization has a welcoming workplace where everyone is treated equally. We'll work as a team of friends, so units can ask us anything at any time if they have any questions.

I----------Department -----------I

They will provide training and recruit a new officer.

They will review the logs and keep an eye on the officer.

They will respond to global asap and provide protection to the leader.

They will patrol the highway to keep civilians safe from thieves.

My Ranking System
[30] Sheriff
[29] Undersheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] District Attorney
[26] Chief Of Staff
[25] Chief of Department
[24] Deputy Chief of Department
[23] Colonel
[22] Lt. Colonel
[21] Captain
[20] Lieutenant
---------------------------------------------------------High Command--------------------------------------------------------

[19] F.T.O
[18] Internal Affairs
[17] S.W.A.T
[16] Highway Patrol
[15] Detective
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Seargent
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Thank you Reading and Reviewing my Application...
Best And Warm Regards...
Pulkit Jatt

Khan Blaze

Video Editor & Graphics Designer
Aug 20, 2024
1. Your name IRL:
Pulkit Chopra
2. Your IRL age: 18 (IC AGE: 12)
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: pulkit_legal
6. Your Nickname: Pulkit Jatt
7. Your ID: 165038

Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1> I began working for SAHP around eight or nine months ago, and during the four terms I served there, I was able to pick up a lot of knowledge from my High Commands. I've always appreciated how my High Commands handled everyone and provided explanations for everything. Additionally, I held the position of HIGH COMMAND in SAHP for two periods in a row. Since then, my goal has been to lead an organization and mentor all of its members. Therefore, I'm here to seize this chance and take the lead.

2> Working multiple terms as an High Command of SAHP and Other Legal orgs, i have developed good leadership skillset which is mandatory and necessary to manage a organization, because you have to guide everyone as a leader what to do and not to. That's why i think i am capable for becoming leader of SAHP.

3> In past terms, I served as the Deputy Chief of HR/HWP for the remainder of the term after beginning a few weeks as the Lieutenant. During my two terms as Deputy Chief (both of Mickey Uchiha), I mentored numerous individuals on how to operate effectively inside SAHP. I now have management experience at a state organization. I think I can handle this duty as the sheriff because I am aware of the requirements and demands placed on an individual in managing an organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1> Bonus System: In order to encourage more individuals to join SAHP and put in more effort in order to receive a good bonus, I will create a fantastic bonus system.

2> No favoritism: I will ensure that promotions are granted to deserving candidates and forbid any favoritism throughout my tenure. No internal files are present.

3> Friendly workplace: I'll make sure my organization has a welcoming workplace where everyone is treated equally. We'll work as a team of friends, so units can ask us anything at any time if they have any questions.

I----------Department -----------I

They will provide training and recruit a new officer.

I.A- They will review the logs and keep an eye on the officer.

SWAT - They will respond to global asap and provide protection to the leader.

HWP - They will patrol the highway to keep civilians safe from thieves.

My Ranking System
[30] Sheriff
[29] Undersheriff
[28] Chief Commander
[27] District Attorney
[26] Chief Of Staff
[25] Chief of Department
[24] Deputy Chief of Department
[23] Colonel
[22] Lt. Colonel
[21] Captain
[20] Lieutenant
---------------------------------------------------------High Command--------------------------------------------------------
[19] F.T.O
[18] Internal Affairs
[17] S.W.A.T
[16] Highway Patrol
[15] Detective
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Seargent
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Senior Corporal
[9] Corporal
[8] Master Trooper
[7] Senior Trooper
[6] Trooper
[5] Rookie
[4] Cadet
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Thank you Reading and Reviewing my Application...
Best And Warm Regards...
Pulkit Jatt

Shadman Israf

Jul 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Shadman Israf

2. Your IRL age : 17 (I turned 17 on 2 Feb, 25 that's why in the previous forums it was 16. Proofs can be given upon asking)
3. Time zone : GMT+6
4. Average online per day : 4 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord : shadmanisraf
6. Your Nickname : Shadman Pluxury

7. Your ID : 149805

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Being an leader of an state organisation is a dream for me. I am serving in legal organisations for around 8 months and throughout the days I learned so many thinand gs that are still helping me to grow my leadership skills. In the recent term of SAHP I served as a Chief Commander (28) and as I had the access of every logs I went through every departmental logs studied how they work what is the purpose of that particular department, and it won't take me time to understand and I quickly learned how the departments of SAHP works and I also learned about the total internal structure of SAHP. And I also served as 28th rank in FIB/LSPD/NG and leading several organizations in different situations, being close to the leaders and deputies of several organizations gives me an well and knowledgeable background how to lead an strong organization like SAHP.

2.2) In my term I will build an friendly environment for all my troopers so they will never feel lonely or bored working in here. Also I will be focused on equality, in my term I will make sure no one is getting any chance to do any favoutism everyone will be treated fairly and equally. And I will make sure that all of my high commands are well known about the roles and duty so their won't be any misconducts. I will appoint best individuals for specific departments so they can run smoothly without any problems. And I will make sure that my all employees are well bonded with each others and they are working together with any problems by that the internal structure of SAHP will be balanced and everyone can work without any hesitations.

2.3) My motives for the term are straight. I will make sure that SAHP's activity in all the events will be high. I will make sure that every time my employees will be their to put impacts in the city, I will specially hire employees for night shifts and morning shifts because I observed on that time there is very low on duty officers present and I will fix that thing. I will make sure that the lobbies are every time being covered to assist the citizen's with insurance and license plates. And I will also make sure that the highways are always being patrolled and the highways are clean from robbers and citizens can travel with out any hesitations.
Even though we are very far from the city and most situations happens their but whenever we are needed we will be their as soon a possible and give a great impact with a high activity. I will be involved in every situation during my time to keep track and observe the performance of my organization and later on I will fix that particular thing that needs to be improved. I will make sure their is no room for peoples to call us inactive.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make sure that every single SAHP employees are well known about the rules and regulations so their won't be any misconducts.

3.2) I will plan a good bonus system for all my employees and I will also give extra bonuses to the hardworking employees so they will be motivated and contribute more towards the organisation.

3.3) I will host weekly based promotion ceremony/meeting with all my employees. At the first we will respectfully promote the hardworking employees and later on we will have a internal meeting with everyone in the organisation to discuss about the internal structure and I will also take their valuable feedback to improve the organisation.

3.4) I will have meetings with other organisations to discuss about the external matters and I will maintain a good and healthy relationship with all the organisations so that we can all work together without any problems.

3.5) I will host fake situations based drills. I will teach my junior employees how to do negotiations, and what to do in each situations. So they can handle any situations without any hesitations.

My Experiences:-
4x - FIB | Assistant Director (28)
2x - FIB Chief of staff (27

1x - LSPD | Assistant Chief of police (28)
1x - LSPD | Chief of staff (27)

1x - SAHP | Chief Commander (28)
1x - SAHP | Chief of staff (27)

1x - NG | Assistant General (28)
1x - NG | Brigadier General (25)

1x - GOV | Gov Executive staff (17)

Thanks for reviewing my application, if I get the chance I will give my best.


Jul 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL : shubham

2. Your IRL age : 27

3. Time zone : Gmt 8+30

4. Average online per day : 10-15 Hours a day

5. Your Discord : King Dhruv

6. Your Nickname : Shubham

7. Your ID: 164529

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1: I want to leader of SAHP because i love SAHP and i got experienced on legal orgs but Right Now i want to manage Organization and Make Highways are Safe

2:I have many goals and I want to achieve them, but as an organisation, that's why I'm a leader candidate

3: I believe in myself to make SAHP the most active and best organisation in the city and to make this best Term of SAHP.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: By creating a nice bonus system we will make people more active and thus the rp level will increase

2: I will stop intra-organisational fighting by giving the ranks to people who have had difficult experiences and experience

3: I will do strike and verbal system to not let them make their mistakes again and learn how to do it

4: We will prevent any danger by establishing good communication with other legal organisations in the city

5: Organize ceremonies to celebrate achievements and milestones related to RolePlay participation.

Chain Of Commands
30 Sheriff
29 Undersheriff
28 Chief Commander
27 Chief of staff
26 Head of Department
25 Deputy Head of Department
24 Captain
23 Colonel
==== High Command =====
22 District Attorney
21 Lieutenant colonel
20 Lieutenant
19 Human Resources
18 internal affairs
16 Master Sergeant
15 Senior Sergeant
14 Sergeant
13 Master Corporal
12 Senior Corporal
11 Corporal
10 Senior Patrol Officers
9 Patrol Officer
8 Master Trooper
7 Senior Trooper
6 Trooper
5 Rookie
4 Cadet
3 Trainee
1 Suspended


Aug 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL Ansh sahni
2. Your IRL age 18
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day 8-10
5. Your Discord ansh993538
6. Your Nickname Ansh minazuki
7. Your ID 169259

Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 I want to be a leader in the SAHP because I see many people using their powers in a wrong way and showing favour to their Family and friends. In my term I will make sure that I don't do any power abuse, and will try to help my juniors to learn basic rules and laws.

2.2 In the past terms of SAHP, i have been a High Command in the terms. Because of that, i have got the chance to develop decent leadership skills and qualities by working under my High Commands and Leader. That's why i think that now its the time that i should become the leader of SAHP and use my leadership skills in the favour of my employees.

2.3 As i explained in the previous point that i have been in SAHP from the past terms, So i have found some mistakes and loopholes, That's why i want to become the leader of SAHP. So that i can make an attempt to correct those mistakes and fix those loopholes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3.1 Improving the Internal Affairs department:
In my experience, i have observed that whenever the Internal Affairs department is even slightly inactive then the Roleplay level starts declining until the IA department becomes active and strict again because it is the department which is responsible for taking disciplinary actions on the organization members. That's why i will try to improve the IA department, So that it never becomes inactive or weak.

3.2 Standard of SAHP training:
I have observed that because of some minor carelessness of the trainer or interviewer the employee who has newly joined SAHP at the beginner rank starts making mistakes which causes them to suffer from disciplinary action against them. So, i will try to increase the standard of training and interviews of SAHP employees, so that they get the best training from SAHP which will help them not only in SAHP but wherever they go.

3.3 Relationship with other orgs
Since we are responsible for protecting the city from crime it is important to maintain a good and healthy relationship between other legal orgs as well so that we will try to remove crimes within the city.

I-----------------------------MY DEPARTMENTS -----------------------------I

Human resources and training


My Experiences :

Chief Commander ( Zoro Term )
Deputy chief of police ( Relay term )
Assistant director ( Michael term )
ACP OF SWAT ( Adrish term )
ACP OF SWAT X1 (Rust term )
HOD OF SWAT X1(Rust term )
COS OF SPEC OPS X1 ( Bam term)
CHIEF OF SWAT ( Mickey term)
Ex VAGOS Deputy
Ex Bloods

Ansh Minazuki

Lakshay Bhoi

Jul 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Lakshay Malik
2. 18
3. Indian Standard Time (IST)
4. 5 HOURS
5. lakshaybhoi
6. Lakshay Bhoi
7. Only Id (In server 2) : 164574

Lakshay Bhoi

Jul 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2. 18
4. 6 HOURS
5. lakshaybhoi
7. My Only Id (Server 2): 164574

Carl Soprano

♥ Yes, I Know You !
Nov 30, 2024

1. Your name IRL :
Gurwinder Singh
2. Your IRL age : 19
3. Time zone :
4. Average online per day :
5-10 hours
5. Your Discord :
6. Your Nickname :
Carl Soprrano
7. Your ID : 155144

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

--> Firstly as i have started playing Grand Roleplay a Couple of Months Ago then i joined State Org's and Grinded for a Good Rank, i have been in LSPD, FIB, NG...etc at 28 Rank and Gained So Much Experience then and Now i think i am capable for a leadership as practical Experience Matters & i do have that.. Now i think i can Run the Term without any Flaws...

--> Specifically i am applying for SAHP as it is the Foundation and a First Step for Law Enforcement Side as it Covers a Large Highway Side Area that includes Paleto Bay, Sandy shores & Specially Small Mountainous Roads where Many Crimes Occurs But Less are Reported as their is Less Population Density so if i be the sheriff i will be Making Sure atleast 2 Highway Patrols Daily to Make sure the Peace is Maintained.. Also SAHP's Main Headquaters Stands off in Very Isolated Area where you will not see people Roaming here & there usually cause they fear too much due to Less Police Interactions in Area.

--> Thirdly i am Applying for SAHP cause people Only think that SAHP is made to Sell Insurance & License Plates this is also Because of Low Effort System made in Past Terms but Sheriff Department was Made to Catch Criminals.. so i will change the Perception & image of SAHP in Citizens Mind... i will not fill the Ranks with only Names i will fill Ranks with Talented, Hardworking & Mature People..

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

--> First of all for improving Roleplay main thing is Training & Hr Department in an organization so i will Hire Best to Best High Command of Human Resource & Training Department.. i will make Sure that my Officers are Fully Trained in Teamwork, Tactics, Self Defence, Communication Skills, Law Knowledge & Technology(PDA)..

--> Secondly as i told in My Term their will be no Rat Race over Ranks as i will Completely Define the Powers of Every Ranks so people Can't Misuse their Powers.. i will select Best to Best High Commands Personally & will make sure they are not doing any Biasness in Providing Ranks... i will also make sure that My Internal Affairs Department is Best as i dont want any Internal Matters & IA also will be Very Strict, From Simple Ethics Code to Corruption Every thing will be Taken Very Seriously as i have been Commander of IA Department & i know how Important it is ...

--> I will Try to Improve RP by Using & Teaching /try, /me, /do Commands in Situations like Negotiation of Hostage & any Public Riot.. as per the Server Rules..

--> I will try to Organize Weekly Meeting & Promotion Ceremonies.

--> I will make Sure to Provide Good Bonuses and People giving me their time will get a Good Result from me Also..

My State Org. Experiences :
Ex. State Orgs. - 28 (almost each)
Ex. State Lawyer
Ex. IC Head of Undercover (FIB)

Carl Soprrano

Dheeraj kundu

Apr 30, 2024

1. Your name IRL :
Gurwinder Singh
2. Your IRL age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5-10 hours
5. Your Discord : 101xe
6. Your Nickname : Carl Soprrano
7. Your ID : 155144

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

--> Firstly as i have started playing Grand Roleplay a Couple of Months Ago then i joined State Org's and Grinded for a Good Rank, i have been in LSPD, FIB, NG...etc at 28 Rank and Gained So Much Experience then and Now i think i am capable for a leadership as practical Experience Matters & i do have that.. Now i think i can Run the Term without any Flaws...

--> Specifically i am applying for SAHP as it is the Foundation and a First Step for Law Enforcement Side as it Covers a Large Highway Side Area that includes Paleto Bay, Sandy shores & Specially Small Mountainous Roads where Many Crimes Occurs But Less are Reported as their is Less Population Density so if i be the sheriff i will be Making Sure atleast 2 Highway Patrols Daily to Make sure the Peace is Maintained.. Also SAHP's Main Headquaters Stands off in Very Isolated Area where you will not see people Roaming here & there usually cause they fear too much due to Less Police Interactions in Area.

--> Thirdly i am Applying for SAHP cause people Only think that SAHP is made to Sell Insurance & License Plates this is also Because of Low Effort System made in Past Terms but Sheriff Department was Made to Catch Criminals.. so i will change the Perception & image of SAHP in Citizens Mind... i will not fill the Ranks with only Names i will fill Ranks with Talented, Hardworking & Mature People..

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

--> First of all for improving Roleplay main thing is Training & Hr Department in an organization so i will Hire Best to Best High Command of Human Resource & Training Department.. i will make Sure that my Officers are Fully Trained in Teamwork, Tactics, Self Defence, Communication Skills, Law Knowledge & Technology(PDA)..

--> Secondly as i told in My Term their will be no Rat Race over Ranks as i will Completely Define the Powers of Every Ranks so people Can't Misuse their Powers.. i will select Best to Best High Commands Personally & will make sure they are not doing any Biasness in Providing Ranks... i will also make sure that My Internal Affairs Department is Best as i dont want any Internal Matters & IA also will be Very Strict, From Simple Ethics Code to Corruption Every thing will be Taken Very Seriously as i have been Commander of IA Department & i know how Important it is ...

--> I will Try to Improve RP by Using & Teaching /try, /me, /do Commands in Situations like Negotiation of Hostage & any Public Riot.. as per the Server Rules..

--> I will try to Organize Weekly Meeting & Promotion Ceremonies.

--> I will make Sure to Provide Good Bonuses and People giving me their time will get a Good Result from me Also..

My State Org. Experiences :
Ex. State Orgs. - 28 (almost each)
Ex. State Lawyer
Ex. IC Head of Undercover (FIB)

Carl Soprrano
deserving !!! (not off topic)

Hydra devil

Jan 9, 2025
1. Your name IRL: Akshu
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT 5:30+
4. Average online per day:5h
5. Your Discord: hydrayo
6. Your Nickname: Hydra yo
7. Your ID: 137894


Additional information
1. Leader of: San Andreas Highway Patrol ( SAHP )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

* I wanna be leader of SanAndres Highway patrol because i think most important leos organisation present in the city to check over highway , Paleto bay side crimes . So i am willing to take Responsiblity to make it right.

* As a ex high-command of almost every law enforcement agency present in this magnificent city , and with the mentor of my senior i think i am ready to become a leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.

* i am well versed with the city rules and i think i am the best choice out there which can help the working of department go.

* my main priority is HR department as training and hiring good people for the organisation is the basic requirement to make the term go smoother without having any rule breaks or anything like that.
* I have some certain plan/changes for the los santos police department so that thing could be better than ever

* Last but not the least NO FAVOURITISM would be seen if i became the police chief as i’ve seen only few names as the high commands , will try my best to give the people best rank as they deserve i am certain of it.

* with my experience and with my trusted and hardworking deputies i don’t think adapting tough scenarios will be an issue for me

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

* My advice on improving role-play of Los Santos Police Department is by:-

- doing more activity checks
- Organising more Role-play events
- Talking one to one and listen to problems and trying to fix it
- Will increase bonuses as it will motivate the officers working in SAHP

Department i would like to see if i became sheriff

Human Resource

* Focuses on hiring and training trainees

Internal Affairs

* Focuses on activity check and if the org going smoothly

Special Response Taskforce

* focuses on special operations

Highway petrol

* focuses on Crime going on highways


* focuses on working undercover / collect evidences

Public Relation

* focuses on maintaining the organisation

Requirements to join
- 5 years in the city
- Health insurance
- Gun license
- Level 2 bag pack
- No past criminal record
- No illegal tattoo

Lastly i would describe my rank structure as follows
30 Sheriff
29 Undersheriff
28 Assistant sheriff
27 Chief of staff
26 Head of Department
25 District attorney
24 Deputy head Of department
23 Supervisor
22 Marshals (UC)
----------High Command---------
21 Lieutenant
20 Chief trooper
19 Captain
18 - Junior Inspector
17 - Sergeant Major
16 - Senior Sergeant
15 - Sergeant
14 - Corporal
13 - Lance Corporal
12 - Lead Senior Officer
11 - Senior Officer III
10 - Senior Officer II
9 - Senior Officer I
8 - Lead Trooper
7 - Trooper III
6 - Trooper II
5 - Trooper I
4 - Rookie
3 - Trainee
2 - LOA
1 - Suspended

My experience in EN 3
1x Leader of families
1x Deputy of families gang
1x Deputy of Marabunta
1x Deputy of Vagos
1x Deputy of bloods
1x Deputy of ballas
5x Under Deputy of blood
3x Under Deputy of vagos
4x Under Deputy of families
2x Under Deputy of ballas
2x Under Deputy of Marabunta
1x HOD in FIB
4x cos in sahp
5x cos in LSPD
1x Major in NG
2x usss Commander in GOV
1x Hod in LI
2x HOD in LSPD
3x HOD in SAHP

Just want a chance To do something here also

Warm Regards
Hydra Beast​

Sohn Papdi

Be the best in your mind~ CR7
Jun 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Tanishq
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 (GMT)
4. Average online per day : 8-10 Hrs
5. Your Discord : dessi_badmaas
6. Your Nickname : Sohn Papdi
7. Your ID : 134746

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a. I have been in SAHP 5-6 terms and i have started my career in SAHP officer as a cadet to under sheriff in my journey i have learn't many things and gained knowledge and experience and I have faced many difficulties in the start and I have learn't from my mistakes from all experience I believe I am ready to take up the leadership of SAHP.

b. In order to support their team's and their own professional growth, a leader plays a vital role in crafting a person's growth
their professional journey and ensure everybody has a enjoyable experience. The leader should be motivated so that he can motivate all members in positive manner to keep calm and peaceful environment around everybody.

c. To create a calm, peaceful and enjoyable environment within the SAHP and make the officers do good work and perform activities to keep the officer's a fun place to work and spend their time and gain some new experience's.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have noticed a thing since I joined SAHP that not all the department's do not function properly due to inactivity of the department because the units in that department tend to get bored in some span of time because then don't get the desired bonus for thier hardwork they showed towards the department . In my term of leadership I will make sure that all the department members get their desired bonus and make sure that their department members does their work with fun and joy. I will hold every Sunday a promotion ceremony to the officers who showed their dedication and hard work towards organization to make them more motivated to work hard in future. the main department I will focus on is FTO as they are officer's who train new people that how to be disciplined and they are the FTO division members are the one's who help the new people get the taste of legal organization's

Chain of command
30. Sheriff
29. Deputy Sheriff
28. Assistant Sheriff
27. Chief of Staff
26. Chief of Division
25. Deputy Chief of Division
24. US Marshal
----------------HIGH COMMAND ----------------
23. Area Commander
22. Commander
21. Captain
20. Lieutenant
19. Seargent
18. Area Supervisor
17. Field Supervisor
16. Master Corporal
15. Senior Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Detective 3
12. Detective 2
11. Detective 1
10. Officer
09. Master Trooper
08. Senior Trooper
07. Trooper 3
06. Trooper 2
05. Trooper 1
04. K9 Unit
03. Cadet
02. LOA
01. Suspended

My Departments will be

Human Resource
Train and Recruit new Players and i have right to promote anyone when needed

Do Special Operations and first to go to State Emergency ( Global )

Do a license check on the member , that they have gun license and Health insurance , do a Background check on member , that they dont have any criminal stucture or wanted level, do a Bodycam check and logs check , that the member had the bodycam of situation and filled the logs

Do investigations and Send the number of license plate from Recent Event on the respected channel

Traffic Enforcement Group ( TEG )
Manage the traffic level of city and TOW the abandoned vehicle and fine the owners who are doing parking violation

Sohn Papdi
Last edited:

Godfather tiger

Jul 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Yuvaan Jain
2. Your IRL age - 17 year
3. Time zone - GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day 3-5 hours
5. Your Discord - yuv_aan.
6. Your Nickname - Sebastiann Blackwoodd

7. Your ID 124207

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do your want to be the leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I joined the San Andreas Highway Patrol for the first time. It is really like home for me I actually like going to work there. This department strongly contributes to city peace and security, keeping riots and disorder out. Considering that most gang activity happens on the highway, the SAHP plays a critical role in both managing and training in the highway environments.

1. Over the past year or so, I have immersed myself in Grand RP, gaining extensive experience and knowledge as a law enforcement officer. My career started as an aide on the San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP),and it continued to where I became Chief Commander. As Chief Commander, I committed myself to using my skills and expertise in order to gain and hold the trust and respect of many, including other officers [non-athlete members of the athlete-official team], senior managers and heads of other organizations. The close connections that I've been able to establish with the community have made themselves indispensable, and I feel that I'm ready to do the tasks of the organization. My background, my leadership and above all my passion in law enforcement give me the capability to fill the position.

2. I am dedicated to making the SAHP a premier organization. For me, this means ensuring smooth operations from the lobbies to events, with active participation from everyone involved. I aim to create an environment where every trooper is engaged, professional, and proactive in their duties. Through the use of structured scheduling and the establishment of a shared understanding, I aim to do the best possible job of this term. I see as an ideal to have teams that are operating as more than just colleagues, but as a family all working together, strengthening and encouraging one another to meet our common objectives.

3. During my tenure at SAHP, I've witnessed firsthand how collaboration can turn even the toughest obstacles into achievements. I am dedicated to creating a work environment where all team members are valued, respected and heard. Through promoting open discussion and actively soliciting feedback, we can create an inclusive organization and inspire progress. I wish that our staff are going to be able to step forward and propose their ideas contributing greatly to the goals of our organization. We can and shall change SAHP from just a police force to a tight-knit community that is truly committed to the safety and security of our town.

3. Your advices for improving roleplay level in organization ( Mentioned in points for ease of admin checking )

A. Issuing big bonuses to promote hard work
B. Conducting promotion ceremony for the deserving
C. Better training handbooks will be issued to HR for the betterment in knowledge of the troopers/trainees.
D. Increase in amount of training sessions
E. Fluent training sessions
F. Collabs with other state orgs
G. Will try to increase SAHP jurisdiction (Only with the agreement of other State org leader)

My experiences -

- Ex Deputy Chief of Police
- 4x Chief Commander
- Ex Advisory Board
- Ex Assistant Chief of Police
- Ex Chief of Staff ( SAHP )
- Ex Chief of Staff ( FIB )
- Ex Chief of Department ( SAHP )
- Ex Deputy Chief of Division ( LSPD )
- Ex Deputy Chief of Department ( SAHP )

Sohn Papdi

Be the best in your mind~ CR7
Jun 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Tanishq
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 (GMT)
4. Average online per day : 8-10 Hrs
5. Your Discord : dessi_badmaas
6. Your Nickname : Sohn Papdi
7. Your ID : 134746

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a. I have been in SAHP 5-6 terms and i have started my career in SAHP officer as a cadet to under sheriff in my journey i have learn't many things and gained knowledge and experience and I have faced many difficulties in the start and I have learn't from my mistakes from all experience I believe I am ready to take up the leadership of SAHP.

b. In order to support their team's and their own professional growth, a leader plays a vital role in crafting a person's growth
their professional journey and ensure everybody has a enjoyable experience. The leader should be motivated so that he can motivate all members in positive manner to keep calm and peaceful environment around everybody.

c. To create a calm, peaceful and enjoyable environment within the SAHP and make the officers do good work and perform activities to keep the officer's a fun place to work and spend their time and gain some new experience's.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have noticed a thing since I joined SAHP that not all the department's do not function properly due to inactivity of the department because the units in that department tend to get bored in some span of time because then don't get the desired bonus for thier hardwork they showed towards the department . In my term of leadership I will make sure that all the department members get their desired bonus and make sure that their department members does their work with fun and joy. I will hold every Sunday a promotion ceremony to the officers who showed their dedication and hard work towards organization to make them more motivated to work hard in future. the main department I will focus on is FTO as they are officer's who train new people that how to be disciplined and they are the FTO division members are the one's who help the new people get the taste of legal organization's

Chain of command
30. Sheriff
29. Deputy Sheriff
28. Assistant Sheriff
27. Chief of Staff
26. Chief of Division
25. Deputy Chief of Division
24. US Marshal
----------------HIGH COMMAND ----------------
23. Area Commander
22. Commander
21. Captain
20. Lieutenant
19. Seargent
18. Area Supervisor
17. Field Supervisor
16. Master Corporal
15. Senior Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Detective 3
12. Detective 2
11. Detective 1
10. Officer
09. Master Trooper
08. Senior Trooper
07. Trooper 3
06. Trooper 2
05. Trooper 1
04. K9 Unit
03. Cadet
02. LOA
01. Suspended

My Departments will be

Human Resource
Train and Recruit new Players and i have right to promote anyone when needed

Do Special Operations and first to go to State Emergency ( Global )

Do a license check on the member , that they have gun license and Health insurance , do a Background check on member , that they dont have any criminal stucture or wanted level, do a Bodycam check and logs check , that the member had the bodycam of situation and filled the logs

Do investigations and Send the number of license plate from Recent Event on the respected channel

Traffic Enforcement Group ( TEG )
Manage the traffic level of city and TOW the abandoned vehicle and fine the owners who are doing parking violation

Sohn Papdi

Aman jatt

May 21, 2024
1. Your name IRL :- AMAN

2. Your age IRL :- 18 YEAR OLD

3. Time zone :- GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day :- 4-5 HRS

5. Your Discord :- amanbhakhar (tag)

6. Your Nickname :- Aman jat [in game]

7. Your ID - 149379 [in game]

Additional information

1. Leader of... SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1>Having worked extensively in SAHP , NG , LSPD and EMS I come with a wealth of experience. i give my best of sahp .

2.2> my behavior is very good to handle all the sahp team . I have lot of experience in shap Department. And know the server rules very well .

2.3> My Vision and ideas include of new type of training programs with situations and other technologies to ensure higher standard of activity done throughout the highways. I am eager to bring my experience from Crime side as i know how they work so i can better function my org against them.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.


3.2> Improvement in communication with org members





----- HIGH COMMAND -----
30) Sheriff
29) Under Sheriff
28) Assistant Sheriff
27) Chief of staff
26) Head Of Department
25) Deputy Head Of Department
24)Supervisor Of Department
23) Major
22) Commander
21) U.S Marshal
----- OFFICERS -----
20) Colonel
19) Captain
18) Human resources
17) Internal Affairs
16) Detective
15) S.W.A.T
14) Senior Lieutenant
13) Lieutenant
12) Senior Inspector
11) Inspector
10) Master Corporal
9) Senior Corporal
8) Corporal
7) Master Trooper
6) Senior Trooper
5) Trooper
4) Rookie
3) Cadet
2) Trainee
1) Suspended

2) Internal Affaires (HANDLE CORRUPTION)
4) Detective (They will go undercover and collect evidence)
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