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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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Areen Opium

Apr 17, 2024
Your name IRL: Areen
Your age IRL: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 4-5 Hours
Your Discord: federal_0.0
Your Nickname: Areen Opium
Your ID: 128983

Leader Of Ballas
Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
- I want to become the leader of Ballas because I always dreamt to become leader of this gang. I got a lot of knowledge on the workings of a gang while I was a admin (Marabunta curator) and bloods leader in EN-3 and I know what it takes to complete a successful term. Ever since I came to the city I never looked at the state organisations and always admired gangs but the Ballas had a special spot in my heart due to the times I spent there. Its purple colour determines its richness, boldness and dangerousness.
- I have seen many leaders failing to make their term successful and one of the reasons as per my observation is that the HCs are not knowledgeable and lead events, which leads to them making a rule break and thus sometimes resulting in a mass rule break to get the organization a warning. I will only hire HCs who are experienced and knowledgeable and always conduct their interview. I will also focus and tell the HCs to teach the people who are new to crime.
- I have been a HC for a couple of times in almost all gangs, and I know how to conduct events such as FZ raid, Hostage Situation and Store robbery etc. I know how to handle situations, stay calm and make the right decisions quickly, so I think a can be a great leader.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I will pick experienced and Knowledgeable deputys.
2. I will introduce a good bonus system and give promotion to those who deserve.
3. I will ensure that there is no toxicity or favouritism in gang.
4. Reduce conflicts in gang.
5. We will do FZ raid and Store robberies on a daily basis.
6. I will try to hire members who can stay active at night and will also hire a deputy who can do events like store ,subs and battleship at night.
7. I will pick uncommon places for hostage situations so that the LEOs are confused.
8. I will appoint a experienced turf deputy who will lead turf
9. We will show much larger activity and dominance in ghetto compared to other gangs.
10. I will do much events and exceed the event chart.

-100% Turf
-Maximum Graffiti profit in an hour
-Ending the term with no or minimum warns and verbals
- Try to get that mikachu

Ranking System
1 - Freeze
2 - Newbie
3 - Shooter
4 - Gangster
5 - Clapper
6 - Graffitist
7 - Mafia
8 - Warlord
9 - Graffiti Leader
10 - Druglord
11 - Event leader
12 - Turfer
13 - Underdeputy
14 - The OG
15 - Deputy
16 - Leader

Thank you for reading my application
Warm regards,

Areen Opium

Azuz Salva

Head Hunter
Oct 30, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Bhaskar
2. Your age IRL : 22
3. Time zone : GMT (+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 4-6 hour
5. Your Discord : azu_9z
6. Your Nickname : Azuz Salvaa
7. Your ID : 179173

Additional information

1. Leader of... The Ballas Gang.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I Have played Grp form over 1 year in ovwe this years i learn more rules about grp and spent more time in gangs, i specily get possition at Marabunta , familese, Bloods , Over this year i have spacial emotion with gang and i have now gather more and more information and creative idea about to grow the gang and dominated the whole city , maximum hostage sis, gun store/24/7 store, 100% Turfing also get grafity profit and do global, also doing much gang acitivity in the city, I take care of the HC and Turf Team .​
i am spend 1 year in grp in this year my exps are SAHP/LSPD-27, NG-28, EMS-22, LI-13, FIB--22, GOV-24, AND IN ILLEAGLORG Y EXP are under deputy in every gang.​
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1 ) Bonus System​
2 ) Turf team selection​
3 ) make highest 24/7 and gun store and fz with full protatincial​
4 ) max number in clands​
5 ) must do gaffity​
6 ) Rule maintains​
7 ) Complete turm without warn and verbal​
I just want to prove myself to prove that i am the best leader of ballas . I just wants a chance.​
Ranking system​
16) Leader​
15) Deputy​
14) Under Deputy​
13) Og Ballas​
12) Turf Leader​
11) Warlord​
10) Tusk​
09) Grafitty Leader​
08) Grafitist​
07) shooter​
06) Gangster​
05) Claper​
04) Beru​
03) Starter​
02) Newbie​
01) Frezze​
Thank You ,​
Azuz Salvaa | 179173​

blaze smith33

Sep 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Akshat
2. Your age IRL - 17
3. Time zone- GMT+ 5:30 ( India)
4. Average online per day- 6-7hr
5. Your Discord- kakashi0634
6. Your Nickname- Blaze Osei
7. Your ID- 158607

Additional information
1. Leader of east side ballas

2. why do u want to be a leader of this specific organization? ( list three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I have been 14 in all the gangs but i enjoyed most of time in ballas and vagos. I have been 14 rank in all gangs but most time in ballas I have different bond with ballas

2.2 i am applying to be a leader of ballas as i love this gang and always to keep up its aura in city. this gang has a history of many successful terms and i am damn sure i will keep its legacy continued. i will firstly train up my gang for ghetto area near from boundary to boundary people and other gangs will fear to cross the area near ballas hq.

2.3 leo's will think 100 times before responding to store/gun store robbery started by ballas . i will appoint deserving people as my deputy and will be giving hc to most active peole in gang. i will try my best for 100% graffiti and 100% turf

3. Yours advices for improving roleplay level in organization

Firstly my aim will be to ensure that No favoritism and toxicity in gang. all gang members do all event with coordination and team work completing term with negligible mistakes doing all gang events daily we be doing bs,fz, store robs with full rp daily. taking short interview of peole before recruiting
My goals

1. 100% turf
2.100% graffiti
3. making excellent graffiti team
4. Doing fz,bs,clands, store robs daily
5. completing term with 0% toxicity and friendship between gang members
6. helping newbies getting experience of gang
7. establishing control over full ghetto
Ranking system

1. freeze
2. newbie
3. shooter
4. graffiti team member
5. graffiti leader
6. clapper
7. gangster
8. Druglord
9. Warlord
10. Event leader
11. AK 47
12. Turfer
13. Og Ballas
14. Under deputy
15. Deputy
16. Leader
My exprience of En 2

Vagos 5x 14 rank
Marabunta 3x 14 rank
Families 2x 14 rank
bloods 14 rank

2x sahp 27
Fib 25 Rank

Thanks a lot for at least considering my appliction
Warm regards
Blaze Osei

(note i made changes in marabunta application not copied from anywhere else)


⚜️ Ayaan ⚜️
Dec 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL
- Ayaan
2. Your age IRL - 20
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord - ayaanbros
6. Your Nickname - Ayaan Bros
7. Your ID - 186547
Additional information
1. Leader of
... Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- The main reason is this is the gang whose position is better than other gangs, I mean I can do gang raids store robberies near the hq also so this is my favourite gang according to its location but I wanna use its good location as an opportunity and wanna show others how a gang can be so active , and also I have seen many ppl gives a limited access to lower ranks but I'll give his all access what he deserves.
btw this is not good to tell good things about myself xd but I am saying that I have good leading skill. You can try once.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- a) 100% turf
b) maximum graffiti
c) when low money to give bonus I'll give bonus from my personal money
d) maximum activity like raid , ghetto clap , rob without any rule breaking
e) recruit those as my deputy who can manage everything without my absence
f) of course minimum toxicity
g) and lastly max number of ppl in every event.

My ranking system will be something diff but if my curator gives me permission
I'll discuss with him .

Thanks for reading my application.


Maan plays

Sep 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Abdullah
2. Your age IRL : 20
3. Time zone : GMT +5:00
4. Average online per day : 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord : kkingrrr
6. Your Nickname : Maan Playz
7. Your ID : 173863
Additional information

1. Leader of B

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) I wanna be Leader of the Ballas because after spending lot of time in city or after making a one term successfully or 100% turf so i think it make me capable to becoming the leader. I Make sure that if i will be leader i will make my term most active or conduct all kind of events like ghetto robbery , Fz raid , Store robbery 2 to 3 in day.

(ii) I have gained the popularity in the city because of my behavoiur or leading skills so i can easily joined the 50 to 60 people into the gang in just 24 hours those who know every single rule or make the RP situation more interesting or relastic. I gonna make the ballas of rule all our Ghetto.
(iii) By being the Leader of Ballas i do the 100% turf of it paint whole ghetto with Ballas name. I will proivde good bonuses system so every gang member also enjoy the events more. I will make my term toxicity free.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

~ Gang dosent work with only leader its work with proper condination with your Gang members so i will make sure i also listen my High commands in the situation so which make the RP more relastics.
~ I will do 100% turf as i do in my pervious term or make my term most active in the city. The citizen of Grand RP has fear from the Ballas gang i will make my Gang most Dangerous gang in the city.
~ I will conduct unlimited Hostage situation even attend all Subs event i will make a Deputy how can handle night or day time Events which shows the Gang activity as i have the best deputies how can play this Job very well.
~ I will not promote the favortisim in gang those who deserves will get Rank or i will help them to learn rules so there is no rule break in the situation

My Goals

- 100% turf
- Good bonuses System
- Ballas gonna rule all our Ghetto
- More than 10k Graffiti Profit every hour
- Make my term end successfully with no warning ( zero mass rule break as my pervious one )
- Making the Good or well knowledge Deputies or High command
- Make my Gang toxicity free or friendly environment
- Maintane the high level of RP in Situation even at HS

My Past Experienced

Illegal org

Families Leader
Ballas 14 rank
Vagos 14 rank
Marabunta 14 rank
Bloods 14 rank

Legal org

1x LSPD 20 rank

My Ranking System

16 Leader
15 Deputy

14 Mini Deputy
13 OG Ballas
--- High Command---
12 Mafia
11 Turfer
10 Event Leader
9 Warlord
8 Graffiti Leader
7 Controller
6 Graffiti Team
5 Gangster
4 Shooter
3 Clapper
2 Newbie
1 Freeze

Storm Plays

Nov 14, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Haseeb
2. Your age IRL : 20
3. Time zone : (GMT+5)
4. Average online per day : 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord : storm012930
6. Your Nickname : Storm Ror
7. Your ID : 164508

Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) I wanna become leader of Ballas because I have to much experience in Illegal organization I have a lot of experience and if I will be a leader of Ballas will be most active gang in city we will try our best to become a stronger and richest gang in city and I have good leading skills and I will tech my lower ranks all the rules

(ii) Most of the guys will do favoritism but If I will be a leader I will give ranks according to their experience and tech them them rules I will do maximum Hostage Situation,Store Robberry, Highway Robbery, Ghetto Clapping and so on leos will think 100 times to responding our situation

(iii) I am committed to do 100 Percent Turf and I will rule the Ghetto and all other gangs will fear of us to entering in Ghetto and I will do maximum Truck theft to fill my warehouse and I will provide very good bonuses I will make leos fear of the name of Ballas

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

• I have the best High Commands who can handle the day and night time events I will make the Ballas most dangerous gang in city
•I will improve the Rp in the situations and I will make best High Commands who can manage the events very well
• I will paint the whole Ghetto and we gonna make the whole ghetto active and most dangerous
• We will do unlimited Hostage Situation and Highway Robbery which shows the gang activity
• For providing Good Bonuses System I will Plant the solars because ballas has best Hq for solar plantation which make my gang most richest Gang or Stronger

My Goals
- Maximum Graffiti Profits
- Good Bonuses System
- 100 Percent Turf
- Teach Rules all the new members
- Make a term Successful with zero warn
- Good Relationship with all the gangs
- Doing HS,BS,Store, Clandestine and Fz daily
- Rule in Ghetto
- Free from Toxicity

My Past Experiences

Illegal organization

1x Families Deputy
4x Ballas Under Deputy
2x Vagos Under Deputy
1x Bloods Under Deputy
1x Families Under Deputy
1x Marabunta Under Deputy

Legal organization


My Ranking system
16 Leader
15 Deputy Leader
14 OG Ballas
13 Under Deputy
12 Turfer
11Ak 47
10 Event Leader
9 Warlord
8 Graphiti Leader
7 Controler
6 Graffiti Team
5 Shorter
4 Gangster
3 Clapper
2 Newbie
1 Freeze


Aug 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Ashesh
2. Your age IRL: 21
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: sasukeuchiha9079
6. Your Nickname: Chupapi Tzariar
7. Your ID: 111668
Additional information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) I wanna become the leader of this organization because of my desire of changing the world and bend the rules to my will and achieve all the thing for myself which this city has to offer.

(ii) I want to become the leader of this organization because I crave the power that comes with leadership, and want to give power in the hands of those who have felt powerless or oppressed in the past. They might see an illegal organization as a way to carve out authority and influence in a world they feel doesn’t listen to them.

(iii) I have a natural naturally charismatic character which helps be to become the best candidate for leadership as I am able to rally people to a cause. I find it fulfillment in bringing others together under a common purpose, even if that purpose involves illegal activities. The thrill of influence and manipulation could be a significant driver.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(i) I will do everything in my power to ensure that our organization attends as many events as possible each and every day, making it a priority to participate in every event, no matter how busy my schedule may be. Me and my deputies will look at every events daily and will also make ghetto active.

(ii) I will also take care to do maximum number of graffiti possible every single hour, throughout the day by giving maximum bonuses on graffiti.

(iii) I will try my best to create a friendly environment by taking care of gang member and will take care that there is no favoritism and toxicity going on in the gang and every member in gang is treated equally and friendly.

My Goals as a Leader

- 100% Graffiti
- 100% Turf
- Make sure our high commands are capable and are good for their ranks
- Giving max bonuses on time
- Make Ballas most active gang in the city
- Taking care that none of our gang member do a rule break
- Participation in max no. of events
- No favouritism and toxicity in org

Ranking System

16 - Leader
15 - Deputy Leader
14 - Under Deputy
13 - Event Leader
--------------------High Command--------------------
12 - Event Manager
11 - Turfer
10 - Mafia
09 - Warlord
08 - Gangster
07 - Druglord
06 - Graffitist
05 - Hitman
04 - Clapper
03 - Shooter
02 - Newbie
01 - Freeze

My Past Experiences

Illegal organization

1x 14) Families Deputy
1x 12) Marabunta Under Deputy
2x Ballas

Legal organization


Private organization

1x LI

Thanks For Reviewing My Application

With Regards
Chupapi Tzariar

Ballas On Top !!

Prody don

Apr 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Jitender kumar
2. Your age IRL:
3. Time zone:
4. Average online per day
: 8 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord: jitu0w0_82074
6. Your Nickname
: Jitu ThirtysixBoyz
7. Your ID:

Additional information

1. Leader Of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  1. When I started roleplaying, Ballas was my first gang. Back then, I didn’t know much about crime, but over time, I gained a lot of experience. Since then, I’ve wanted to become a leader. Now, I feel ready to take on that role. I want to lead Ballas because it was my first gang, and it means a lot to me. i have a good communication skill to run a successful term most important thing is to have a best Deputies. Being in a gang gives more freedom then state ORG, and I’m ready for the challenge.

    3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

    In my term, there will be no favoritism. Ranks will go to those who earn them. We’ll train new players in our gang style. I’ll also give weekly bonuses and promotions based on effort.

    My goals for Ballas :
    1. 100% turfs
    2. Maximum graffiti profits every hour
    3. No toxicity
    4. 2 FZ Minimum, Highest Global Situation, Dominating Ghetto
      I will make most active gang to Ballas

      EX-Leader of Ballas

      ---- Ranking system----
      . Leader
      Under Deputy
      7.OG ballas
      6. Hitman
      Drug Lord

      Jitu ThirtysixBoyz

Prody don

Apr 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Jitender kumar
2. Your age IRL:
3. Time zone:
4. Average online per day
: 8 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord: jitu0w0_82074
6. Your Nickname
: Jitu ThirtysixBoyz
7. Your ID:

Additional information

1. Leader Of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  1. When I started roleplaying, Ballas was my first gang. Back then, I didn’t know much about crime, but over time, I gained a lot of experience. Since then, I’ve wanted to become a leader. Now, I feel ready to take on that role. I want to lead Ballas because it was my first gang, and it means a lot to me. i have a good communication skill to run a successful term most important thing is to have a best Deputies. Being in a gang gives more freedom then state ORG, and I’m ready for the challenge.

    3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

    In my term, there will be no favoritism. Ranks will go to those who earn them. We’ll train new players in our gang style. I’ll also give weekly bonuses and promotions based on effort.

    My goals for Ballas :
    1. 100% turfs
    2. Maximum graffiti profits every hour
    3. No toxicity
    4. 2 FZ Minimum, Highest Global Situation, Dominating Ghetto
      I will make most active gang to Ballas

      EX-Leader of Ballas

      ---- Ranking system----
      . Leader
      Under Deputy
      7.OG ballas
      6. Hitman
      Drug Lord

      Jitu ThirtysixBoyz
My Past application - Approved - Leader of Ballas | Prody Pluxury

Carl Soprano

♥ Yes, I Know You !
Nov 30, 2024

1.Your name IRL :
Gurwinder Singh
2. Your age IRL : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30(India)
4. Average online per day : 4-8 Hours
5. Your Discord : 101xe
6. Your Nickname : Carl Soprano
7. Your ID : 155144

Additional information

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

--> First of all i have spent much time in gangs and specially marabunta so now i think i have grinded & gained that much experience that i can apply for leadership. i have been i both State organisation as well as Crime organisations at high command rank so i know all from basic to high level !!
--> Secondly Specially Ballas i am applying cause its a OG and Dangerous gang and i do like the location of Ballas Headquaters as its in the main Area of ghetto and Only Well Experienced people do join Ballas. Ballas Hq is also best for planting solars to make some sort of money !!
--> Thirdly as i said i have been in both state & crime so i know both side of views of people and will try to do my best to possibly run the term without any flaws and also most of the gangs get disband in turf but i know each and every single detail of it so i will manage to do it correctly without getting any warns..

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in Organization.

--> Firstly we have to select best high commands for org. as i will be online but still people do reply on hc's.. i will make sure they are not doing any favouritism in selecting people & providing ranks to them..
--> Secondly i will train people by my self to do criminal activities & other things like graffities, killing, robbing & kidnapping.. most of leaders do not do so..
--> Thirdly i will try do distribute more & more bonuses as if people do get their works paid they will enjoy doing it so i will make my bonus systems best..
--> At last but not the least i will try to do more and more events like Store robberies, Fz raids , Hostage Situations so people will not get bored and they will enjoy..

My Ranking System

11-Event Leader

Carl Soprano

Note : This is not Copied From Anywhere it is my Own Old application and i edited it a bit..

Assassin Spidey

Jun 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Aryan Goswami
2. Your age IRL : 19
3. Time zone : GMT +05:30
4. Average online per day : 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord : spyderji.
6. Your Nickname : Spidey Gangster
7. Your ID : 177439

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) As I was in the city from a long time and after becoming the High command or Deputies many times as in 14 rank i gained so much experienced and now im illegible for becoming a leader.
(ii) A leader can lead a whole organization and if i become leader i will lead the events which is not done by from a long time in a illegal org such as a capital attack , 2 to 3 24/7 store robbery etc.
(iii) The pervious leader promote so much favoritism just give HC to their friend but if i get leadership i will make this favoritism end. By being a leader i can make a Ballas most dangerous gang in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- By becoming the leader of Ballas i will make such a good bonus system for which gang member also enjoy the events more and also other member get interest to be in Ballas which make my term most active in the city or my whole friend circle is already become many time HC or deputy of 100% successful term so its help me to make my term successful.
- I will make sure my All gang member maintain high level of of RP in situation.
- I will do highway robbery or hostage situation in every day so my member didnt get bored or the people of Los Santos have the fear of their life from Ballas.
- Its only an illegal org which most of people want to join but after spending 1 week they start leaving an org because after an week the feel boring by staying so for that I will lead infinite events
- Making the gang environmental friendly or zero toxicity , Hate or no targeting

My Goals

- Doing 100% turf
- I will try my 100% to do a Capital Attack
- Making the Max graffiti profit every day up to 10k
- Making best High command
- Making the Dangerous gang in the city
- Make the most active gang in the city
- Making the terrorist gang of the city

My Ranking System

15-Deputy Leader
14-Under Deputy
11-Event Leader
10 - Mafia
09 - Warlord
08 - Gangster
07 - Druglord
06 - Graffitist
05 - Hitman
04 - Clapper
03 - Shooter
02 - Newbie
01 - Freeze

My Past experienced

EX-Deputy Families
EX-14 All Gangs
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