1. Your name IRL - Pratham Meena
2. Your IRL age - 19 (my birthday was on 23rd feb)
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 6 to 8 hours, more on weekends.
5. Your Discord - blur.pixel
6. Your Nickname - Pixel Federal
7. Your ID - 84889
Additional information
1. Leader of LifeInvader
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I am incredibly passionate about leading LifeInvader, and here are my top three reasons why.
1) I have worked as CEO of lifeinvader and did a successful term so I know how Lifeinvader works and there is a lot of things I wasn't able to do because of tight schedule but now I think I am ready to run another successful term of Lifeinvader.
2) I worked in Lifeinvader as CEO, COO and also worked a lot as a normal employee so I know how to improve Lifeinvader and the issues which the employees are facing. So I will give my best in fixing those issues.
3) I am very polite and can handle all types of situations with ease. I believe in my problem solving skills and management skills. I can make Lifeinvader a better place for both citizens and employees.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1) I will try my best to organize new and better events which will be an interesting part for both citizens to take part in and for employees to organize it.
2) I made a series of videos named as 'Shadows of Los Santos' which was made for the entertainment of the citizens but due to tight schedule I wasn't able to complete it but by taking leadership again I will make sure that this time I will complete it as it increase the interest of the citizens to watch CNN regularly and doesn't miss any episodes.
3) I will give the same importance to Journalism Team, as they are still not active so will post articles regularly and will also focus on reporting of an event or taking interviews. I will try my best to improve RP in Lifeinvader and also will increase ADs flow at night time in city.
(improvised version of my last application)
Thank you for having a look at my application. (Hoping for a positive response)
Best Regards,
Pixel Federal.