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Search results

  1. Aryan Escobar

    Approved RDM | 84132

    sir pls take strict action on him. Its a humble request.
  2. Aryan Escobar

    Approved CL | 32730

    All in pov
  3. Aryan Escobar

    Approved RDM | 84132

    This player was random punching me without any reason he just sayed in mic hello hello and then he started punching me All in pov
  4. Aryan Escobar

    Approved CR | 23801

    This guy was doing car raming All in pov
  5. Aryan Escobar

    Approved RDM | 67362

    Killed without giving demands!! All in pov
  6. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Warn+Jail for Cl | Husu Verlice

    Husu Verlice watched Threads 673930 and gave me warn and jail for 180 mins. This is the pov againts me : . Actually suddenly my game crashed and within a min i reopened my game but i was teleported to the place where i died last time and there was no one. In this pov you can see i was...
  7. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Admin Application | Riya Meshram

    Information Your name IRL: Aryan Dhawale Your age (OOC): 18 Time zone + country: +5:30pm / India Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 17:00 to 22:00 Average online per day(hours): 3-5...
  8. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected RDM | 32314

    He killed me without giving demands. All visible in the pov.......
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