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  1. Aryan Escobar

    Reviewed Pov Request | 64349

    Dear Admin, We can see in pov that player 28824 is drinking 10% attack juice when he has gun in his hand so its a request to kindly punish him for PG. Thank you sir [ No off topic ]
  2. Aryan Escobar

    Approved GZ 1.1 + VDM + GR 3.2 | 78392 + 93802

    78392 was doing parental abuse on me in hindi i need hindi admin to check this and 78392 was also doing VDM and CR also as we can see in the clip [ At fuel station , Under the bridge , Near strip club ]. And 93802 killed me in unscripted green grass. All in POV.
  3. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Fail RP + Power Gaming | 87432 + 2276

    As we can see in POV 87432 was searched me without giving RP commands like [ I'm searching you up! ] and at 12:54 we can see that 2276 has gun in his hand and picking up LMG... Rest all in POV Thanks for Reading.
  4. Aryan Escobar

    Approved RDM | 62271

    While i was Proceeding a 10-15 his friend comes and started shooting without giving demands in NG-South Gate All in POV Thanks for reading sir
  5. Aryan Escobar

    Approved VDM + Fear RP | 90166 + 90261

    90166 was trying to help his friend to evade the arrest while doing VDM on us and 90261 does not have fear for his life we were giving him demands and he was ignoring and was not complying with us whereas you can see 90166 was doing UB driving also ramming the car. If this point helps you then...
  6. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Mixing | 79876

    All in Screenshot Check the Left eye.
  7. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Mercy Killing | 87431

    All in POV
  8. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected POV Req | 87431

    Dear Admins, 87431 this player did MK with me and i think this player did Mercy killing with his friend also so its a request to see his POV and he did MK with my other agents also i guess.... Thank you sir.
  9. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 83508

    In this forum [ On consideration - Provoking government employee /CR - 72686/90974 ] 83508 this player report a complaint about other players, but we can clearly see that 83508 is bug abusing . He started cruise control before the speed breaker comes and how smoothly he skips multiple speed...
  10. Aryan Escobar

    Approved UB Driving | 58623

    All in pov
  11. Aryan Escobar

    Approved Personal Biography | Lali Uchiha | 68195

    Name: Lali Uchiha Gender: Male Age: 18 Race: Black Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Maharashtra Sexuality: Male Weight: 42 kg Height: 5.7 FT Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Tattoos: Yes left hand Strengths: maintains a calm demeanor in challenging situations, has a knack for quickly...
  12. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Admin Application | Lali Uchiha

    Your name IRL : Aryan Dhawale Your age (OOC): 18 Time zone + country: India (GMT +5:30) Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): : 9:00 to 13:00 Average online per day(hours):from 4 to 5 hours Your Discord ID: laliuchiha Your...
  13. Aryan Escobar

    Approved UB Demands | 32712 + 38237

    All in POV. RDM | Mercy killing also at last. and also CR and Provoking
  14. Aryan Escobar

    Reviewed fail rp + corrupt | 79222

    Opti Pride sir he is doing meta gaming also so kindly punish him..
  15. Aryan Escobar

    Reviewed fail rp + corrupt | 79222

    From my POV: I guess he was doing meta gaming in top left corner and as we can see he just provided the bodycam from the counter not full situation where the arresting officer cuff him and while he is asking for a lawyer actually the martial law is applied on Los santos [ Gov is Disbanded ] so...
  16. Aryan Escobar

    Reviewed SR 5.6 | 68195 , 79222

    First of all: You were Driving recklessly and you were also failure to comply , evading the arrest , [Non RP Driving/UB Driving] , Fear RP , Failure to Identity , Major Speed violation , Driving in the opposite lane of the highway , Chaotic movements between lanes. This is all rule breaks you...
  17. Aryan Escobar

    Approved Mass Rule Break | 54973 , 24054 ,12982 , 61147

    All in POV Sir its a huge request to take strict action against this types of player RDM , Fear Rp , Provoking , Combat log . Everything in POV.
  18. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family assassin

    If you know that there was an 10-10 situation with atm robbery then you should be careful na and why is he lying that he was walking around the city
  19. Aryan Escobar

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family assassin

    Right bro He is showing half pov
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