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Search results

  1. A

    Approved Random Punching | 400129

    All in POV.
  2. A

    Pending review Leader of NG | Day Doe

    + great leadership skills, would be a very good leader in NG.
  3. A

    Reviewed Unban appeal | Lazer White - Beni Valentine

    You got the ban for the disrespect and you deserve that, morning or night doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful.
  4. A

    Rejected Toxic | 2341566

    as attached.
  5. A

    Reviewed RDM in GZ | 120524

    POV attached.
  6. A

    Rejected why

    You should deserve more than 30, maybe 60 or perm. Insulting country politics. I have submitted forums.
  7. A

    Approved VDM | 269803 262827

    VDM with chopper twice, first time i didnt report he came back and did 2nd time. POV attached.
  8. A

    Approved Country Politic | 325752

    all in POV.
  9. A

    Approved CR + RDM | 326806 325086 58652

    All in POV CR + RDM
  10. A

    Reviewed GN 1.1 /1.4 block social club ID 105095

    More clear explanation it's like you lost your credit card irl, you reported lost and went to get a new card replacement, will it still be the same card number again.
  11. A

    Reviewed GN 1.1 /1.4 block social club ID 105095

    A new account means get a new GTA V account. New GTA V New Social Club ID New Grand rp ID Obviously you can't login to the current Social Club ID since it has been marked lost.
  12. A

    Rejected Demorgan & Warn for Fear RP | Gregory House

    When in RP situation you have to comply with what they demand based on experience, you can submit form with POV if they had broke the rules. Still a demorg.
  13. A

    Reviewed Unban appeal 4.1 | Anderson Fade

    Still a 60 days and it will remain.
  14. A

    Approved Ban For Cheats | Napal Fedorov

    Why others don't get ban but only you? Well admin surely had a prove that you are cheating that's why you got a ban. POV before you get banned.?
  15. A

    Rejected unban automaitc - alex odd

    Easy Anti-Cheat is tasked with the responsibility of detecting and preventing the use of third-party tools that are designed and used to grant players an unfair in-game advantage. When Easy Anti-Cheat flags an account for cheating, the game publisher may subsequently decide to suspend or ban the...
  16. A

    Rejected Unban Appeal GR 4.1 | Mazhor Pluxury

    We do not tolerate cheaters.
  17. A


    What a demand, you should be glad you didn't get a Perm Ban for using software. *Twice*. Hacking and use of software 4.1 Players must not have any kind of software that gives any advantage.(Disabling drug`s effect, hacks, afk timer circumventing, bots etc.) | Ban 60 days 6.23 Any kind of bug...
  18. A

    Rejected False Gr 3.2 without evidence

    PLEASE PAY ATTTENTION Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules. 1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you. 2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You...
  19. A

    Reviewed Scam I 185231

    Obviously fall under GN 1.3 perma ban 185231 know he's being reported on forums that's why he returned the money. 1. Time report 7.12, he only returned on 7.52 2. What's the time gap he's been doing? He can return straight away or within 5-10 mins if he says his family needs it. 3. If this...
  20. A

    Approved fail rp | id 294999

    Admin this guys spamming threads, see archive, he asked to close then now submit again
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