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  1. A

    Rejected Unban Appel | Alex odd

    You got banned on 10th Sept 2022, so it's already a perma ban on that time, why didn't you appeal on that current time with proof of POV?
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    Rejected demorgan for event rule 1.17 | Beni valentine

    Surely denied. You are using your personal vehicle instead of ORG vehicle based on POV.
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    Rejected Unban appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    Wrong server.
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    Rejected Warn for CL | Jessica Odds

    Don't worry ab that, it's based on facts. You had the exact same situation on previous post while getting robbed. Too obvious once again.
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    Rejected Warn for CL | Jessica Odds

    Don't think should be removed 1. Based on POV how you know you had a connection lost? 2. While RP is going and they are talking, you type in chat straight away as you already know you've been disconnected. 3. You have 11m on hand, and you are afraid that they will rob money. 4. Well you could...
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    Rejected false punishment | Vishwa Blake

    Anti AFK.
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    Rejected Ban For Gen rule1.8 | Hassy_David

    Wrong server.
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    Approved VDM | 324788

    POV as attached.
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    Approved CR | 235071

    +rdm, where's the before 30 secs and did you provoke him before?
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    Approved CR and UB Driving | 157611

    POV as attached. Start view from 2 mins onwards. Done approach HC for this.
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    Rejected Warning Removal Appeal | Tyrell Johnson

    Would like to request a warning removal. Check T-10 in Emails if needed. Thank you
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    Approved VDM | 311475

    VDM in POV Thank you
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    Rejected ER 1.17 | 169364

    Yea feeling you're a professional? I'm just asking nicely kid, stop feeling good about yourself.
  14. A

    Rejected RDM | 322698, 322866

    added more proof via same link as above.
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    Rejected ER 1.17 | 169364

    Is there any rule says that can't spray on personal vehicle?
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    Rejected ER 1.17 | 169364

    What's wrong with spraying?
  17. A

    Rejected RDM | 322698, 322866

    RDM, request for buying oil barrels, once trade done started shooting. Tried to hide and move, asked them to stop but they didn't. Prove as attached. Thank you
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    Rejected Been Scammed | i don't have his ID

    You didn't upload the behind part didn't you, and I have been there almost all day, before the money was gone only both of you guys came up, don't worry as I believe admin can check the transaction logs
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    Rejected Been Scammed | i don't have his ID

    and before he left he just laughing in voice chat all the way and only that i realize it.
  20. A

    Rejected Been Scammed | i don't have his ID

    i've been scammed at green zone, after he gave offer a hug and all my balance is gone. i only manage to get his phone number: 1888882 Name: DeafKing i've approach some lspd and peoples inside and they asked me to submit a request to check my last transaction logs. Please assist as i don't have...
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