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  1. M

    Rejected RDM I 166790

    RDM with my fist are u serious?
  2. M

    Reviewed RDM /166790

    someone make me report from ur fam and get rejected because i already get warning
  3. M

    Reviewed RDM /166790

    and u and ur friend shot us first so we shot u back
  4. M

    Reviewed RDM /166790

    and if u mean about it i already get warning from admin he see me when i was shooting this is the proof
  5. M

    Reviewed RDM /166790

    and ur leader make CL lol
  6. M

    Reviewed RDM /166790

    u are the first shot us so i shot u back u and ur friends
  7. M

    Reviewed RDM /166790

    lol this is real video
  8. M

    Rejected Wrong_RDM by Richard Dejigalo

    wrong RDM this not RDM they start to shot us first so me and my friends shot them back how this is RDM? and u give me warning for no reason
  9. M

    Rejected Wrong-RDM

    how i get warning RDM and they shots first this guy doesnt appear what happend u cant punish me for no reason and this is not RDM without reason and how this video accepted?
  10. M

    Approved Multiple Rulebreaks | 156682

    he means ic lmao u are dum
  11. M

    Approved Multiple Rulebreaks | 156682

    i think now we see who dont know the rules bitch
  12. M

    Approved Multiple Rulebreaks | 156682

    you have horns. When we told you to we toke a photo your wife, you said without permission, sheep, prison graduate and u dont know what we mean so dont change any words to be insulting its not our fault if u are sheep and want us to insult u
  13. M

    Rejected RDM | 166790

    i already get the punishment from admin and this is the proof
  14. M

    Approved Shooting in hq | ID : 91839

    because u dont respect anyone
  15. M

    Approved Shooting in hq | ID : 91839

    i was want to get in families but u make me hate it
  16. M

    Approved Shooting in hq | ID : 91839

    and when i was waiting my friend u come and disrespect me xD
  17. M

    Approved Shooting in hq | ID : 91839

    u was shooting me at first and i dont shot and u give me demande i was standing waiting for my friend to go and u give me fake demande so i shot u
  18. M

    Rejected OOC insult in FL + Mixing | id: 155400

    this is the third report and the same report xD
  19. M

    Rejected OOC insult in FL + Mixing | id: 155400

    and all known as u are arabic so stfu
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