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  1. M

    Approved RDM in my house | 96462 182130

    are u fucking kidding me? yea because we give u demand but u its not my fault idiot and this is fear rp
  2. M

    Approved RDM in my house | 96462 182130

    u get urself warning for fear rp?
  3. M

    Rejected RDM in GZ | 8853

    this guy killed me in GZ i think he dont know this is GZ but here is video booby told us this is GZ https://streamable.com/g4tagm
  4. M

    Rejected killing and stealing in gz /id 83213/id 145690-145067

    first u running into GZ and this is wrong second thing he heal u and told u leave the area and u didnt respond this is fear rp
  5. M

    Rejected killing and stealing in gz /id 83213/id 145690-145067

    98427 dancing on dead body?
  6. M

    Rejected RM | 166790

    this is ghetto my boy
  7. M

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Arwid lee

    so i got banned after i rped and they gave me demands to run for 5 seconds and then arwid lee gave me warn for fear RP as u can see in this pov the he gave me demands so please unban i dont care if i get MG i just want to come back to the game because i dont deserve to get ban
  8. M

    Rejected Ban apeal | Arwid lee

    so i got banned after i rped and they gave me demands to run for 5 seconds and then arwid lee gave me warn for fear RP as u can see in this pov the he gave me demands so please unban
  9. M

    Rejected Ban appeal.. ARWID_LEE

    they are rob me without fam clothes and without family car and he let me standing and go to bring fam car and this car was armored in ghetto
  10. M

    Rejected Ban appeal.. ARWID_LEE

    ty bro my all respect
  11. M

    Rejected Ban appeal.. ARWID_LEE

    and they have armor car too
  12. M

    Rejected Ban appeal.. ARWID_LEE

    wtf sorry admin for all of this but i have some proplems so this is the real video and this was an old video i uploaded it by wrong this is the right video https://streamable.com/786igm
  13. M

    Rejected Ban appeal.. ARWID_LEE

    sorry wrong video this is the correct video Streamable
  14. M

    Rejected Ban appeal.. ARWID_LEE

    he give me warning and i get ban 7 days because i already had 2 warning so i get ban fair rp i dont know how but they already robbed me and he give me 5 sec to run while i was running suddenly i get fair rp i dont know how and u can check the POV and see what Happend
  15. M

    Rejected RDM|163577|182130

    1 min u were sleeping so how u get this pov?
  16. M

    Approved Dancing over dead body, mercy killing | 155400

    btw its ok if i get anything but this is not dance and i dont mean to make it i was just make it to my friend
  17. M

    Approved Dancing over dead body, mercy killing | 155400

    wave hands??????????????????????????? dance?
  18. M

    Approved Mass RDM | Family ZERO

    check about who put this solar cuz it werent for us someone from them put it and this is the proof
  19. M

    Approved fear rp and Mercy Killing 155400

    hahah bitch
  20. M

    Approved fear rp and Mercy Killing 155400

    2 wearing gang clothes and 2 wearing another clothes u must have 3 wearing gang at least
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