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  1. Nasser Icon

    Approved RDM | 141073

    And RDM? In the pov u already took ur gun out. I saw that. What u expect to happen + Your in treassure zone lol
  2. Nasser Icon

    Approved RDM | 141073

    RDM? U come into an treassure zone in the last 2 minutes what do you expect? A cup of tea... If you gonna cry about rdm dont enter these kind of areas xD. Especially if I gave you an demand but you go to far so you can't hear me
  3. Nasser Icon

    Reviewed RDM | ID 163937

    he prolly got banned on EN1 and comes to this server to troll sad guy
  4. Nasser Icon

    Approved Gz 1.1 I 163937

    He is hacker bro he kill me ion 1 shot when i had armor and full hp
  5. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Event Rule 1.7 | Aryan Chaudhary

    you can check the date and time of the clip it was 20 minutes before the incident (literally 1 event before) the event where He asked pov
  6. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Event Rule 1.7 | Aryan Chaudhary

    Appeal for Ban Removal - Misunderstanding and Deleted POV Clips My name is Nasser Icon, and my ID is 141073. I am writing to respectfully request the removal of the 30-day ban that was recently imposed on my account. I was reported by Adam Mane (ID: 62700) who requested my POV after I...
  7. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.5 | 110471

    bro dont attack me you fucking idiot i talked to you on a normal matter dont start shit
  8. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Er 1.7 | Aryan Chaudhary

    My name: Nasser Icon ID: 141073 Guy who reported me: Adam Mane ID: 62700 he requested pov i accidently killed him because i thought it was enemy now he asked for my pov. only i was banned that same dAY FOR gen rule 3.2 so i didnt look at the forums anymore and i already deleted all my clips so...
  9. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.5 | 110471

    u can see he is on duty as a taxi driver. And why is he crying if he is doing his job and a random idiot starts shooting him?
  10. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Gen Rule 3.2 | Kapo Galaxy

    - ID 141073, Named Nasser Icon. On 24th may, 2024 i got banned for gen rule 3.2. - I request to appeal my case and dont waste my efforts in game. you can check my career in the game, each day i spent 8 till 10 hours of gameplay doing tasks and working in different jobs. So i was at the...
  11. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Biased Admin | Kapo Galaxy

    Hello, Today in the night something happened at the hospital. A player called me a Bitch and I accidentally said "'Your mother is a bitch'' ofcourse im not allowed to say this but I automatically said that. And at the moment i said it I already said sorry 20 times. Could you please forgive me...
  12. Nasser Icon

    Approved Gen Rule 3.2 | 141073

    this is the proof that he forgives me and then he randomly starts forum after he said that we need arabic admin to translate aswell so the admins will understand the situation better
  13. Nasser Icon

    Approved Gen Rule 3.2 | 141073

    clearly in the pov u can see im not saying any bad words untill he call me a bitch so who is in the wrong here? because i could have reported u also long time ago you only record what you want them to see but show the full proof
  14. Nasser Icon

    Approved Gen Rule 3.2 | 141073

    gen rule 3.2? tell me where i said something about your relatives
  15. Nasser Icon

    Approved CL | 141073

    drari close it brujula kount m lagi ghandkhel m3ekom family
  16. Nasser Icon

    Approved vdm/rdm ID : 137643

    he goes away and comes back to kill u lolll...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  17. Nasser Icon

    Rejected Rule Break | ID: 17578

    He gave demand for 5 second, I was driving away and then he shotted me before he fully counted from 5 to 0. And I told him that I was going away
  18. Nasser Icon

    Approved RDM ID: 113034

    also i dont have to fear my life as its an (Unscripted green zone)
  19. Nasser Icon

    Approved RDM ID: 113034

    i was running towards my truck but if i would enter he wouldv’e killed me and i would lost my belongings. Thats why i was running around dodging his shots
  20. Nasser Icon

    Approved RDM ID: 113034

    i dont mean to kill me , I mean it in the way like” u just making it worse for ur self.. kill me” u know
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