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  1. Nasser Icon

    Approved RDM ID: 113034

    All in Pov I want to collect his dept and he starts shooting me. Also he killed other guys in that parking space and he killed the guy that was on the pov aswell
  2. Nasser Icon

    Approved gr 3.1+3.2+6.19+VDM /404/14809 /15021

    also dont be delusional. Your (friends) are known for breaking rules like this. I watched all their forums about people reporting them. ur (friends) are not roleplay worthy you kill in greenzone, talk your own language which is not allowed. And breaking rules
  3. Nasser Icon

    Approved gr 3.1+3.2+6.19+VDM /404/14809 /15021

    your friend drives al the way back to correct his car with me and then drives forward, while their was enough space. Dont be hypocritical
  4. Nasser Icon

    Approved gr 3.1+3.2+6.19+VDM /404/14809 /15021

    bro you come to me with with your family. Everyone talks bad to me and run me over in green zone. You are so lucky i dont have that pov. Otherwise if you have pov show us and we can see what happened dont b scard show us the full pov
  5. Nasser Icon

    Reviewed RDM 6.15 & PG | 141073 & 57745

    Also I didn’t received the money, this is the reason I killed him. I was confused. But when the other guy told me he got the money I revived him immediately
  6. Nasser Icon

    Reviewed RDM 6.15 & PG | 141073 & 57745

    bro I was trying to revive this guy as fast as I can, because of that I accidentally pressed my weapon key twice (which you can clearly see in the video)
  7. Nasser Icon

    Reviewed RDM 6.15 & PG | 141073 & 57745

    Reporting for power gaming🤣. You Should appreciate the fact that i even revived you, many people who dont give a sh1t. Also u can cleary see I was rushing to revive you and accidentally pressed the Key to my weapon twice.
  8. Nasser Icon

    Reviewed RDM 6.15 & PG | 141073 & 57745

    bro i revive you after my mistake. I did not get any money and was confused🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ And I didn't hear your voice chat
  9. Nasser Icon

    Approved gr 3.1+3.2+6.19+VDM /404/14809 /15021

    On consideration - VDM in green zone ID: 14809 (UPDATED Post)
  10. Nasser Icon

    Approved gr 3.1+3.2+6.19+VDM /404/14809 /15021

    All in Pov id 404 break rule gr 6.19 id 14809 VDM ID 15021 break rule gr 3.2 and for this one we need arabic admin
  11. Nasser Icon

    Rejected VDM in green zone ID: 14809

    started running me over in greenzone. Started recording after been insulted and ran over 3 times.
  12. Nasser Icon

    Rejected vdm

    vdm in greenzone multiple times, only started recording after 3 times of being run over in greenzone.
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