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Search results

  1. H

    Rejected VDM + Metagaming + FL in GZ + Mixing and Harassment | ID : 263721, 223984

    I did not edit the videos I said it there that I was holding down my mic button but I barely talked at that time I was just laughing with a very low voice and my mic was near my webcam so it was far away from my mouth that’s why there is no talking of my in the videos. I was just recoding of u...
  2. H

    Rejected VDM + Metagaming + FL in GZ + Mixing and Harassment | ID : 263721, 223984

    So I was at LSPD HQ getting my job back and this guy comes up and starts saying hast hill because of my ID and I don't say anything I just sit their and watch him then he keeps harassing me and metagaming by saying I know your sound, and he saw my ID which the thing is hast hill is my past life...
  3. H

    Rejected GR 6.6, Shooting In Unscripted GZ | ID 133794

    First Interaction Second Interaction Third Interaction (ID 57000 was also involved so this is their bodycam) (GR 6.6) ( 1:50, 2:05) First interaction was where she tased me at doc with no reason, then at capital I saw her so I was trying to make sure that it was her but she ran away so I...
  4. H

    Rejected Admin Application | Hast Hill

    Basic Information 1. Your name IRL : Hast 2. Your age : 18 3. Time zone : EST 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) : 20:30 pm to 04:00 am 5. Average online per day : 6 - 10 h /day 6. Your Discord : Kedu#7785 7. Your Nickname...
  5. H

    Approved Leader Of EMS | Doc Dang

  6. H

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    and man is putting a fucking L u jerk couldnt even run a fucking org so shut up
  7. H

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    O dont worry am not u to cry over some shit like this
  8. H

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    Did i say that harry was your name I said I was calling you by the name harry
  9. H

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    o and I would let you know that you guys really need better officers than these idioits
  10. H

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    Go ahead but I didnt write fines and stuff I was just calling you by the name harry but because you are an officer you have to get my id before writing fines.
  11. H

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    This officer gave me fines before he even took a look at my identification I dont know how he knows my name without checking my identification.
  12. H

    Approved OOC insult ID:49066

    Insulting me by my mom.
  13. H

    Approved OOC insult ID:225019

    Requesting Turkish Admin. Thank you.
  14. H

    Rejected Leader For SAHP | Hast Peker

    my ID is 239583
  15. H

    Rejected Leader of SAHP | Rich Yasser

  16. H

    Rejected Leader For SAHP | Hast Peker

    Information 1.Hast Herish 2. 5 Years Old In City & 19 IRL 3. EST 4. 5-7 Hours online daily 5. kedi#3388 6. Hast Peker 7. 23583 Additional Information 1. Leader of... SAHP 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) .I was...
  17. H

    Rejected Robbing & Shooting Without Giving Demands ID: 123882, 188155, 227233, 57000.

    ID: 123882, 188155, 227233, 57000. They were trying to rob something but when we got there they didnt even tell us if they have hostage or even give demands to leave the area they just started shooting at us.
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