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  1. S

    Rejected RDM + shooting without demands / 155207 + 274980

    Odd, I remember you laying on the ground in my bodycam very well during this scenario... Pretty sure I was involved. Also, I remember ending up in jail afterword because the cop thought I was the one robbing the house...
  2. S

    Rejected RDM + shooting without demands / 155207 + 274980

    You got jokes. They're not good, but they're jokes none the less.
  3. S

    Rejected RDM + shooting without demands / 155207 + 274980

    why do I hear mouses voice in the background?
  4. S

    Rejected RDM | 156310

    Do not close, Looks like fearRP to me, yall didnt fear for your life and ran into a gunfight with no weapons...
  5. S

    Reviewed Admitting to Ban evading| ID:189570

    This man literally admitted to me he was ban evading. I believe his other ID was 24424 and he was banned for doxing and toxicity.
  6. S

    Rejected UB Demands + RDM | ID: 223984

    Ps to the admins, neither clip is edited its just 1 15 second clip and 1 1 minute clip neither are edited the first one is just proof that I had already warned him I had bodycam.
  7. S

    Rejected UB Demands + RDM | ID: 223984

    So these guys keep coming onto our property and demanding we leave our own property which is 100% UB demands, then when we tell them its OUR property they just shoot us.
  8. S

    Rejected Admin Deceit/NLR | ID:116141

    A. you NLR when you die and remember to go back to the last location B. you're not even gonna argue the fact that you tried to deceive the admins, Nice.
  9. S

    Rejected Admin Deceit/NLR | ID:116141

    So, This guy tried to deceive the Admins in another complaint Me and SodaOpps Posted multiple videos and POV's Proving he was lying to the admins on forums AND I proved in the comments he was NLR during his POV. He had been issued multiple demands, and died multiple times. Even after dieng...
  10. S

    Rejected vdm/rdm|270692|67807

    Alright, this was the first instance of him being given demands, AND KILLED His friends did not leave as you can see theyre all still there in his POV Therefore He's NLR in His clip, Hes also Lying to admins by even posting this pov and saying no demands were made.
  11. S

    Rejected vdm/rdm|270692|67807

    Admins If you could please dont do anything with this, I have proof he's trying to decieve you. I am uploading a video currently to shed some light on the situation.
  12. S

    Rejected vdm/rdm|270692|67807

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/336654/ I have More coming like this, Theres ZERO reason they should be purposely blocking our driveway? What are they rping? A bunch of drunks who are lost?
  13. S

    Approved Fear RP VDM| 265131

    So this lady decided to come onto our fam property and when told to leave decided to run me over AT gunpoint not once but TWICE, if she can take the time to back up and hit me, she is definitly not fearing for her life, also if she could make the comment "Nice aim bozos" She wasn't fearing for...
  14. S

    Approved OOC Provoking Doxing| ID:24424

    Are you involved? Were you the twink who decided to come rdm 2 of us while afk after he died out? Also, doxing is searching for and publishing OR identifying information about a particular individual on the internet without consent. Hes saying he found dizzles personal tiktok in OOC and has...
  15. S

    Approved OOC Provoking Doxing| ID:24424

    So this dude showed up at our house, sat at the end of our driveway then when we gave him demands he backed out the 2 inches off our driveway and sat there provoking one of our guys who is trying to learn to speak english, In OOC chat while dead he decided to start talking shit about dizzle and...
  16. S

    Approved RDM| ID:236395

    RDM'd me in my own fams driveway
  17. S

    Approved RDM | 274917

    Aye I got one posted of this fucker too
  18. S

    Approved RDM|ID: 274917

    This guy RDM'd me and 3 fam members, he got me twice
  19. S

    Reviewed warning appeal | Hector espinoza

    10 minutes doesnt stop an rp if you have 2 little idiots sitting there talking shit for the entire 10 minutes.
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