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Search results

  1. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Clair | 29175

    Organization: EMS Name: Quin Clair Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Sometimes gets huge headache. Life Story: Quin Clair was...
  2. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Clair | 29175

    Name: Quin Clair Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Sometimes gets huge headache. Life Story: Quin Clair was born on December 25...
  3. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Quin Clair| 29175

    Name: Quin Claire Gender: Female Age: 17 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Los Santos, Rockford Hills. Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Emerald Hair color: Pink Tattoos: Tattoo on leg. Depicting powerful and self-dependent women. Life Story: Quin Claire was born and raised in the...
  4. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8 | Raymond Bishop

    Respected sir! It's been 6 months till my permanent ban of my twink account. I am really a good RP player. I am very sorry for the twinkl transfer. I would never request that mistake again. Please sir at least I deserve 1 last and final chance to show you my loyalty and honesty towards this...
  5. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Clair | 29175

    Name: Quin Clair Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Didnt know if I have any kind of weaknesses. Life Story: Quin Clair was born...
  6. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Banned For Security Reason | Sam_Pluxury

    Sir sorry for the inconvenience. This forum account was got hacked. Hacker was talking to you this rudely. I'm really sorry. I just changed my password. Now I hope it's safe.
  7. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Banned For Security Reason | Sam_Pluxury

    Can u unban me please I want to play back I miss the city
  8. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Banned For Security Reason | Sam_Pluxury

    Beacuse this not that same ip this why
  9. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Banned For Security Reason | Sam_Pluxury

    No this that same rockstar account but I have a banned
  10. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Banned For Security Reason | Sam_Pluxury

    I had moved countries and had a new and fresh social club - due to this im guessing i was security banned - i really want to come back to this server, hope you can consider this appeal as i am innocent. Thank you.
  11. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Unban Quin Claire | Sam_Pluxury

    Hello, Sam_Pluxury My account got hacked by someone I dont know what happend if you can unbanned me I will not open anymore links sorry very much SERVER 2 EN
  12. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio I Quin Claire I 29175

    LSPD Corrupt Bio: Organization: LSPD Name: Quin Claire Gender: Female Age: 23 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Los Santos, Rockford Hills. Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Emerald Hair color: Pink Tattoos: Tattoos on both legs. Depicting powerful and self-dependent women. Early...
  13. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio I Quin Claire I 29175

    Administrator. Please close this forum . Uploaded by me by mistake. It was made to post on en 3 . I'm really sorry. Thank you.
  14. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio I Quin Claire I 29175

    LSPD Corrupt Bio: Organization: LSPD Name: Quin Claire Gender: Female Age: 23 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Los Santos, Rockford Hills. Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Emerald Hair color: Pink Tattoos: Tattoos on both legs. Depicting powerful and self-dependent women. Early...
  15. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio I Quin Claire I 29175

    LSPD Corrupt Bio: Organization: LSPD Name: Quin Claire Gender: Female Age: 23 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Los Santos, Rockford Hills. Sexuality: Straight Eye colour: Emerald Hair colour: Pink Tattoos: Tattoos on both legs. Depicting as powerfull and self dependent women. Early...
  16. AshutoshDas248

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.8 | 28684, 33973, 108111, 106388, 103039, 108107 .

    Dear Administrator, I am writing to file a formal complaint regarding a highly distressing incident of an ATM robbery accompanied by a fatal shooting, which occurred on 07/07/2023 at 02:27 in Downtown Vinewood on Spanish Ave. I am deeply concerned about the safety and security of our community...
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