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Search results

  1. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio I Quin Claire I 22711

    Name: Quin Claire Age: 23 Gender: female Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Los santos Residence: Los Santos Height: 5'9 Weight: 63 kg Hair colour: Queen Pink Early Childhood: Quin Claire was born and raised in the bustling streets of Los Santos, growing up in a modest neighborhood filled with...
  2. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta | Kushal Northx

    ++ Best candidate to be a leader
  3. AshutoshDas248

    Approved rdm | 72466 , vdm & fear rp | 102569

    Provoking in Forum.
  4. AshutoshDas248

    Approved rdm | 72466 , vdm & fear rp | 102569

    If someone gives demand, then for our own protection of life we can fire back. It's self defence. Although VDM is not allowed.
  5. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Ban for ER 1.7 | Dray Ottoman

    I hope this appeal finds you in good health. I am writing to appeal for the lifting of the ban imposed on my account. I understand that the ban was enforced due to my inability to record my point of view (POV) during gameplay sessions. I sincerely apologize for this oversight and would like to...
  6. AshutoshDas248

    Reviewed CHETAR | 29175

    My internet speed was also slow Already holding a gun and fired but didn't shooted.+ Punched instead of shooting. No player was been able to see inside circle + after dying ambulance timer was also stopped. Not my issue, is internet issue. Thank you
  7. AshutoshDas248

    Reviewed CHETAR | 29175

    Pc is low specs. Unable to record the pov.
  8. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Claire | 29175

    Name: Quin Claire Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Didnt know if I have any kind of weaknesses. Life Story: Quin Claire was...
  9. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Claire | 29175

    Name: Quin Claire Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Didnt know if I have any kind of weaknesses. Life Story: Quin Claire was...
  10. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected Killed on calls without warning. (EMS)

    I was on calls and suddenly a guy came with a shotgun and killed me while I was in the ambulance. unfortunately, I was not able to record that completely because of my low specs pc. but i tried to record the situation after dying. Please send him to demorgan with high time duration and make a...
  11. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Claire | 29175

    Name: Quin Claire Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Didnt know if I have any kind of weaknesses. Life Story: Quin Claire was...
  12. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected EMS corrupt Bio | Quin Claire | 29175

    Name: Quin Claire Gender: Male Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: West Bengal, India Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Strengths: Is very patient and has good leadership skills. Weakness: Didnt know if I have any kind of weaknesses. Life Story: Quin Claire was...
  13. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected BAD BOYS | Unofficial Organization

    + Great leader. Good behaviour. Good hospitality. And kind.
  14. AshutoshDas248

    Reviewed Ban for GR 1.8 | Raymond Bishop

    My ban appeal approved till a month ago still my acount has not unbanned, please unban it so that i can play grand rp. Please .
  15. AshutoshDas248

    Reviewed Ban for GR 1.8 | Raymond Bishop

    Dear Grand RP Support Team, I am writing to appeal my recent ban from Grand RP. I understand that my actions may have violated the game's rules and terms of service, but I would like to request that my ban be lifted so that I can resume playing the game. I already appealed in forums but still...
  16. AshutoshDas248

    Approved Ban for GR 1.8 | Raymond Bishop

    I would like to sincerely apologize for my behavior that resulted in breaking the server rules. I understand that my actions disrupted the server and negatively impacted the gameplay experience for others. I take full responsibility for my mistake and I am committed to familiarizing myself with...
  17. AshutoshDas248

    Rejected GR 1.8 | Raymond Bishop

    I apologize for the actions that led to me breaking the server rules. I recognize that my behavior disrupted the server and the gameplay experience for others. Moving forward, I commit to familiarizing myself with all server rules and adhering to them. I assure you that this was a mistake and I...
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