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  1. Andrew_Michaelson

    Approved Cl To Avoid Punishment | 104618

    in my option i have perm to do rdm because he starts shooting at me first which counts as a attempt of murdering
  2. Andrew_Michaelson

    Approved Cl To Avoid Punishment | 104618

    and your game crashed at the exact time when i killed you ?
  3. Andrew_Michaelson

    Approved Cl To Avoid Punishment | 104618

    I was doing my job , doing some fines on cars when a guy with red car came and start shooting at me without reason, as you see im police officer and it was Murder or Attempted Murder of Civil Servant or LEO 3.6.2 , By that i had permission to shoot and kill that guy to protect my self as well...
  4. Andrew_Michaelson

    Approved DM + DB IN GZ | 103675

    I was standing near lspd hq in greenzone, i was talking my friend on phone and from somewhere this guy came with his car and start dming me in green zone and doing drive by one me
  5. Andrew_Michaelson

    Approved DM IN GZ AT POST | ID OF PLAYER - 69980

    I was on calls and got call from post, when i arrived i was reviving citizen and i got shot and hitted 1 time, then i realised someone was shooting at me and also shooting people from roof of post which counts as a dm in gz, then he got killed and dropped down on road you can see it on...
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