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  1. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insult | 213513 199856

    this type of people in the city kills the vibe in the game i hope any admin do something.
  2. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insult | 213513 199856

    this what happened before i reached the hospital just to let u see what happened before and for more proofs
  3. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insult | 213513 199856

    i went to the hospital and stopped beside these guys and they start insulting me without any reason and the proof is there arabic words insulting
  4. Ragnar Pluxury

    Reviewed ooc insult I 213513 199856

    this what happend before i reach to hospital to proof what happend before and after and please respond.
  5. Ragnar Pluxury

    Reviewed ooc insult I 213513 199856

    i went to the hospital and stopped beside these guys and they start insulting me without any reason and the proof is there arabic words insulting.
  6. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insult | 197831

    yea true thats ruining the game vibe i hope the admin do something.
  7. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insult | 197831

    this guy is ooc insulting me in arabic words and i play the game not to get insult in the game so please respond to this arabic ooc insulting
  8. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insult | 94966

    i parked in the parking and raised israel flag because i love this country and this guy was racist and he start ooc insulting me and i didint even talked to him and this was his respond to me. arabic insult and why he talked about international policy in a game.
  9. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved Rdm | 215772 185590 206092

    if we talk arabic it means that we are racists ??
  10. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved Rdm | 215772 185590 206092

    5 seconds and start aiming on us what that means???
  11. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved ooc insulting | 77525

    we went to talk with him about his outfit and this was his respond to us.Arabic Insult
  12. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    ok i the full pov since they came and the video is 45 sec
  13. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    i dont have to talk more everything on the video and the admin will see
  14. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    i join this server to have fun not for a guy make fun of my country with that way
  15. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    we are not kids and and every arabic admin knows what i mean and they know how funny ways on calling me with my country is racist way
  16. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    yes from uae and calling me with that word thats rasicm
  17. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    insulting my country is not racism?
  18. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    when you say emarati and that word?
  19. Ragnar Pluxury

    Rejected racism | 185590

    they insult me and insult my country in arabic
  20. Ragnar Pluxury

    Approved cr | 164243

    i am talking and joking wwith my friends and that guy came and vdm me without any reason.
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