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Search results

  1. Risev2

    Rejected Admin Disrespect | 3294

    this is not your pov
  2. Risev2

    Approved RDM | 41836

    All in POV
  3. Risev2

    Approved VDM, Non Rp Driving | 38491

    All in POV
  4. Risev2

    Rejected POV request | Unknown Ekip Family' Members

    This is the new event and all weapons and armor are allowed here. But you're from the fake family, it's impossible to know right xd so cringe
  5. Risev2

    Rejected Stream Snipe | 24453

  6. Risev2

    Rejected Stream Snipe | 24453

    Turkish admin please In the pov of the suspect the background sounds are obviously ghosting the stream Video Time: 1.28.56
  7. Risev2

    Approved CL | 14633

    The reason you didn't hear at first demand was because the microphone was muted. He was already out of the game when I started giving demand.
  8. Risev2

    Approved CL | 45555

    All in POV
  9. Risev2

    Approved Fear Rp | 1693

    All in POV
  10. Risev2

    Approved CL | 41679

    All in POV
  11. Risev2

    Approved CL | 49498

    All in POV
  12. Risev2

    Approved CL | 46622

    All in POV
  13. Risev2

    Reviewed POV Req | 6125

    I just wanna see his pov how he so fast I want POV since you attended the event. Not since the race started. Maybe bug abuse
  14. Risev2

    Rejected Wrong Decision I Lavi Pluxury

    Dear admins, The reason why my voice didn't go in the event in the video is that nvidia shadow turned off push talk, And I don't think it will make a difference whether I have a voice or not in this video. In the video, it is clearly seen that the man violated the rules. What I said in the...
  15. Risev2

    Rejected CL | 24522

    All in POV
  16. Risev2

    Reviewed Wrong decision | Fstoq DeArcy

    Dears admin, As you can see in the video. Before the suspect enters the race, he changes his skill from 2 to 3 levels. He knows there is such a bug and he makes fun of me during the race as you will see in my Pov. "It waits for me to take the lead and then accelerates" Why would he be so...
  17. Risev2

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    Dear admins, I have never used this bug, I will never use it. I just used it now to show you.
  18. Risev2

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    I'll show you proof that you're using a bug video is updating
  19. Risev2

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    We did this race with you 3 times. i beat both of them This video came in third place. Why are you so confident at the start of the race and let me be first throughout the race? The reason you're so sure you'll win is to use bugs. 6.23 Any kind of bug abuse is forbidden | BAN up to PERMANENT
  20. Risev2

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    Dude, it's really ridiculous, i've been doing this race since the server opened, it's the first time i saw the car is 200 kmh
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