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Search results

  1. N

    Rejected CR | 17238

  2. N

    Approved CL | 30420

    Approved ID 30420 will receive a punishment for CL
  3. N

    Approved CL | 30420

  4. N

    Rejected RDM

    Rejected Incorrect format Please Refer to the Rules for Filing a complaint And file a new complaint
  5. N

    Rejected RDM

  6. N

    Approved RDM | 29605

    Approved ID 29605 will receive punishment for GR 6.15 However, ID 287 will also receive punishment for GR 6.15 (if someone breaks a rule that does not mean you can break the rule too)
  7. N

    Approved RDM | 29605

  8. N

    Rejected 30373 | Power Gaming

    Rejected No player audio in the POV (You can see that you are talking but your voice was not recorded)
  9. N

    Rejected 30373 | Power Gaming

  10. N

    Rejected CR ID - 26416

    Rejected POV should be minimal 1 min long, please show the full situation Refer to Rules for filling a complaint And make another one
  11. N

    Rejected CR ID - 26416

  12. N

    Rejected RDM | 23578

    Rejected Insufficient evidence (your clip is to short and does not show full situation, please file new complaint with longer clip of full situation) (Also there has to be date and time visible in your video)
  13. N

    Rejected RDM | 23578

  14. N

    Rejected RDM | 19410

    Rejected Insufficient evidence (Fix your POV, when I open the link the clip instantly ends, try to upload seperately perhaps.)
  15. N

    Rejected RDM | 19410

  16. N

    Rejected GN 3.2 ID - 15067

    Rejected Your voice is not hearable in the POV Please refer to rules of filling a complaint and file a new complaint
  17. N

    Rejected GN 3.2 ID - 15067

  18. N

    Rejected CL | 30924

    Rejected You already made a thread about this issue
  19. N

    Rejected CL | 30924

  20. N

    Approved PG | 17215

    Approved ID 17215 will receive punishment for PG
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