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  1. L

    Rejected Event Rule 1.11 | 0000

    I request the reviewing admin to request Leos POV to see if they are shooting from outside (or) inside of the circle.
  2. L

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.6 | 2101, 42304

    I want to Request POV of 2101 and 42304 to find the one patching and healing in active gun fight behind the stairs.
  3. L

    Approved Mass rule break | Bloods

    Not Off Topic: 1. As Bobby mentioned yesterday to not bring religion to game and even in forum, You Broke that rule. 2. ID: 3150 doesn't even own those wings, then how can you see that? ( Gen Rule 4.1 - Using software which gives advantage on game. )...
  4. L

    Rejected Islamophobia | ID: 2878 | For Bobby.

    I don't even know who you are. And what do you mean by alone Muslim? We have soo many muslims in my family. And they are still with us friendly everyday. If you have Proof that my family was Toxic with you (or) disrespected your religion just show us the Proof, that is what i am asking.
  5. L

    Rejected Islamophobia | ID: 2878 | For Bobby.

    For your kind information, We are not bringing any religion to this game. You are the one who is bringing Religion to this game. If Pooja did a mistake then why are you bringing whole Royal Elite family to this? If you have Proof that my family disrespected your Religion then Prove it. You are...
  6. L

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Oghi Flann

    Dear Admins, On 28/10/23 we did a Gun Store robbery and it ended. But after the circle disappeared Leos suddenly started shooting as shown in the POV. It should be considered as a rule break by Leos. But Oghi Flann Reviewed and replied: I am sincerely requesting Higher Administrators to Review...
  7. L

    Approved CL | 57241

    All in POV.
  8. L

    Approved CL | 1743

    All in POV.
  9. L

    Rejected POV Req | 0000

    I want to see how i died.
  10. L

    Approved CL | 16845

    All in POV.
  11. L

    Rejected PG | 28824

    As you can see in the POV. I was already in a fight with a guy and ID: 28824 comes and punches me.
  12. L

    Approved CL | 54502

    All in POV.
  13. L

    Approved Fear RP | 58381

    All in POV.
  14. L

    Approved Fear RP | 58387

    All in POV.
  15. L

    Approved Non-RP Driving | 58381

    All in POV.
  16. L

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.15 | 0000

    Jai Shree Ram As you can see the POV. Leos started shooting even after the gun store robbery ended. This is a mass rule break by the Leos. Please look into this.
  17. L

    Rejected PG | 0000

    That Leo came running and placed a barricade in gun fight.
  18. L

    Reviewed Non-RP Driving | 6132

    All in POV.
  19. L

    Reviewed UB Demand | Bloods Street Gang

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/516434/ shabah is this you? No not you.
  20. L

    Approved PG | 57322

    All in POV.
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