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  1. D

    Approved CL/62342

    I was not using any firearm, I can use my tazer in main barracks because it's a secure facility you are not suppost to be there in first place .
  2. D

    Approved CL/62342

    It's not chancing you are escaping from Role Play sititation eighter it's a Fail RP or CL u break rules, u will get punished simple as that you cant just close your game after you get cuffed.İf you have POV crash prove yourself if you dont , sucks to be you!
  3. D

    Approved CL/91392

    İt is my POV. I just dont want post 5 min video for 2 min sititation, Start of sit. and end of sit. clearly visible no need for full 5 min POV but if admin request it I will happily post it.
  4. D

    Approved CL/62342

    Your illegal items , you are not getting fine and you are running from RP sit. anyway dosent matter.
  5. D

    Approved CL/91392

    All in POV.
  6. D

    Approved CL 86015 / CL 85639

    Part 2
  7. D

    Approved CL 86015 / CL 85639

    All in POV. (2 parts).
  8. D

    Approved CL/62342

  9. D

    Approved CL/62342

    All in POV.
  10. D

    Approved VDM /62342

    All in POV.
  11. D

    Approved 0000 / Mercy Kill

    All in POV İD : 91392 is their possible friend cant get person who mercy killed the guy but it exactly happend in 15:08 .
  12. D

    Approved 91392 / Music in green zone

    All in POV
  13. D

    Approved 62448 CL

    All in POV
  14. D

    Approved VDM-CL 60565 / CL 62448

    Second POV
  15. D

    Approved VDM-CL 60565 / CL 62448

    All in POV theres 2 parts for full POV of the sititation.
  16. D

    Approved CL / 65782

    All in pov
  17. D

    Approved CL / 91392 /0000

    Acculay its wrong take it back other guy's ID was
  18. D

    Approved CL / 91392 /0000

    I got the other suspects ID from POV , ucan see it on 2:28 it's ID :64091
  19. D

    Approved CL / 91392 /0000

    All in pov, I cant get other players ID because stuck in car.
  20. D

    Rejected Wrong spike placement | NG

    To my knowlage spikes are allowed anywhere when you give space for atleast 1 car can pass.
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