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  1. D

    Reviewed PG | 87951

    All in POV.
  2. D

    Approved Blocking Gates | NG

    All in POV. As can seen at POV they places the spike after I go over it. And they blocked whole road with spike. Simply blocking the whole entrance with spike .
  3. D

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.4 | 84657 , 17629

    All in POV. RDM in HQ
  4. D

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.4 | 129442

    RDM in the HQ.
  5. D

    Rejected Mass Rulebreak | Ballas Gang

    Where is the rule break u got killed on ghetto so what? That area is not Green zone.
  6. D

    Reviewed Fail RP I Legal Orgs

    This my Side of POV.
  7. D

    Reviewed Fail RP I Legal Orgs

    There is 5-6 of you visible on my eyes and there is 15 of us visible on my eyes aswell. So, yes hostage life is important to us BUT you guys are need fear for your lifes also when neccesary . These 2 hostages only safe out ticket for you out of that store/gas station. I am trying to say you...
  8. D

    Rejected MG | National Guard

    This is my side of POV . I saw you gathering up while going to base just by chance . And after this I will report and open forum ANYTHİNG I can about Families since you guys being forum warriors we are loosing every raid in 1 or 2 weeks we just win 2-3 raid and you guys started crying on...
  9. D

    Approved CL | 16921 - 25199

    All in POV.
  10. D

    Rejected MG | National Guard

    I have POV of spotting you guys 16:00 Raid this was me I will provoide after admin asking it.
  11. D

    Rejected MG | National Guard

    AHAHAHA this forum is funny man I have POV of seeing you guys before the raid gathering up will upload shorty skill ıssue basicly xD Find better place to gather up :D 🤡🤡🤡🤡
  12. D

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Ani Pluxury

    National Guard get's a verbal for blocking the road. Approved - Event rule 1.9 | NG Spike can seen at POV of the player who made the report it's on the right side of the road and complitly visible. And cars are not blocking the road theres clearly enaugh space for passage of the car. Even after...
  13. D

    Rejected Verbal for ORG. | Ani Pluxury

    National Guard get's a verbal for blocking the road. Approved - Event rule 1.9 | NG Spike can seen at POV of the player who made the report it's on the right side of the road and complitly visible. Spike is visible on his POV proff: Spike is visible on our POV proff: This is our side of...
  14. D

    Approved RDM, Mercy Kill, CL, NLR, Gen Rule 3.3 | 0000

    Only problem I see is when you see officer is getting robbed at street maybe taken hostage Why did you approach robbed officer he is getting robbed isn't his life is in danger ? And what kind of demands are you expecting from them you are just asking to get robbed in my eyes. CL and MK is...
  15. D

    Rejected Mass rule break | NG

    I was not giving demands about circle I was giving demands about gun in your hand and we are in ghetto I give you 2 time 5 sec and you did not comply. We was not interacting at BM raid at all we are outside. If you was coming without weapon then we dont have reason the shoot you , or even give...
  16. D

    Rejected Mass rule break | NG

    We were outside of the zone , and we have IC reason to shoot , And when I say drop your weapon sorry for my bad english I was meaning to holster your weapon because you was brandishing it and that gives us reason the shoot you.
  17. D

    Rejected State rule 1.8, General rule 6.4 I National Guard

    Burh... I used admire you and your work when you was Chief of police sad the see you in that state this post is not going anywhere on my eyes since nothing wrong but good luck .
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