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Search results

  1. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed GR 6.2 | 72211

    i want to close the form
  2. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed GR 6.2 | 72211

    they leave the RP situation and go inside the balas HQ and he is from marabunta gang
  3. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed MERCY KILLING | 0000

    I take my form back
  4. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed MERCY KILLING | 0000

    and also the 108098 do meatagaming
  5. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed Bug Abuse I 82771

    ya i sed try not sed he do 🤣🤣
  6. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed Bug Abuse I 82771

    99172 try to do a pg while he patch his guys
  7. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed Pov Req | 72384-76146-82771-44399

    look i kill you
  8. Ninja Badmash

    Approved Gen Rule 6.15 | 62634

    ha ha seriously he need demand when he shute some one or rp is running
  9. Ninja Badmash

    Rejected wrong deseadion

    i show my pov you see i cant do any pg at sow in his pov and also me but they gave me wrong jail
  10. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed RDM | 51288,88807

    o sorry wrong server close the forum
  11. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed RDM | 51288,88807

    all in pov
  12. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed possible cheat | 41109

    close the forum
  13. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed possible cheat | 41109

    If they want to check pc why you all are scared 🤣
  14. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed possible cheat | 41109

    But they also kill my friend with a single ammo as you can see that guy in car no one was there only that person was there
  15. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed possible cheat | 41109

    all in pov
  16. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed RDM | 104837

    close the forum
  17. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed RDM | 104837

    all in POV
  18. Ninja Badmash

    Approved GR 3.1 , GR 3.3 , UB | 44618

    when i was there i demand him to leave the area we are hear to steal your mushroom then 44618 started talking in FL during RP situation and did OOC insult in FL language and ran away from there and then i shoot him then after he is talking while dead and again did OOC insult and mixing . ( i...
  19. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed RDM | 0000

    il take my forum back
  20. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed RDM | 0000

    They dost give demand first and the dont rob any one or shut anyone there because that area count in city and you know the rules if not i remamber you that you cant rob or kill inside city but you kill wile geving a demand
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