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Search results

  1. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed UB TALKING WHILE DEAD | 97826

    il take my foram back sorry
  2. Ninja Badmash

    Reviewed UB TALKING WHILE DEAD | 97826

    all in pov
  3. Ninja Badmash

    Approved CL | 102657

    bloods and me we both are clap togater They cl at that time while he call over meambers on radio for rob then they do
  4. Ninja Badmash

    Approved CL | 102657

    all in pov
  5. Ninja Badmash

    Approved CL | 102657

    all in pov
  6. Ninja Badmash

    Approved VDM | 22334

    and also harresing me while he is in the car also in pov
  7. Ninja Badmash

    Approved VDM | 22334

    ALL prove in pov , they do a vdm many time but i run that why i save but 2 time they do first at starting and second for killing me so see pov plz
  8. Ninja Badmash

    Approved 1.3 | GZ | 80338

    it is totally rulebrack
  9. Ninja Badmash

    Approved 1.3 | GZ | 80338

    all ni pov
  10. Ninja Badmash

    Rejected 1.3 | GZ | 80338

    all in pov
  11. Ninja Badmash

    Approved VDM | 69652

    all prove in POV
  12. Ninja Badmash

    Approved RDM and UB demand 44399 77255

    so you accept that you brack the rule osm 😂😂
  13. Ninja Badmash

    Approved RDM and UB demand 44399 77255

    fail rp you dont accept out demand or try to taze us
  14. Ninja Badmash

    Approved RDM | 44399,77255

    o......... come lets see who run
  15. Ninja Badmash

    Approved RDM | 44399,77255

    and you also do this type of thing in frount of our fam house and you always change family whill braking the rules
  16. Ninja Badmash

    Approved RDM | 44399,77255

    meta gaming
  17. Ninja Badmash

    Approved Combat Log I 46020+83712+92078

    when you do this
  18. Ninja Badmash

    Rejected admin gives me jail by miss anderstanding

    I just do my duty i hava a call from this atm for rob and i see theare is know own thear only there only one player was there i search hoal atm there is only they player only so i was shoot him by this situation the admin was see only they short clip of the other player look in this pov they...
  19. Ninja Badmash

    Rejected CL|00000, FL

  20. Ninja Badmash

    Rejected CL | 00000

    I FOUND INLEGAL itam and i am catch him he is doing coad a
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