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Search results

  1. Fred VaIencia

    Reviewed Remove my warn | Oghi Flann

    We ere doing panel raid, my friend gave them demands and they didnt leave. We started shoot them, but the admin decided to warn me. Here is the proof of demand is given: I know there is metagaming but no other rule break. ID: 40655 gave them demand 2 times and they didnt leave. He shoot them...
  2. Fred VaIencia

    Rejected Massrulebreak Huramaci Family

    ID: 40838 - Random Punching ID: 40230 - Emotion in front of death person ID: 39775 - RDM and MK 39775 is the leader of the family.
  3. Fred VaIencia

    Rejected Leader of Families | Fred VaIencia

    This was a misclick. Please dont take this forum serious. Thanks. :)
  4. Fred VaIencia

    Rejected Leader of Families | Fred VaIencia

    Information 1. Your name IRL Anıl 2. Your age 19 3. Time zone GMT+02:00 4. Average online per day 10-13 hours 5. Your Discord rommel0803 6. Your Nickname Fred VaIencia 7. Your ID 244015 Additional information 1. Leader of FAMILIES 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  5. Fred VaIencia

    Rejected Leader of Families | Fred VaIencia

  6. Fred VaIencia

    Rejected Mass Rule Break ID:230206,244015,225674,242153

    provoking? I just joined lifeinvader and my friend next to me will be joining soon at 225674. we wanted to do a little interview to practice there.
  7. Fred VaIencia

    Approved RDM 229100

    Everything is in POV.
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