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Search results

  1. A

    Rejected Leader of Bloods | Anwaar Ahmad

    Ranking System Suspend New Gangsta Gangsta Execuitoner Hitman Spray Team Turfer Captain Spray Team Leader Event Captain Warlord Under Deputy Deputy Leader Thank you for reading through my application. Like Reply Select for moderation
  2. A

    Rejected Leader of Bloods | Anwaar Ahmad

    Information Your name IRL: Anwaar Ahmad Your age: 18 Time zone: Average online per day: 9:30 GMT (PAKISTAN) Your Discord: Anwaar Ahmad #7777 Your Nickname: Anwaar Ahmad Your ID: 25382 Additional Information Leader of: Bloods Why do you want to be a leader of the Bloods in the Grand RP server...
  3. A

    Rejected POV REQUEST | 0000

    all in pov
  4. A

    Rejected gen 6.15 warn

    dear admins as you can see they post forum on me for rdm but see in their pov at 32 sec my fam member give them demand they are talking so loud thats why they didnot lissen our demands im requesting you to check their pov again
  5. A

    Rejected wrong punishment

    dear admins im rewearing gang cloths but its a glicth so thats why he cant see my cloths i have to go on battle ship and the admin give me demorgen
  6. A

    Approved FEAR RP + STALLING | ID 27288

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    Reviewed NLR | 11841

    we can plant this is roleplay
  8. A

    Reviewed NLR | 11841

    which type of revenge
  9. A

    Reviewed Gen rule 1.9 | Darshan Rocco | Unban Appeal

    Dear Admins my friend leaving server so he have a house he sell me in state value 125k and give me money back his own and darshan_rocco give me 60 days ban i request you to unban me because i grind so much and im deputy of my fam so if banded so my fam will died
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    Reviewed NLR | 11841

    i have all pov this is not rdm this is solar raid go and learn rules
  11. A

    Reviewed NLR | 11841

    all in pov
  12. A

    Approved GR 3.2 | 99903

    We kicked that guy from faimly i posted ad selling something this guy see my ad and abusing our faimly
  13. A

    Rejected Unban Appeal

    Hello Respected Admins !! I Posted My Unban Appeal already it is also got approved but till now I didn't get Unban So can u please Unban Me little bit fast . Thank U
  14. A

    Approved GR : 1.9 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    Hello Respected Admins ! Yesterday I Got Ban Because Of Gen 1.9 . Actually the situation is I was Trading My apartment with my friend . so I Trade My Apartment to my friend In 350k with His 60 Days Puma . I know the rule if I sell my house in 1000 that's the rule break so I sold my apart in...
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