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Search results

  1. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected RDM | ID: 113909 | 90706

    if i had killed you that RDM bro read it carefully. RDM: killing someone without any reason.
  2. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected RDM | ID: 113909 | 90706

    i didn't kill you.Check ur POV bro.
  3. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected vdm-rdm

    using OBS xd
  4. Bilal Vilya

    Approved FAİL RP 26900

    do u have POV ?
  5. Bilal Vilya

    Approved FAİL RP 26900

  6. Bilal Vilya

    Reviewed pov request / 125813

  7. Bilal Vilya

    Approved Fear Rp | 11611

  8. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected Bug Abusing | 90002

  9. Bilal Vilya

    Approved VDM | 49738

  10. Bilal Vilya

    Approved Application for Admin | Steve West

    + for Steve
  11. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected Car thief in GZ

    i was going to see how many hours my construction was going on, and i got in the car, and they started shooting, and as far as i know, that was the green zone.
  12. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected RDM 96384

    they started shooting with a roleless gun inside the city.
  13. Bilal Vilya

    Approved VDM 92101,103740

    We were doing construction with my friends and they started to vdm. They thought I was admin because they were children. When I said I was not an admin, they vdm to me.
  14. Bilal Vilya

    Approved RDM | ID:107

    William my friend I think u misunderstood me. My friend's computer did not crash. His game crashed.I told my friend about the incident. He said it would be okay if he was penalized. You can punish him from the combat log.
  15. Bilal Vilya

    Approved RDM | ID:107

    I was hanging out with my friend. It hit my car and pulled a gun. When I asked what the problem was, he pulled a gun again and started shooting.
  16. Bilal Vilya

    Rejected my friend is scammed. i have a video record.

    He does not make a sale for 1000 dollars because he takes a commission from the sale. He says he will give the money from the bank. When he sells the car for 1000 dollars, he runs away. He trusted the number 420. When he bought the car, he defrauded and fled. The place of sale was the parking...
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