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Search results

  1. Ryzex

    Approved Gen 3.1|ID 45001

    I am writing to report an incident of inappropriate behavior in the game. Another player made derogatory comments about my sexual orientation, which I believe violates general rule 3.1. While there may have been some mixing of In Character (IC) and Out of Character (OOC) interactions, and there...
  2. Ryzex

    Reviewed cheats | 55860

    hes playing with a shotgun bro
  3. Ryzex

    Reviewed cheats | 55860

    thats the normal hitbox
  4. Ryzex

    Rejected warn for GH1.3|Chanush movva

    Hello, I recently received a GH1.3 warning for accidentally stepping into a gang HQ due to a misclick. I'd like to clarify the situation. It was a genuine accident, and I had no IC reason to be there. I understand the importance of GH1.3 and would like to ensure I'm in compliance. Can I get...
  5. Ryzex

    Approved Ghetto Rules 1.5 and 1.12|ID 45239

    I was checking a house that was on the auction house when i saw this guy shooting from inside the HQ to outside and i was confused so went and ask them why there were shooting at them and the gave me 5 second and when i was about to leave he killed me
  6. Ryzex

    Approved Gen 6.2|112

    All In Pov
  7. Ryzex

    Rejected 1.8 |Fstoq_DeArcy

    It's clear that you had no intention to violate any rules, and your message explains the situation well. Sometimes these things happen unknowingly. I appreciate your honesty and your commitment to learning from this experience. Your sincerity shines through, and I hope the administrators will...
  8. Ryzex

    Rejected ban for bug abuse | Lahari Reddie

    I hope this post finds you well. I'm reaching out to address a recent ban that I received for unintentional bug abuse. I genuinely believe there has been a misunderstanding, and I would like to provide my perspective on the situation. During a recent gameplay session, I encountered an incident...
  9. Ryzex

    Rejected Ban for Gen 6.12 | Raymond_Bishop

    I have known my friend to be a respectful and considerate player within the community. Their interactions with EMS employees and other players have always been positive, and I find it hard to believe that they would engage in harassment or inappropriate behavior intentionally. The circumstances...
  10. Ryzex

    Rejected ban for 6.12 | Raymond_Bishop

    I have known my friend to be a respectful and considerate player within the community. Their interactions with EMS employees and other players have always been positive, and I find it hard to believe that they would engage in harassment or inappropriate behavior intentionally. The circumstances...
  11. Ryzex

    Approved 1.10|ID 39142

    All In Pov
  12. Ryzex

    Rejected Gen 6.2|ID 49694

    All in pov
  13. Ryzex

    Approved RDM I 14776 / 40866

    No reason? did you hear what id 45545 said.
  14. Ryzex

    Approved PowerGaming|ID 44688|ID 41696

    Bro go to your Setting Then display and then higher your brightness
  15. Ryzex

    Approved PowerGaming|ID 44688|ID 41696

    First Clip Second Clip
  16. Ryzex

    Approved PowerGaming|ID 44688|ID 41696

    All In Pov
  17. Ryzex

    Rejected PowerGaming

    All In Pov
  18. Ryzex

    Rejected I got Jailed for leaving the while being arrested.

    The time in game was 12:41!
  19. Ryzex

    Rejected I got Jailed for leaving the while being arrested.

    I was recently jailed for leaving the game while being arrested. I want to clarify that my exit from the game was not intentional but caused by a sudden game crash. I have always followed the rules and apologize for any inconvenience. I kindly request a review of my case.
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