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  1. ilhan muhvic

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Mazhor

    Hello Mr Mazhor I apologize, I got a perma ban for stealing weapons a month ago,and now I've got another ban and i dont know why there's no reason why because I didn't do anything this time. I think it's an error please can you help me, and on that same acaunt I got two Mercedes Vision Avatar...
  2. ilhan muhvic

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Mazhor

    Hello I would like to complain about the administration I was punished 2 times for one thing I admit I emptied the warehouses but I got one ticket and now I got another punishment as a ban after almost 1 month and nothing happened until I opened the money boxes and got 2 cars and it's 2 Mercedes...
  3. ilhan muhvic

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Mazhor

    and I got a perma ban the day after I got another car I think it's a little weird because and the weapons that they say I stole I didn't because my weapon turned out to be spawned while other gangs were killing me at events with the police I was punished and now I've been punished for the second...
  4. ilhan muhvic

    Reviewed Unban apeal Mazhor

    Hello I would like to complain about the administration I was punished 2 times for one thing I admit I emptied the warehouses but I got one ticket and now I got another punishment as a ban after almost 1 month and nothing happened until I opened the money boxes and got 2 cars and it's 2 Mercedes...
  5. ilhan muhvic

    IMPORTANT Aplikacije za Admina

    1. Vaše ime u RL: ilhan muhovic 2. Vaše godine: 28 3. Vremenska zona: (GMT+2) 4. Prosječna aktivnost na dan: 5-8 5. Vaš Diskord: ilhan muhovic #18385 6. Vaše Ingame ime: ilhan muhovic 7. Vaš ID: 18385 Dodatne Informacije 1. Zašto želite postati admin? Želim postati admin iz razloga što mi je...
  6. ilhan muhvic

    IMPORTANT Aplikacije za Admina

    1. Vaše ime u RL: ilhan muhovic 2. Vaše godine: 28 3. Vremenska zona: (GMT+2) 4. Prosječna aktivnost na dan: 5-8 5. Vaš Diskord: ilhan muhovic #18385 6. Vaše Ingame ime: ilhan muhovic 7. Vaš ID: 18385 Dodatne Informacije 1. Zašto želite postati admin? Želim postati admin iz razloga što mi je...
  7. ilhan muhvic

    IMPORTANT Aplikacije za Admina

    1. Vaše ime u RL: ilhan muhovic 2. Vaše godine: 28 3. Vremenska zona: (GMT+2) 4. Prosječna aktivnost na dan: 5-8 5. Vaš Diskord: ilhan muhovic #18385 6. Vaše Ingame ime: ilhan muhovic 7. Vaš ID: 18385 Dodatne Informacije 1. Zašto želite postati admin? Želim postati admin iz razloga što mi je...
  8. ilhan muhvic

    Approved Praznjenje skladista GP 6.3 | 18429, 18385

    Ne nije sve oruzje moglo biti vraceno jer su imale akcije i orizje je ispadalo tokom akcija pritom su nas zeleni napadali i bili smo na bankomate ljudi su nas ubijali skoro svaih 20 min
  9. ilhan muhvic

    Approved Praznjenje skladista GP 6.3 | 18429, 18385

    pa ne moze se sve vratiti sto uzmemo iz skladista nekad imamo akcije i ne mozemo sve vratiti jer nas ubiju a za drugi acc ne igram ja vec moj brat ii pitao sam da li mogu da ga zaposle jer je twinke acc i vise sile i veci cinovi lspd-a su mi dogovorili da to nije problem i dodali su me u...
  10. ilhan muhvic

    IMPORTANT Aplikacije za Admina

    1.Vaše ime u RL: Ilhan 2. Vaše godine: 26 3. Vremenska zona: GMT +1 4. Prosječna aktivnostna dan: 8-15h sati 5. Vaš Diskord: ilhan_muhovic#9915 6. Vaše Ingame ime: ilhan muhovic 7. Vaš ID: 18385 Dodatne Informacije 1. Zašto želite postati admin? -Ima dosta igraca na serveru, i ocigledno je da...
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