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  1. M

    Approved Shooting after raid I Python Family I

    also same guy shoot me too...
  2. M

    Approved Mentioning parents I 55429

    i think you write them to wrong thread Vick. Couse its not scam and video already 1 min long.
  3. M

    Approved Mentioning parents I 55429

    As you can hear at 00:57, he said "orospu çocuğu". Thats mean in turkish "son of a bitch" . thats it. https://prnt.sc/-eUDNvaFYjxc
  4. M

    Reviewed FailRP PowerGaming from LSPD HC I 70880

    sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . FeelsBadMan 8M 😭
  5. M

    Rejected RDM I 7036

    im not in any rp and im chillin with my friends. so?
  6. M

    Rejected RDM I 7036

  7. M

    Rejected Multiple Rule Breaks | 36277 - 82160 - 82921

    https://prnt.sc/26oxc1q Before you join the gang, learn all rules. Rofl
  8. M

    Rejected Multiple Rule Breaks | 36277 - 82160 - 82921

    first u are on discord. LOL. After that you can see in my pov idk vdm guy. After that when your friend run away (While he not pointing me a gun ) you said in your POV drop your as riffle and riffle ammunation. Also its graff time and we are front of the graff. ofcourse gangs will come. as you...
  9. M

    Rejected Multiple Rule Breaks | 36277 - 82160 - 82921

    you accept other things, right?
  10. M

    Rejected Multiple Rule Breaks | 36277 - 82160 - 82921

    First of all i have OOC family issues and i need to cut off the sound first minutes of video. As you can see in the video, Thet spraying graffity with their personal car. after that they bring their gang car and they start to rob me. But when you look at 04:40, you can see 36277 not pointing me...
  11. M

    Rejected Bug Abuse | JROKEZ

    First of all, my family is the family that tries to teach the rules best to its members. The issue called bug abuse is completely a bug caused by mapping. The location in the subject is the drug lab that the West family always chooses. A visual problem on the map cannot be attributed to the...
  12. M

    Rejected GR 6.15 I 87367,105569,89744

    also they are not jrokez fam mambers xD
  13. M

    Rejected GR 6.15 I 87367,105569,89744

    this is not jrokes fam house xD
  14. M

    Reviewed Multiple breaking rules I 99222 - 91516 - 86666 - 81794 - 100567 - 99029

    First of all, with the excitement of that moment, I did not understand that the family in front of me was our brother family, the Brotherhood. Since they are our friendly family, they contacted us and we identified the problems and those who created the problems and punished them mutually...
  15. M

    Reviewed Multiple breaking rules I 99222 - 91516 - 86666 - 81794 - 100567 - 99029

    are you calling dummies and u saying amatours just 1 guys fault? also 1- There is no Car Ram and RDM at the beginning of the video because you didn't stop so we had to stop you. 4- "Call the gods" is not MetaGaming because gods are used instead of admins.
  16. M

    Reviewed Multiple breaking rules I 99222 - 91516 - 86666 - 81794 - 100567 - 99029

    meta gaming - VDM - swearing - FL The time when we stop two gentelmans and we try to rob them. After we revive them, they didnt accept any order. They were not droping their any illegal items. they waste of our times and they called their friends while they didnt use their radio. also at the...
  17. M

    Reviewed Admin Attention

    * (Viewed - event bug ) = Screenshot
  18. M

    Reviewed Admin Attention

    - phvc4am.png - 1siuzfz.png - - Screenshot First of all, we killed all players in area. after we wait like 20 min but nobody coming.after we called admin and SCARLET PLUXURY came and check all area and she said "nobody in there you can go out its bugged" ( phvc4am.png ) and we go outside. But...
  19. M

    Approved RDM - VDM | 49738

    what did i do to deserve it you idiot. try to learn game..
  20. M

    Approved RDM - VDM | 49738

    coming with vdm and hit me
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