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Search results

  1. Lidor Solomon

    Approved Mass Rule Break | Bloodlines family

    Bloodline family came to my family house to raid our solar panels, after we killed all of them we start robing them. 1. ID - 345685, We start to rob him and he CL. 2. ID - 336062, Fear RP and not listening to our demands. 3. ID - 336062, came back after he die. Die in 15:05 and came back in...
  2. Lidor Solomon

    Approved RDM | 6996 , 25121

    everything in POV.
  3. Lidor Solomon

    Approved Fail RP | 330209

    You can see in the POV 330209 come to me take the money and didnt say anything.
  4. Lidor Solomon

    Reviewed RDM + GR 6.15 | 180555, 340022, 339322, 340564, 340270

    This people dont know the rules come here everytime and kill me and my family. You can't even do RP situations with them, they only speak Turkish and don't understand English...
  5. Lidor Solomon

    Reviewed POV Request | 150669

    I want to see how you kill me.
  6. Lidor Solomon

    Reviewed POV Request | 326653

    I want to see how you got on the roof.
  7. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected Yokai Inc. | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Yokai Inc. Family Owner: Lidor Solomon | 45885 Family House Number: 38 Family Founder Discord: sm95om Family Owner Forum Username: lidor Solomon Family Logo: Family Clothes: Family Story: The Yakuza Crime Family emerged from the shadows of Los Santos City like a dark specter...
  8. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected GR 6.15 | ID 332956

    You going inside his house what UB demand?
  9. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected rdm - 332956

    Send full pov of the situation not the last 30 seconds
  10. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected GR 6.21 ID: 168778,32483,45885,35375,78201

    If its armored vehicle you can tell me how I die in this video?
  11. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected Fail RP | 35690

    You can see this man in the video, doing search on me without any reason.
  12. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected Close Application

  13. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected CLOSE THE FORUM

    We checked it, and the vehicle is not armored.
  14. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected Fail RP | 45885

    I go with my friends to take the debt from him, we tried to kill him (in ghetto) but he got out of the ghetto and I drove after him, I waited for my friends and then he got out of the car I told him that I was taking his debt, you can see everything in the video.
  15. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Alex Odd

    He was just trying to help someone sell gc so he could sell him his LV pants, he wasn't trying to scam you can see all the proofs.
  16. Lidor Solomon

    Reviewed POV Request | 234234

    don't know how its happened but ok, you can close the thread.
  17. Lidor Solomon

    Reviewed POV Request | 234234

    I want to see how he killed me.
  18. Lidor Solomon

    Rejected POV Request | 161145

    I want to see how he killed me.
  19. Lidor Solomon

    Approved POV Request | 273072

    You can just send the pov.
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