Meine ID: 15050
ID des Verdächtigen: 35110
Situation: War afk in meinen auto wurde dann von einen cop angeschossen und raus getazert wurde dan festgenommen er hat mich dan an der hand und ist mir mir gelaufen und hat geschossen wo er mich an der Hand hate
Hello dear admins, I hope you are all doing well.
on 2024-04-06 I get banned from Illegal redux because of my minimap.
Then I made an application for final banning and it was accepted and was blocked because I allegedly recorded with obs. Although I always record with medal or Geforce, I still...
Hello dear admins, I hope you are all doing well.
Yesterday I was banned from Illegal redux because of my minimap.
Then I made an application for final banning and it was accepted and was blocked because I allegedly recorded with obs. Although I always record with medal or Geforce, I still had...
Hello dear admins, I hope you are all doing well.
Yesterday I was banned from Illegal redux because of my minimap.
Then I made an application for final banning and it was accepted and was blocked because I allegedly recorded with obs. Although I always record with Gamebar or Geforce, I still had...
Good Day,
I would like to appeal my ban for "GEN 4.1 (Illegal redux)".
I didn't know this redux was illegal on this server, because I always used it to play on different GrandRP Servers like my main Server DE03. I am very sorry for using a illegal redux, I already changed my Redux to a fully...
Deine ID 15050
Der Name des Admins welcher dich Sanktioniert hat Richard Black
Welche Sanktion hast du bekommen, wie hoch war das Strafmaß? GZ 1.3 warn
Proof in form von Videomaterial oder Bildern: Approved - GZ Flucht
Wie ist die Situation zustande gekommen und was ist Passiert: Ich wurde heute...
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