All in POV using my ID which you can infer "You know what I mean by passport numbers" and he used this info to arrest me and I have more POV of him admitting to MG me.
Pulling me from the other side in what world can you do that?
And as you can see in the second POV no RP commands of grabbing my jumpsuit or anything
Fail rp how much he rule breaking
Only one getting punished is 22809 lol also this should be complete fail rp in no world do cops get out of a car and surround a man UNARMDED (Visually at the time) with guns
I talked to Jonathan and he said frosty knew it wasn’t directed at him or he’s ok with it I can appeal again and maybe get approved
(Posted by frosty)
Anyways have a nice day
Honestly if it doesn't I dont really care, I asked for his permission and everything I can get him to post it if you would like. But I'm not gonna be acting like a IC character and not using all and any evidence.
Number 1 I have screenshots of me getting OOC insulted by multiple others
Number 2 why is greedy saying it took a whisper then only I got banned?
Number 3 this was happening for 30 minutes and no admins stopped the situation (Not disrespecting or putting any blame on admins I understand my...
I am very mad and understand while making this I was very disrespectful but I am sorry if I am being a bit disrespectful. But still please punish the other people if the admin didn't join late. Also this was a 30 minute club chat of us just insulting each other and I was the only one getting...
How did I insult the administration? Give me the right ban Please, also your not gonna punish the other people insulting me calling me a kid or anything honestly couldn't give a fuck but ban me for right thing. Maybe I indirectly insulted them eh. Also all the times I insulted anyone that wasn't...
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