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  1. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected MG ID 18669

    as your trying to justify that my guy was metagaming even though he's in our gang and so was you before you got annoying... Obviously he would know your fit and voice...
  2. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected MG ID 18669

    Voice + Your clothes = Dead giveaway...
  3. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected Demorgan and warning appeal/32965

    Tay Gucci who even are you, you quote your pals with Lance none of us even know you maybe your friends with Simon personally I don't care. You was rude to me so I demanded you leave you then said no and insulted me... This forum report needs to be closed this guy is just stating irrelevant shit...
  4. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected MG ID 18669

    and number four you haven't changed your clothes in 3 weeks.
  5. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected MG ID 18669

    1. Metagaming in a discord call with your family. 2. Mixing by stating rules in a RP situation. 3. Your voice is very recognisable.
  6. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected Demorgan and warning appeal/32965

    If you was polite and announced yourself as friends with Simon whos a lower rank then me btw. I wouldve allowed you but just like cupido youve got an ego.
  7. Bosnic Johnson

    Rejected Demorgan and warning appeal/32965

    I'm deputy in bloods if i request you leave, you leave and don't be rude to me why would I lowe someone in my hq to be rude to me and stay there and point a gun at me and proceed to shoot me also you did NLR which if you get this appealed which you wont will be a warn in itself. Cupido is only...
  8. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved Ghetto rule 1.6, NLR | 32965

    I was just chilling round my HQ then tay gucci comes over i presumed to ask him what he was doing then told him to leave the hq as he told me to fuck off gave him a countdown then killed him he then fired back (with full intention to kill me) as he saw i got a gun at of WH. When i killed him he...
  9. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved RDM In City | 48270, 67780

    guns pointed at you and you dont fear your life at all ? just reported yourself for failrp
  10. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved FailRP / Metagaming | Abbas Shah

    i saw yours it just makes us look bad in a deputy in my gang and for them to see my get demorganed its just a bad impression on myself and makes me look like a mug
  11. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved FailRP / Metagaming | Abbas Shah

    I'm unjailed I would've happily taken the demorgan and mute however I want a repercussion to happen directly to you as your making false allegations towards me and its not fair this is now on my record that I metagame and fearrp which is wrong... This is now something that effects me for no reason.
  12. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved FailRP / Metagaming | Abbas Shah

    hold on a sec where was the metagaming ?
  13. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved FailRP / Metagaming | Abbas Shah

    I cant even call it a mistake a mistake is doing something 1 time on accident, doing it multiple time makes it look more like its intentional...
  14. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved FailRP / Metagaming | Abbas Shah

    this is also not the first and wont be the last time hes got things wrong without asking for context. Relate yourself to thread 10613
  15. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved FailRP / Metagaming | Abbas Shah

    Abbas decided to give me a mute for metagaming (calling for backup) which in the video evidence you can see this isn't true. Abbas also decided to put me in demorgan for failrp when I came to Vagos to speak to ink to let him know there was a black market raid about to happen as I got information...
  16. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved Disrespecting EMS | ID: 2233

    2233 is a weirdo for that
  17. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved Mass Provoking / FailRP | 28844, 31567, 34132

    I was in my HQ when these guys come in and start heavy provoking bloods even some of them were LEOS so if that's true they shouldn't even have there job, as it classes as being corrupt without a bio coming to bloods asking to join etc. The video evidence explains the majority of shit as they're...
  18. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved Ghetto Rules 1.7 | 724, 44577

    Theres bodycam bro wtf
  19. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved Ghetto Rules 1.7 | 724, 44577

    you shot from my HQ to vagos to get an unfair advantage
  20. Bosnic Johnson

    Approved Ghetto Rules 1.7 | 724, 44577

    dekuthoven who are you ?
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