Upon reviewing the evidence ive decided to Accept the report
ID 3991 will receive a punishment for Event Rule 1.7
You did not provide POV in the time given you gave another POV
Upon reviewing the report i still cannot conclude the report at this time
Requesting POV from 75718 to see if he damaged the player
You have 6 hours to respond
Upon reviewing the evidence i cannot conclude the report at this time
Requesting POV of 71771 from the start of the event
You have 6 hours to provide POV
Upon reviewing the evidence i have decided to Accept the report
ID 71254 will receive a punishment for CL
ID 10574 will receive a punishment for CL
ID 62221 will receive a punishment for CL
ID 22606 will receive a punishment for Non RP driving and VDM
ID 13313 will receive a punishment for...
Upon reviewing the evidence i have decided to Accept the report ID 36804 will receive a punishment for GZ 1.1 and CL
It is forbidden to leave the RP situation by refusing to continue the RP situation, not accepting / refusing first aid, leaving the game, AFK or entering in an interior and etc...
Upon reviewing the evidence i have decided to Accept the report
ID 73969 will be punished for Event Rule 1.7
All participants of all events under all spheres must record POV and hold it within 48 hours
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