He is doing reckless driving and crashing the car into my car and he is not listening my demands so I shoot him while my teammate patching the suspect he leave the city
He is doing reckless driving and crashing the car into my car and he is not listening my demands so I shoot him while my teammate patching the suspect he leave the city
I dont know my friend 5 id of forum was rejected he says me to post the complaint my friend id was ban due to gen rule 1.9 please forgive me friend he has to play game with me and other friends even if his money wiped unban his id please give his second chance
Dear Admin
I'm new in LSPD and also in the city. I wasn't aware about the event rule and that's why I got banned. It was a mistake. Please forgive me . I'll don't do this next time . Give me a chance please give me second chance.
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