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  1. Darius Predator

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Definite Khan

    Admin punished me with expired proof. Proof was posted after two days and he still punished me. (Thread was created 2/6/22 and the recordings supplied was 2/1/22).
  2. Darius Predator

    Rejected Ban Appeal | William Miller

    I also think William knows it's not a rule because someone that was banned for mentioning my parents got a specific rule called out for his punishment. I did not. I simply got "racism" and nothing else. I understand if you don't want this on your server but how can I know if its not in the rules????
  3. Darius Predator

    Rejected Ban Appeal | William Miller

    I've read every rule listed here on the forums and not one rule mentions racism in IC chat (Other than N word which was not used in my case). How am I suppose to know racism by calling someone a "black person" when my character is also black is not allowed? Its IC chat. I go based off what my...
  4. Darius Predator

    Approved Mentioning Parents | 2014

    Stay pressed
  5. Darius Predator

    Reviewed Racism. ID 10481

    No one in this video is bloods lmao
  6. Darius Predator

    Approved Mentioning Parents | 2014

    I must mean something to you for you to cry to my boy in dms about some shit I said IC bro. Cry more
  7. Darius Predator

    Approved Mentioning Parents | 2014

    Obviously you arent in on the meme behind the last name.
  8. Darius Predator

    Reviewed Racism. ID 10481

    I am roleplaying. Sorry bro. Everything is IC in voip. Learn to have IC/OOC feelings
  9. Darius Predator

    Approved Mentioning Parents | 2014

    He made me really upset by mentioning my mom online. I cannot take the dirty words he said to me.
  10. Darius Predator

    Reviewed Racism. ID 10481

    Doesnt say anything about that in the rules. Sad life
  11. Darius Predator

    Reviewed Racism. ID 10481

    Nothing I said was against the rules. No n word was said
  12. Darius Predator

    Approved RDM | 66107

    This man killed me for no reason! He is a dirty rule breaker. Please punish him!
  13. Darius Predator

    Rejected 2238 | Combat Logging

    Yes yes. Happens all the time.
  14. Darius Predator

    Rejected 2238 | Combat Logging

    This dirty combat logger! Please look into and punish as you see fit.
  15. Darius Predator

    Rejected RDM | Stranger ID :112497+68488

    You pulled out a gun and gave them demands to leave. How is them retaliating to that RDM?
  16. Darius Predator

    Approved FRP Trolling Bug Abuse | 46740

    Why you metagaming in this clip!
  17. Darius Predator

    Reviewed VDM NLR CR CL | 10481

    I believe this is where I crashed. I crashed at 9:01 my time. (2:01 server time)
  18. Darius Predator

    Reviewed VDM NLR CR CL | 10481

    Well. Should I point a few things out. 1. You did not do any RP for picking up your friend (Seen here: ) 2. You guys are ONLY speaking over discord and not utilizing in game radio (metagaming) 3. You also CR us moments before. Funny how you did not include this. Here is a clip of that. Car Ramming
  19. Darius Predator

    Reviewed VDM NLR CR CL | 10481

    Why you guys metagaming
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