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  1. Darius Predator

    Approved Speaking while Unconscious | ID 7627

    After killing ID 7627 he continues to speak over the radio informing his org members that he was killed. This not only broke my immersion but also affects his own org members hearing from an unconscious man. He is a low enough ID to know better.
  2. Darius Predator

    Approved PG (Healing with weapon out) | ID 12555

    During street fights between Families, Saudis, and other orgs. I witnessed ID 12555 heal my family member with a weapon in his hand.
  3. Darius Predator

    Approved Combat Logging | IDs 45216 & 45919

    After killing 45216 & 45919 they both decide to combat log to prevent themselves from getting robbed by my family and I.
  4. Darius Predator

    Approved Combat Logging | ID 18814

    After killing 18814 and trying to revive him multiple times he combat logged. In the POV I provide where I kill him and where he logs out.
  5. Darius Predator

    Rejected Blatant Health Hacking | ID 10481

    I actually have POV of this because I heard you were crying about this. This obviously a case of heavy desync with the server. This is my POV. https://streamable.com/cw0a4k
  6. Darius Predator

    Rejected 6.17 General Rules. Mercy Kill | ID: 10481

    its a still image what are you talking about
  7. Darius Predator

    Rejected 6.17 General Rules. Mercy Kill | ID: 10481

    Who did I exactly mercy kill? I dont see anything in your POV
  8. Darius Predator

    Approved PowerGaming | ID 1836

    nothing past where you were killed has to do with you powergaming, Im confused.
  9. Darius Predator

    Approved PowerGaming | ID 1836

    Not sure what you're talking about. This is a powergaming report make your own report if you believe I was mercy killed.
  10. Darius Predator

    Approved PowerGaming | ID 1836

    just because you think you release me doesnt mean anything. You need to actually release me
  11. Darius Predator

    Approved PowerGaming | ID 1836

    ID 1836 was attempting to make an arrest on me and when my family member makes an attempt to save me he runs, rolls, and pulls out an LMG while still dragging me. This is an obvious breach of power gaming and performing unrealistic actions.
  12. Darius Predator

    Rejected ID 10481 / Fail RP quit game while being processed in DOC.

    I’ve already head off my pc for the night so I don’t have the full POV from start to finish (starting at ghetto and what not) but I do have where I am talking to him and my game freezes. Desktop 2021.06.30 -
  13. Darius Predator

    Rejected ID 10481 / Fail RP quit game while being processed in DOC.

    Hello. Two things. One, the person posting this is not the user in the footage. He is making the report for him. As seen on his twitch (Twitch). My game actually crashes here. I've clipped the part where I crash. When I crash I wasn't even let go yet I was still arguing about how he was power...
  14. Darius Predator

    IMPORTANT Applications for Leaders

    1. Your name IRL: Donald 2. Your age: 21 3. Time zone: UTC 4. Average online per day: 8+ 5. Your Discord: Donald#0001 6. Your Nickname: Darius Opium 7. Your ID: 10481 Additional information 1. Leader of Bloods 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? Firstly, I have a...
  15. Darius Predator

    Approved 6.9 Forbidden to loot in the gunfight | 27388

    Literal 4 man teams have been wiping your 20+ people out on ground level. I don’t know how you can say you shit on us. I literally have a hour of footage of 4 of us shitting on you then you guys coming back and dying again over and over.
  16. Darius Predator

    Approved Insulting | ID 36778

    Probably should take a break from the forums if that is offending you my man….
  17. Darius Predator

    Reviewed DM in green zone | 27388

    Not really sure where you're getting this from. "man" typically refers to mankind. Meaning both genders. Please stop trying to twist my words!
  18. Darius Predator

    Reviewed DM in green zone | 27388

    You need to chillout acting all offended all the time my man. It's the internet just need to relax a little and ejoy the game.
  19. Darius Predator

    Approved DM in Green Zone | ID 3180

    No one was being racist. We are literally black people using the term monkey. Monkey is a term to call someone stupid not any other way. Stop reaching.
  20. Darius Predator

    Approved DM in Green Zone | ID 3180

    Even in your own POV you weren't even flying in the direction we were until we rendered in for you. You weren't chasing us at all until we were already descending into the gas station. That isn't a chase
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